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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
3DS games also naturally take up less space than Wii games anyway since they're on cartridges, as opposed to discs.

Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
I don't mean to kill you, I just think people should prepare themselves for disappointment, that's all.

Though considering we're all Smash fans, I don't think I should have to say it. :shyguy:
Very true, being a Banjo supporter since 64 really leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Something that should have been done but won't ever happen.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
Anyone volunteer to knock me the **** out? Just wake me up in like, 3 days. I am not a patient person.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
My first attempt at K. Rool fanart. (I drew it as a doodle, so don't be too harsh please. :p)




Smash Apprentice
Jun 6, 2014
So if K. Rool were to be revealed as a newcomer, what would you guys like to see as the cinematic trailer? I'm personally thinking of something like:

DK and Diddy are in their treehouse hanging out, life seems good, BOOM a large explosion is heard and their treehouse is split into a million pieces. They quickly recover from the blast to see an entire fleet of ships landing on the beach nearby. They rush to confront it and then a green foot appears on screen. The camera zooms up anddddddddd KING K. ROOL BLASTS IN! He proceeds to manically laugh while holding his blunderbuss. Then it shows gameplay of the King, mostly of him wrecking DK and Diddy.

Dunno, something like this would make all my hopes and dreams come true


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
So if K. Rool were to be revealed as a newcomer, what would you guys like to see as the cinematic trailer? I'm personally thinking of something like:

DK and Diddy are in their treehouse hanging out, life seems good, BOOM a large explosion is heard and their treehouse is split into a million pieces. They quickly recover from the blast to see an entire fleet of ships landing on the beach nearby. They rush to confront it and then a green foot appears on screen. The camera zooms up anddddddddd KING K. ROOL BLASTS IN! He proceeds to manically laugh while holding his blunderbuss. Then it shows gameplay of the King, mostly of him wrecking DK and Diddy.

Dunno, something like this would make all my hopes and dreams come true
My theory?

1.) Gets to the end of the video where the brief credits shows up and lists some details about the game.
2.) Donkey and Diddy walk onto the screen and perform their "bonus stage won" animations from the original DKC.
3.) Krown flies onto the screen and hits Diddy and he runs away.
4.) Donkey does his eyes freak out as a spiked canonball blasts him away.
5.) The original DKC gameover screen rolls out and says "Donkey Kong Kountry".
6.) A cannonball shoots through the screen and K. Rool's head peeks out.
7.) "K. Rool Blasts the Competition!"
8.) Cue K. Rool's gameplay trailer.


Smash Ace
Apr 16, 2014
Another idea for KKR trailer
1) We see DK and Diddy eating with Mario and Luigi in DK's island, they see that a bunch of boats filler with Tikis and Snowmads, leaded by Tiki Tong and Lord Fredik, Mario and Luigi goes to fight them, before DK and Diddy goes they see a photo (the photo is not shown) while being upset, they eventually goes to fight the tikis and snowmads
2) Snowmads and Tikis fights them
3) Dk and the rest are defeated by Fredik and Tiki Tong
4) Those two suddenly notice a giant mechainical island moving at the distance
5) Flying ships starts appearing on the sky all of them are crocodile shaped
6) Kremlings starts falling from the sky, when they land they start beating the crap outta the snowmads and Tikkis
7) Tiki Tong and Lord Fredik starts attacking the superior crocodile army until the talking microphone from DK64 appears
8) The microphone says, "Returning from his tropical vacations, he will make you freeze of fear, here we have the king of kremlings, King K Rool" Lord Fredik and Tiki Tong are then hitted by a cannonball rain, KKR appears "King K Rool krushes the kompetition"
9) DK and Diddy Kong run towards KKR in joy, KKR does the same but when they close each other, they start fighting each other
10) Gameplay trailer
11) Tiki Tong and Fredik are shown crying by the scene, they give the Kremlings the keys for volcano lair (let's remember that all the final bosses of the new DK games normally stays in the volcano lair) and leave
12) Mario and Luigi are seen in the treehouse watching the scene, Luigi suddenly notices the photo from before and he and Mario see it, it is a photo of KKR along with DK and Diddy
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Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
K. Rool's reveal trailer should be as deceptive and maniacal as he is.

Let's have Mario (because he has to be in every reveal trailer) fighting Bowser in the pyrosphere. In the midst of their duel, a shadow envelopes the stage. The two combatants look up in terror as K. Rool descends upon them. Mario has to jump out of the way to avoid being krushed by K. Rool's girth, and the two reptilian kings engage in a staredown. K. Rool removes his krown and bows to Bowser, and as the Koopa King averts his gaze to Mario, he gets smacked in the side of the kranium with the aforementioned krown. K. Rool then points his blunderbuss at the camera and fires a kannonball.

K. Rool krashes in.
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Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2014
Tampa, Florida
I think K. Rool's intro should be a little more subtle.

The initial E3 trailers are over. Only a single announced newcomer, someone expected like Chrom or Palutena. They start a new trend, listing off the people that worked on the trailers and people related to marketing. After the first handful of names scroll by, suddenly, C's are replaced with K's. Halfway through the 'kredits', suddenly, Hades bursts through the background, looking down at the people watching the trailer.

"Did you think that was all that you were going to get?" Hades laughs, grinning as he pushes the camera back violently, showing off Ridley and K. Rool in the background as the camera recovers and centers itself gradually, stepping back to join them. K. Rool has his blunderbuss aimed right at the audience. He looks left at K. Rool, and right at Ridley, before looking back at the audience, a devilish grin on his face.

"I hope you're prepared for August," Hades smirks. "Ta-ta!"

All three villains fire a projectile at the camera, and everything goes black.

Smash Brothers 3DS Release Date:
August 10th, 2014

Of course, the actual legitimate trailers are to be played later on during E3, but it's a taste of things to come!
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
I think K. Rool's intro should be a little more subtle.

The initial E3 trailers are over. Only a single announced newcomer, someone expected like Chrom or Palutena. They start a new trend, listing off the people that worked on the trailers and people related to marketing. After the first handful of names scroll by, suddenly, C's are replaced with K's. Halfway through the 'kredits', suddenly, Hades bursts through the background, looking down at the people watching the trailer.

"Did you think that was all that you were going to get?" Hades laughs, grinning as he pushes the camera back violently, showing off Ridley and K. Rool in the background as the camera recovers and centers itself gradually, stepping back to join them. K. Rool has his blunderbuss aimed right at the audience. He looks left at K. Rool, and right at Ridley, before looking back at the audience, a devilish grin on his face.

"I hope you're prepared for August," Hades smirks. "Ta-ta!"

All three villains fire a projectile at the camera, and everything goes black.

Smash Brothers 3DS Release Date:
August 10th, 2014
Damn, this is awesome. I'd almost be disappointed if this isn't what happens at E3, especially since I can imagine Sakurai actually doing this.
Basically, if King K Rool is announced at E3 his trailer will have something to do with kredits. I know that much.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
how u no dis??? Are you Sakurai's cat's best friend's veterinarian... twice removed?
Ok, so it's not a certainty, but if it does happen it'd be pretty goddamn awesome since it'll not only be a gigantic fake-out but also be a reference to his past. If it doesn't happen it'll just simply be a gigantic missed opportunity.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
Ok, so it's not a certainty, but if it does happen it'd be pretty goddamn awesome since it'll not only be a gigantic fake-out but also be a reference to his past. If it doesn't happen it'll just simply be a gigantic missed opportunity.
It's just too good to be true.

Kind Dedede

Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2007
Yale, Michigan
I would like his reveal to be simple yet kunning. Have Nintendo do their whole presentation and at the end of it have the presenter say "thanks for watching, enjoy the 'kredits.'" As mentioned before, replace the C's with K's slowly but surely until its entirely featuring Kremling staff involvement. We don't get to see him in action (yet), just letting it end with his laughter and a message reading "Kan't wait for the Kompetition." They'll reveal his actual fighting on the floor much like WFT, just letting him have the last hype wave get to everybody who has ever played the DKC series.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Heh, I think I've got a better K. Rool intro text, "K. Rool Krushes Kompetition." :D


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with League of Legends, but there's a playable champion named Renekton (who is based off the Egyptian god Sobek).

I listen to Crocodile Cacophony when I play him.

And now I get why King K. Rool had a Pharaoh costume in Sluggers... it was referencing Sobek.

God I love epiphanies.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2014
wherever I feel like
I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with League of Legends, but there's a playable champion named Renekton (who is based off the Egyptian god Sobek).

I listen to Crocodile Cacophony when I play him.

And now I get why King K. Rool had a Pharaoh costume in Sluggers... it was referencing Sobek.

God I love epiphanies.
Uh, hold on. King K Rool's Pharoah costume isn't based off Renekton, it's based off the Egyptian god Sobek who came long long long LONG before either character. You even mentioned him yourself!
um hahaha yeah good point you have there please delete this post
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Uh, hold on. King K Rool's Pharoah costume isn't based off Renekton, it's based off the Egyptian god Sobek who came long long long LONG before either character. You even mentioned him yourself!
I think you missed this part at the end of his post:

I listen to Crocodile Cacophony when I play him.

And now I get why King K. Rool had a Pharaoh costume in Sluggers... it was referencing Sobek.

God I love epiphanies.
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2013
It would start out without the Smash Bros logo in the beginning.

It would start underwater on the sea floor; you can see various enemies and characters from different games as the camera slowly pans up through the water. The enemies would be (just some that I think would be cool): Kyogre (you could see the red markings glow in the blackness in the distance), Goldeen, Staryu, Cheep Cheeps, Bloopers, Urchins, Blippers, Skulteras, Ankos, Shell Blades, Octoroks, and maybe a stream of air bubbles from Sonic (? Thought it might be a cool reference). Once the camera gets above the water, we see that the surface of the water looks like Wind Water style water as The Great Sea theme starts playing. We then see Toon Link sailing a Pirate Ship (the Brawl stage one).The camera swings over to DK and Diddy in the crows nest. DK is holding on to the mast one handed looking off into the distance while Diddy is eating a banana, playing on DK's shoulder. Then the camera swings down to Greninja, standing in the same position as he was in his trailer, on the back end of the ship; facing the water with it's eyes closed. We head back to DK looking at a black fog sitting on the water. Then suddenly, a bunch of tiny spaceships swarm out of it into the sky. Two Arwings blast through the swarm, firing lasers all over the place. The Area 6 arrangement from the Smash Direct starts playing. Zoom in on Fox piloting one of the Arwings.

Fox: "Watch your six!"
Zoom in on the other Arwing:

"Yeah, I got it"
Falco Soars In

They start Barrell Rolling and they fire two simultaneous Smart Bombs, wiping out the swarm. The camera then pans over to a large black silhouette on a different ship. You can see the whole previous scene unfolding in the distance. Something very crocodile like in shape rolls over what appears to be a small cannon as the large silhouette laughs a very crazy, maniacal sounding laugh. The cannon is fired and the camera follows the cannonball until right before it hits the Arwings where it quickly zooms out *cut music*. Fox and Falco quickly eject in the brink of time. A huge explosion is seen, smashing and rocking the water and rattling the two ships. The two spacies land on the ship. Everyone (except for Greninja who we quickly get a close up of) looks towards the ships direction. The cloud of dark smoke is starting to quickly grow closer and surrounding our ship. Wooden planks suddenly start slamming down onto the ship. Suddenly, Kremlings, green, red, and blue, some wielding swords, jump on. DK gives a bit of a laugh while Diddy tosses his peel on the deck (which gets a slow zoom for a second or two). Then the montage: *cue Jungle Japes music*

DK uses his side special to slam a Kremling into the deck, and as it tries to poke it's head up and reach out, DK grabs another and uses his down throw, slamming one Kremling into the other.

Diddy swings a few strong punches, and then uses his side special to grapple onto a Kremling who he manages to repeatedly punch, causing it to become dizzy.

Toon Link throws a boomerang off screen in one direction. Then does his rolling strike from Wind Waker on a sword-wielding Kremling. We get a close up of Toon Link as he smiles as if to say "Oh" and bends down to pick up a Rupee. While he does this, he is unaware of his boomerang coming back and hitting another Kremling sneaking up on him, knocking the boomerang down onto the deck and the Kremling falling over.

The spacies share a gameplay segment where they are both attacking Kremlings (who let's say will appear as stage hazards on K. Rool's stage). This showcases both the gameplay speed and hitstun very well as the two spacies are doing very quick, Melee/PM like combos (only way I could think of describing it); and also Falco's new move set and how different it is from that of Fox this time around. Ends off with a CG of Falco throwing a Kremling up off the side of the ship, with both spacies unloading it with layers while it's airborne.

Greninja is still standing there, silent and unnoticed.

Then a huge plank lands in the front of the ship. What is standing there is shrouded in the black cloud. Though a faint silhouette is barely visible.. A quick glance to Greninja shows it starting to make the hand gesture it did in it's trailer. A cannonball is then shot out from the silhouette at DK who is just turning around *cue slow motion* and sees it with wide eyes at the second before it hits.

Suddenly, Greninja whips around and throws a Water Shuriken which slices the cannonball in half. Everyone turns towards the silhouette. The smoke clears as the camera from the back of the ship shoots straight ahead to see K. Rool, Blunderbuss on his shoulder, looking at the camera. He gives a quick laugh before:

King K. Rool Plunders the Battle

As K. Rool takes a step forward and in a very comedic manner he slips on the banana peel from earlier.
*Then cuts to gameplay footage*
**cue a new arrangement of Battle for Storm Hill**

K. Rool slams down onto the stage, beginning gameplay on a new stage, Gankplank Galleon.This mainly showcases:

[Information about character below, skip to the :substitute: to end off trailer]

Neutral Special: Blunderbuss which can fire in 8 directions, has a slight explosion effect, and when shot from above, causes a meteor effect.

Up Special: Jetpack (the one that K. Roolenstein uses), essentially works like R.O.B.'s recovery.

Side Special: Krown Boomerang which when in the air, acts essentially like Toon Link's boomerang, but also can snatch items and bring them back to K. Rool. But when on the ground, can not only grab items, but also opponents, popping them up when they return.

Down Special: Ground Krash, which causes K. Rool to jump in the air for a sec and then slam down with his fists, burying whoever is hit. Is a meteor when in the air.

Standard Jab: Kritter Krunch, a three stage jab where K. Rool pulls out a Kritter by the tail, and it chomps 3 times in front of him, with the third starting what would have been an infinite jab. It ends with one large chomp.

Other attacks are also shown. A large component of his play style is that he is very powerful and can jump very high, but is also very heavy, meaning that he falls much faster. He also is one of the slowest characters in the game.

The trailer could also showcase some of his alts (Pharoah K. Rool (Mario Sluggers), K. Roolenstein, Kaptain K. Rool).


*music is at the climax at the end of the song, before the loop* The trailer ends off with CG showing a Smash Ball floating on the Pirate Ship stage. As DK is about to snatch it out of the air, a cannonball smashes through it, granting the Final Smash to K. Rool. As the song ends, K . Rool, with the Smash Ball effect, snaps his fingers, showing a bunch of ships with cannons sail up to the side of the Pirate Ship stage. He chuckles, as the camera quickly zooms in on him as it cuts to the titles.

(Sorry bout the long post)


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2013
I generally oppose
Uh, hold on. King K Rool's Pharoah costume isn't based off Renekton, it's based off the Egyptian god Sobek who came long long long LONG before either character. You even mentioned him yourself!
um hahaha yeah good point you have there please delete this post
I'm going to let you live this one down simply because you support K. Rool. Next time though, I will not be so merciful....


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I would love K Rools reveal:

Start with Mario fighting, of course. We are flying through some jungle course, faster and faster, with lots of annoying noises. At his side is Diddy, making more annoying noises- what an annoying pair the two make.
Mario is jumping about left and right, seen from the front, and Diddy is swinging on some vines, boosting with his rocket barrel as needed.

We see they are in lofty pursuit of some recently announced newcomer, likely Pit as he seems to be everywhere, when one of the many Kid Icarus items triggers a big eruption.
Mario gets blasted off by the explosion. Diddy looks down, and goes bananas, seeing no ground beneath him- once again showcasing the great expressions in this game.

He has a cartoon moment of a prayer or flutter, trying to stay up, something funny, when, zooming in on his face, we see he is instead ascending, and hear a helicopter. It seems something has caught him. We question. Is it Dixie? Has she come to save him? Has the chimps companion arrived to battle?

Camera zooms out and we see King K Rool in his Baren (?) copter, smirk. Diddy looks up, gulps, and K Rool bites down into a Smash ball as they ride into the horizon; the kredits begin to role.

The villain has captured the damsel and the videos play of our character in action.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
An idea from someone on DKVine:

"My favorite scenario for a K. Rool reveal was mentioned by someone on the Forum (apologies that I forgot who). Have a video showing all of the villains of the game meeting around a table in some sort of secret hideaway. Bowser. Ganondorf (this video could serve as his confirmation as well, ala the Charizard/Greninja video). Dedede. Maybe Wolf as well, just to flesh the idea out. As they're going over their plans for world domination, they realize that there are bombs wired under the table. The place blows. A silhouette appears in the ruins of the doorway and K. Rool laughs.


It'd be a perfect way to establish how he's a different shade of insanity than the other Nintendo rogues."


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
An idea from someone on DKVine:

"My favorite scenario for a K. Rool reveal was mentioned by someone on the Forum (apologies that I forgot who). Have a video showing all of the villains of the game meeting around a table in some sort of secret hideaway. Bowser. Ganondorf (this video could serve as his confirmation as well, ala the Charizard/Greninja video). Dedede. Maybe Wolf as well, just to flesh the idea out. As they're going over their plans for world domination, they realize that there are bombs wired under the table. The place blows. A silhouette appears in the ruins of the doorway and K. Rool laughs.


It'd be a perfect way to establish how he's a different shade of insanity than the other Nintendo rogues."
Is it bad that it immediately reminded me of that plot to assassinate Hitler?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I dunno... as a kid I always liked Donkey Kong Country. Now I think it looks lame, but some parts are funny. I never cared much for "One of Us," but I did like the mirror song (forget what its called, I should look it up).

EDIT: Skurvy's side of the song is so ANNOYING. DK's voice is actually pretty good, though. :p
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