For some reason I've never thought of sharing it with you until now but... you know what's ironic?
I've tried to create a Mii that would somewhat look like King K. Rool, long before the Kosplay was revealed. I gave the Mii an evil face, gave him a green shirt, made him the biggest possible, and then in Smash itself I tried to imagine what outfit could make it somewhat look like K. Rool... until I realized it was too much of a stretch, lol.
I hesitated for some time throwing my money on what could possibly be a Ridley-shadow-like slap in the face but whatever happens I've decided to make sure to contribute towards proving to Nintendo that the kharacter is marketable by him being the only Mii costume I'd buy, so when I bought the kosplay I took my old Mii I originally created as an half-baked attempt at making a Mii fighter that somewhat looks like K. Rool I obviously gave him the real kosplay. Managing to do what I was previously never going to do admittedly felt satisfying, and writing that makes me want even more to believe that the kosplay is just an easy cash grab tease before the real deal. Though after being influenced by Ridley believers last years through their "not mentioned by name" (comparison with the "Goddess of Light" instead of "Palutena"), "the shadow's animation doesn't match a boss" or "teasing a character like that for a boss would be unprofessional" which genuinely made me believe Ridley was going to be playable over one year ago, I'd rather be more careful with my expectations this time around.