Fully agreed. Thus, we should be grateful that we had a critical flaw addressed but not get TOO enthusiastic about the buffs like the community apparently did back in 1.10. There's still plenty of stuff in Kirby's kit that could be substantially improved. Namely, his aerials, Final Cutter, and Down B.
I could just be paranoid, but I feel like the moment you start getting too content with a character's current state, the lower they tend to drop on the dev team's Buff List. This is also why I am hoping the few Kirby's that exist in Japan don't get TOO much more successful. I noticed several characters that could definitely use some improvements like




, and

are getting zip, likely because of the success some Japanese players are finding or top players over there placing them in higher regard than the west.
I mean look at Abadango's 1.1.2 list of relevancy:
While some may have been upset by Kirby's lack of presence in Japan, I always saw Japanese competitive players like Abadango and Rain not seeing his merits as a bit of a blessing in disguise because Kirby not having much success in both the West AND East gave him a better chance of getting buffed. Of course that doesn't guarentee anything if

is anything to go by but it definitely improves your chances.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for having the community view Kirby in better light but I'd rather have my main be underrated and get more buffs than overrated and left with nothing, if you know what I mean.