Maharba the Mystic
Smash Master
why was it so intense you ask? you i don't think you who you are dealing with.... let me show you who you are dealing with, what did you train on? How was it so intense?
lol jkin at ya buddy. it was so intense just because of how close a lot those matches were. we were both using our secondaries all day as well as pit to mix things up and all of our matches were hella awesome! i mean i was playing esca so there were several matches at random where he just go ****ing insane with his predictions and read his way to a 2 stock (and a 3 stock once or twice). then i'd do something crazy cool to end the next match (got this seeexxxy spike through PS1's edge lip with marth in one match for example).
and our pittos...... well guys just think about that one. esca, lord of pit's metagame vs Mystic... i actually don't have a title in mind for myself but if anything i would call myself... idk what ill call myself. this does however give me an idea for something to put in able's thread in a minute.
all in all it was crazy *** brawl session and that's all there is too it. i keep getting better the more i play high level players like esca and the guys at whobo3 (logic specifically for training. that dude is the man). if able could get unbanned i would say i've progressed to A-tierdom with pit now.