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Social King K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: This...Is Our Finest Hour!

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Also, 20s/30s are the major demographic for Switch owners.


An anecdotal example of kids who like Nintendo does not necessarily reflect most consumers. Ignoring this demographic makes 0 business sense.
That is pretty interesting and relevant, given that according to a ESA 2014 study, the average age of a Nintendo gamer is 31 years old.
We've seen New Donk City and Great Plateau Tower stages in the game already, so we know that newer games have inspired this iteration of Smash.
Keep in mind that Oddysey finished development before January 2017 and Breath of The Wild was delayed multiple times, one of them being for the reason relating to issues with the physics engine. Those two games might as well be 2015-2016 games for all the difference it makes to speculation. What is more telling is the lack of Splatoon 2 and Samus Returns content, with :ultinkling::ultridley: not even being based off how they appear in their latest non-Smash game appearance.

I really doubt Elma would get in over them.
Elma is easily far more likely than Rex and Pyra due to good timing, since Sakurai has stated that when it comes to recency, it's what's recent around the time he starts designing the game that is important. Given XCX had its international release date in December 2015, she'd be the most recent Xenoblade character at a crucial point when the roster was being conceptualized.

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
What is more telling is the lack of Splatoon 2
Don't we have Splatoon 2 costumes? I could have sworn some of the gear is from the sequel.

That and the remix of Bomb Rush Blush takes some very blatant inspiration (some of the same instrumentation) as the track's appearance in Splatoon 2.

Not denying your point as I think its ultimately right, but some Splatoon 2 content is there.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Just because I think corrections are important, FE fans (of which I am definitely a big one), don't really say that Smash saved the series. Smash gave the series exposure, sure, but even with Smash, the games between Melee and Awakening sold middling to poor, on account of terrible marketing. Awakening is actually what (literally) saved the franchise, considering it was going to be the last they ever made.


I never said she was a nobody, I didn't actually mention her, though any ballot metric we have, including the 10,000 strong US Reddit poll and any Japanese numbers, don't usually even show Impa in the top 20. If she gets in, it's likely as an easy-to-translate Echo character. As much as I enjoyed the 300+ hours I spent in HW, I doubt very much it'll influenced Sakurai's decisionmaking HW Ganon is a very popular design, and he reverted Ganon back to his most popular canon design instead.

As for K. Rool, it's not like they've added characters who's games are difficult for people to find before. Ike's games were virtually nonexistent and to this day can still run people over 150 dollars to acquire. (And STILL have yet to be reproduced) ROB is impossible for any kid to find. Meanwhile, both the Wii U and 3DS VC feature every single game K. Rool was in. Except for Barrel Blast.

Sure, they're "ports", but they're easy access to the classic games that made the character what it is. And they can presumably just go ahead and put them on the Switch, if it's *really* an issue for them. The games usually mention him by name up to no good in his description anyway.

But again, if he gets added, it's not because of "the kids", it's because of "us". Us old people who fought to have him place well in the ballot, and any results we can try to recreate poll favorably in that direction. Who knows how accurate the data is, it's not important.

You're really underselling Elma though. It was *fresh* in Japan at the time he was deciding the roster. He's not going to decide she's somehow not good enough and wait almost 2 years just for another viable candidate. It's her or nothing, likely.

I appreciate you trying not to sound like a "concern troll", I actually do. But we have this kind of thing happen a good deal, so I've got to try to make my point.
To start off
Celica and Impa are relative nobodies when it comes to fanservice. The "kids" demographic don't play Fire Emblem, especially not a game like SoV. They can make it, but Celica's game was a quickly-made remake Sakurai likely wasn't aware of, as it wasn't even announced until January 2017.
You did say they were nobodies without fan backing

I’ll be honest, I kind of feel out of my element when talking about Krool as I’m going to go out on a limb and say most people on this board are 90’s kids, either born or able to play games in that decade. As for me, I’m a 2000s kid, about the age of the Switch’s general demographic only 3 years younger, so my experiences are probably different from many on this board, so the relevancy argument holds more water to me as I was part of the era where King K seemingly disappeared. I bring this up as I would call myself a Nintendo fan at this point, joining when I played Brawl in 2nd grade, and continuing to love the company after I bought Super Star Ultra on DS thanks to Meta Knight being an absolute bada$$ in Brawl. I had a DS and a Wii before though, but the only Nintendo titles I played were of the Brain Age and Wii Sports variety.

Honestly, I was probably one of the few who knew about Krool before Smash as I know him from Mario Super Sluggers and was introduced to him mainly due to watching Cjszero01’s videos and him going over the King’s lullaby in the total 10/10 anime The Donkey Kong Country TV Show

I come to this community, not to hate, but provide a view point that I feel is lacking, and that’s that even a good chunk of Nintendo fans probably don’t know or only have a vague, possibly awful picture (going off the resurgence of the TV show) of who this character is. Heck, most of my generation probably didn’t even know DK had a franchise until Returns, to us, he was just another member of the Mario crew.

I would say Nintendo has 4 eras of fans at this point, and King K really only centers around two to one at most. The 90s kids obviously know him, while 2000’s are shaky at best and I doubt the 2010’s kids know. The only generation that’s hard to pin point is the 80’s as they mainly seem to know the NES, but probably left the company as they got older as Sega, and especially PlayStation were more the ‘hardcore’ systems. I’m basing them off my dad who did play NES, but seemed to drop off after for other brands, only playing a few N64 titles if I recall. Sorry if it seems like I’m going off on a tangent, I guess what I’m trying to say is that even if we go by the logic that Smash was made for Nintendo fans, it still leaves some blocks for Krool as at least half of the fan base (going by decades) is sort of left out as of now.

To end off, I think I should just stop. I have nothing against Krool or his fan base, I guess I’m just left out of the loop thanks to Nintendo’s lack of support for the character in the decades where I began becoming a fan up until now. I guess I just wanted to add to the argument as relevancy is an argument on this board, but I’m sure most of the people who make that argument didn’t come from an era where Krool was irrelevant, and the people who say he isn’t also don’t have the perspective of someone who became a fan after Krool’s time.

Good on you guys for supporting him though, I might not no much about him, but he definitely seems like a good pick. We do need more pirates in Smash, so let’s go, Krool for Smash.
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Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
What if Donkey Kroc was a King K. Rool Echo clone? Looking at his claws he could be one of K. Rool's inlaws.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
I've read some rumours about Lord Fredrik making it as an Echo of K. Rool. IF that were to be the case, how would you feel about it?

In my view;
I'm not usually one to bash, or have negative thoughts on other characters, but I would have felt someone ****ting on K. Rool's legacy. Since, I don't know how LF could fight the same as K. Rool, I think first of all they both would be very unique additions, and would not work as echoes. Second is that, why would they suddenly be so generous with Donkey Kong Content? When we got nothing in Smash 4, and last notable addition was Diddy back in Brawl, why both K. Rool and Lord Fredrik, and if Dixie is not among them, that would be criminal to me, also IF Dixie are among them, then as said, too generious with DK Content for Ultimate, which I don't get.

What are your thought on the topic?
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Apr 4, 2015
Rareware Winners Lounge
So since K. Rool should have his boss-battle-inspired stuff in specials and Final mostly, what would you like best as his A moves?
- Crocodile-like moves, biting, crocodile roll in the air, to name a few
- General swipes and stabs, like Bowser
- Using his cape
- Possibly using his Super Sluggers Sceptor/Boxing glove jab but that may be a bit messy

I'd like to see potential Smash attacks closely resemble his specials to keep things a bit structured, for example he could shoot a blast/cannonball out of his blunderbuss at close range as a Smash attack.

There are lots of ways to go about it.

You know, posts like this are a large part of the reason K. Rool fans have been getting a bad reputation as of late. :/
It was a light hearted jab at worst.

In general I don't get why people take a few bad eggs/make a mountain out of a molehill then try to expand and exaggerate that into making grandiose and baseless statements, all about a large bunch of strangers. Must be something to do with the Interwebz and all.
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Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Man, Smashboards without a Ridley thread in Newcomer Speculation feels so fundamentally...wrong.
I'm almost against K. Rool being deconfirmed because of just how fundamental this and the Ridley threads were, and really can't imagine what Newcomer Speculation would look like without them. Like who else's will become as massively supported and viewed as the King's besides everyone's favorite dragon?

Off the top of my head, maybe Banjo Kazooie, Geno and Isaac, but I can't imagine them getting this huge.
Let’s create a new community then. I have been working on some art and have developed a full move set for a fighter. It’s not the best artwork, but it certainly gets the point across with explanation. I see all these Krool and Ridley fans complaining about the mistreatment of their character. Well what about the total abondonment of Nintendo and the Wii’s hidden gems; Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean Blue World. They don’t even get the slightest mention in Smash through music or trophies.

Come on, #TheDiverDivesIn, let’s give the Ocean a chance to shine

Makai Wars

Smash Ace
Dec 8, 2013
Deepsea Metro
My Donkey Kong knowledge only really goes as far as Diddy Kong Racing which I played as a child, but the devotion of K. Rool fans really speaks to me. I was so sad when I lost my Ice Climbers in 4, it left nothing but a salty taste in my mouth all through Smash 4's lifetime, all I wanted was to get them back, and Sakurai bless they returned to me.

Now I can't help but empathize with the K. Rool fanbase, you guys have put up with so much for so long, it's really touching. I hope you guys get your Krok, you absolutely deserve it. I'm sure he made waves in the ballot too, it's just a matter of time right? Please consider me a K. Rool supporter.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2014
gay baby jail
Let’s create a new community then. I have been working on some art and have developed a full move set for a fighter. It’s not the best artwork, but it certainly gets the point across with explanation. I see all these Krool and Ridley fans complaining about the mistreatment of their character. Well what about the total abondonment of Nintendo and the Wii’s hidden gems; Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean Blue World. They don’t even get the slightest mention in Smash through music or trophies.

Come on, #TheDiverDivesIn, let’s give the Ocean a chance to shine
We open up on a shot of Toon Link and DK fighting on the Pirate Ship and everyone gets excited thinking it's a K. Rool trailer, when suddenly a modern motorboat comes speeding in and rams the thing. Then a silhouette leaps off the boat and onto the ship's deck. Camera pans up from his shoes to his manly beard and stately captain's hat... JEAN-ERIC SETS SAIL
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Let’s create a new community then. I have been working on some art and have developed a full move set for a fighter. It’s not the best artwork, but it certainly gets the point across with explanation. I see all these Krool and Ridley fans complaining about the mistreatment of their character. Well what about the total abondonment of Nintendo and the Wii’s hidden gems; Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean Blue World. They don’t even get the slightest mention in Smash through music or trophies.

Come on, #TheDiverDivesIn, let’s give the Ocean a chance to shine
Before resorting to ignored choices like this one, we gotta start small by supporting characters that weren't as noticed as Ashley, Geno, K. Rool and such, and work our way up from there. You don't see picks like Mona, the DK Crew, Kamek or anyone from Punch-Out get as much love as the biggest fan faves do.

Also, I'm not sure how a Endless Ocean stage would work in Smash, seeing how the series is allergic to characters swimming.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2012
Lord Fredrik representation should be in the form of K. Rool dressed up as him in a kostume down to the mustache. That way we get the rightful ViKing K. Rool.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
We open up on a shot of Toon Link and DK fighting on the Pirate Ship and everyone gets excited thinking it's a K. Rool trailer, when suddenly a modern motorboat comes speeding in and rams the thing. Then a silhouette leaps off the boat and onto the ship's deck. Camera pans up from his shoes to his manly beard and stately captain's hat... JEAN-ERIC SETS SAIL
Whenever he scores a KO he says how he's reminded of his dead son.
Sorry, I just can't think of Endless Ocean without thinking of the Game Grumps playthrough.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2018
Sora Ltd.
Switch FC
My Donkey Kong knowledge only really goes as far as Diddy Kong Racing which I played as a child, but the devotion of K. Rool fans really speaks to me. I was so sad when I lost my Ice Climbers in 4, it left nothing but a salty taste in my mouth all through Smash 4's lifetime, all I wanted was to get them back, and Sakurai bless they returned to me.

Now I can't help but empathize with the K. Rool fanbase, you guys have put up with so much for so long, it's really touching. I hope you guys get your Krok, you absolutely deserve it. I'm sure he made waves in the ballot too, it's just a matter of time right? Please consider me a K. Rool supporter.
Congratulations you are now One of Us!


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Let’s create a new community then. I have been working on some art and have developed a full move set for a fighter. It’s not the best artwork, but it certainly gets the point across with explanation. I see all these Krool and Ridley fans complaining about the mistreatment of their character. Well what about the total abondonment of Nintendo and the Wii’s hidden gems; Endless Ocean and Endless Ocean Blue World. They don’t even get the slightest mention in Smash through music or trophies.

Come on, #TheDiverDivesIn, let’s give the Ocean a chance to shine
I remember there was a fake leak from Sm4sh time that offered a stage based on Endless Ocean, so everyone had to quick look up the music from that game. And it was gorgeous. All of us had these images of an underwater fight with the most serene music playing in the background, and it made us really want it.

That would be weird, but really awesome.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2014
gay baby jail
Whenever he scores a KO he says how he's reminded of his dead son.
Sorry, I just can't think of Endless Ocean without thinking of the Game Grumps playthrough.
"Yeah, I just killed you. You're dead. Kinda like my son. My son's dead. Thanks for bringing it up."


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Please someone draw this immediately
Well, it isn't going to be inmediate, but by a friend's request I got about doing this, I'm currently working on it, though I'm not sure if I will show it here in the boards or not.
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Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
To start off

To end off, I think I should just stop. I have nothing against Krool or his fan base, I guess I’m just left out of the loop thanks to Nintendo’s lack of support for the character in the decades where I began becoming a fan up until now. I guess I just wanted to add to the argument as relevancy is an argument on this board, but I’m sure most of the people who make that argument didn’t come from an era where Krool was irrelevant, and the people who say he isn’t also don’t have the perspective of someone who became a fan after Krool’s time.

Good on you guys for supporting him though, I might not no much about him, but he definitely seems like a good pick. We do need more pirates in Smash, so let’s go, Krool for Smash.
I'm just going to say that honestly, I appreciate the perspective, but it's something we certainly aren't unfamiliar with. Young people who don't see the character the way we do come in here all the time. We've seen just about everything from detractors, and don't just sit in a bubble and think about how right we are. Most of us have doubts the roster will even turn out remotely how we expect.

In addition, you were around the same age when Little Mac had his last game (literally a year later) and probably knew even less about him. His games are only on the VC now, and yet here he is.

K. Rool's games are still at the forefront of advertising. Nintendo's running ads selling the original DKC trilogy right now, and while they refer to K. Rool as "your parent's DK villain", he's actually more prevalent than the rest even now.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
I've always felt Smash doesn't put in relevant characters, but they make characters relevant again. A big part of me back in the day wanted K. Rool in cause he was at the forefront of the DK series and I loved the idea of playable villains in Smash. Now though, one of the big reasons I want him is because I think it'll cause whoever makes the next mainline DK game to bring K. Rool back as the villain too.

I love Retro for what they did to DK, cause those games are awesome, but I always felt it lacked something in the villain department without K. Rool at the helm.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
I've always felt Smash doesn't put in relevant characters, but they make characters relevant again. A big part of me back in the day wanted K. Rool in cause he was at the forefront of the DK series and I loved the idea of playable villains in Smash. Now though, one of the big reasons I want him is because I think it'll cause whoever makes the next mainline DK game to bring K. Rool back as the villain too.

I love Retro for what they did to DK, cause those games are awesome, but I always felt it lacked something in the villain department without K. Rool at the helm.
Going off of that makes you think if Sakurai could influence Nintendo does with their games with what goes in to smash


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Captain Shades Captain Shades Like Banjodorf said, people have come into this thread (and threads before, and on other websites) expressing their doubts and skepticism of the character for years. It's nothing new. So all that really happens is we drag out the same arguments we've regurgitated since 2012 or so. Our community isn't so insular that we need "outside perspectives" or something like that. We're well aware of the situation at hand, moreso than anyone else.

You seem like a nice guy so I don't say this to put you down or something. Just that this conversation has been had ad naseam pretty much.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2015

Slightly off topic, but Nairo's Final Smash WiiU Modpack includes a Funky Kong skin for DK. Initially I was against the idea of having him as an echo fighter as I felt his proportions would be slight off from DK's. Actually seeing it rendered in game though, I'm totally for it now. He looks great! If fans can do **** like this why can't Nintendo?
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
I even heard that Japanese fans are referring to Ridley as "Captain America" because he was mainly wanted by western fans...
Captain Ameridley.png

CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica

So, since the comment came from here, I will put it here first. I just kindly ask that please don't share or use here or anywhere else. I'm going to do that myself since I'm the artist and this was a request from a friend I got some time ago, so, please, respect that. Thank you.
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Don't we have Splatoon 2 costumes? I could have sworn some of the gear is from the sequel.

That and the remix of Bomb Rush Blush takes some very blatant inspiration (some of the same instrumentation) as the track's appearance in Splatoon 2.

Not denying your point as I think its ultimately right, but some Splatoon 2 content is there.
Judd Jr on Moray Towers is definitely Splatoon 2, but I think the gear all appeared in the original too, be it as update


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2018
A lot of the references to recent Nintendo properties seem to be solely cosmetic, not mechanical / character based. I'm sure it's easier to reference Cappy through costumes / small animations than it was to plan for Cappy back in December of 2015. All of the roster decisions and fundamental aspects of Smash 5 will almost definitely all be entirely based on Nintendo in 2015.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Ehh... I’m on board. King K Rool is a classic villain, and I can’t argue against that. I’ve found him to be very interesting since the ballot as I was surprised he had so much popularity. It kind of came as a shock to me as I did follow Nintendo channels and the Smash community up to Smash Wii U’s release and after and I swear not a single person even talked about Krool until the ballot. I would see Ridley everywhere, but not Krool.

I guess I’m just skeptical as Smash Wii U was pretty ‘modern’ based, so I set my expectations to be within an extreme realm of possibility, instead of guessing that a fan picked character would make it.

Krool isn’t my first pick for a new fighter as I personally want an EO character first as that franchise seems to be as dead as Jean-Eric’s son. If I had to go over the characters I want K Rool would be after EO and a certain Banadana warrior, but after that the flud gates are open in my opinion. So you guys have my support.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
You know, back when that Mii Fighter costume came out for K. Rool, some thought it was a slap in the face. Yet, from what I understand, Sakurai and the devs don't hate him at all actually. In fact, the costume was probably their way of saying "hey, we know you want him, but it's late this development cycle so here is something to tide you over". Both the Inklings and Geno got a similar treatment, and the former got confirmed as a playable character and there is a lot of evidence pointing to Geno being playable as well, so who is to say that K. Rool due to his large fanbase and demand won't help him prevail this time?


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
You know, back when that Mii Fighter costume came out for K. Rool, some thought it was a slap in the face. Yet, from what I understand, Sakurai and the devs don't hate him at all actually. In fact, the costume was probably their way of saying "hey, we know you want him, but it's late this development cycle so here is something to tide you over". Both the Inklings and Geno got a similar treatment, and the former got confirmed as a playable character and there is a lot of evidence pointing to Geno being playable as well, so who is to say that K. Rool due to his large fanbase and demand won't help him prevail this time?
Yeah. Something like "oh jeez, we definitely can't give them K. Rool with a team this small, but we sure can put together this (very detailed and based on a popular design) Mii outfit to tide them over.

It's interesting how something that stunned us all to silence back then has kind of become a symbol of hope.


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
View attachment 151130
CaptainAmerica CaptainAmerica

So, since the comment came from here, I will put it here first. I just kindly ask that please don't share or use here or anywhere else. I'm going to do that myself since I'm the artist and this was a request from a friend I got some time ago, so, please, respect that. Thank you.
Beautiful, Andrea!

I love seeing all of your artwork! You’re definitely one of the main people who got me into Ridley during the Sm4sh speculation era.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Beautiful, Andrea!

I love seeing all of your artwork! You’re definitely one of the main people who got me into Ridley during the Sm4sh speculation era.
;) Glad you liked it, Captain! *salutes*

x3 Awww, that makes me happy to hear! Thank you for the kind words! :p Like I always say, I'm just living up to my title!

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
Yeah. Something like "oh jeez, we definitely can't give them K. Rool with a team this small, but we sure can put together this (very detailed and based on a popular design) Mii outfit to tide them over.

It's interesting how something that stunned us all to silence back then has kind of become a symbol of hope.
I think people read to much into the Mii costumes. I think they are just fun additions at best. People say that they create a base model to make characters off of, probably because Inkling had a costume, but there are tons of DLC costumes that aren’t pulled from smash assets that are in. One of the most prominent being Gil, who hasn’t been in any recent games to pull a model from, having his last appearance in 2005. You also have Sega’s Akira and Jacky that both have costumes without any Smash models, or the Flying man costume as the flying man was 16-bit, lacking a modernized 3D model. If you want to add on, then there’s the Monster Hunter outfits and Lloyd that were in Smash without any previous representation of the franchise.

Not to demean K Rool, as they did clearly take effort to design his outfit, but they also had multiple other characters that went through the same treatment, so it’s wrong to say that him and Geno are clearly special cases.
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The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
A little off-topic but since Retro Studios has been MIA and a recent rumor seems to point to Retro Studios closing up shop soon who out of Nintendo's stable would you like to see take over the series next? I think Monster Games would be a decent fit to take over the franchise since they helped on development for Tropical Freeze and did the 3D port of Returns. Also their racing games like Excite Truck/Bots are good and wouldn't mind them making a new Diddy Kong Racing or hell another DK racer in general. If not them maybe Bandai Namco? No I definitely don't want a 3rd Konga game but maybe they could do to the Country series what their (rumored) to be doing with Prime 4.

We know they know how to work with Nintendo IP in the past maybe give DK another shot but this time not in a rhythmy gimmick game. I say them because if they took over the series there would be no doubt in my mind they would use Kremlings and K.Rool. Since namco is the only one in recent years to do anything with the character. Whether that being adding him as a playable character in Mario Super Sluggers or giving him a Mii costume in Wii U/3DS and using the Kritters in Smash Run.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I think people read to much into the Mii costumes. I think they are just fun additions at best. People say that they create a base model to make characters off of, probably because Inkling had a costume, but there are tons of DLC costumes that aren’t pulled from smash assets that are in. One of the most prominent being Gil, who hasn’t been in any recent games to pull a model from, having his last appearance in 2005. You also have Sega’s Akira and Jacky that both have costumes without any Smash models, or the Flying man costume as the flying man was 16-bit, lacking a modernized 3D model. If you want to add on, then there’s the Monster Hunter outfits that were in Smash without any previous representation of the franchise.

Not to demean K Rool, as they did clearly take effort to design his outfit, but they also had multiple other characters that went through the same treatment, so it’s wrong to say that him and Geno are clearly special cases.
Except, every one of those but Flying Man or Inklings were likely designed as part of a deal with a third party. And Sakurai discussed how they had actually created a 3D flying man model that otherwise went unused for the Mii costume. Inklings were possibly part of a Splatoon promotion, given that every copy of Splatoon came with a code to unlock those costumes when they eventually released.

And K. Rool's Mii costume doesn't use assets from within the game, since unlike other Mii costumes that used existing trophy assets, K. Rool's Mii outfit was based on his Rare model, when his Paon model was already in the game to use as a trophy. and it's *K. Rool*, a character "young people" view as irrelevant. Why make a Mii Costume of him during ballot fever when the have "relevant" characters to use like Dixie, or even Lord Frederick instead? I wonder.

Not to be rude, but you act like we've never had to consider these positions before.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
A little off-topic but since Retro Studios has been MIA and a recent rumor seems to point to Retro Studios closing up shop soon who out of Nintendo's stable would you like to see take over the series next? I think Monster Games would be a decent fit to take over the franchise since they helped on development for Tropical Freeze and did the 3D port of Returns. Also their racing games like Excite Truck/Bots are good and wouldn't mind them making a new Diddy Kong Racing or hell another DK racer in general. If not them maybe Bandai Namco? No I definitely don't want a 3rd Konga game but maybe they could do to the Country series what their (rumored) to be doing with Prime 4.

We know they know how to work with Nintendo IP in the past maybe give DK another shot but this time not in a rhythmy gimmick game. I say them because if they took over the series there would be no doubt in my mind they would use Kremlings and K.Rool. Since namco is the only one in recent years to do anything with the character. Whether that being adding him as a playable character in Mario Super Sluggers or giving him a Mii costume in Wii U/3DS and using the Kritters in Smash Run.
A Ubisoft employee reported there is a "Donkey Kong team" already at Nintendo. Nobody's sure what it is but possibly EAD.

Captain Shades

Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2018
A little off-topic but since Retro Studios has been MIA and a recent rumor seems to point to Retro Studios closing up shop soon who out of Nintendo's stable would you like to see take over the series next? I think Monster Games would be a decent fit to take over the franchise since they helped on development for Tropical Freeze and did the 3D port of Returns. Also their racing games like Excite Truck/Bots are good and wouldn't mind them making a new Diddy Kong Racing or hell another DK racer in general. If not them maybe Bandai Namco? No I definitely don't want a 3rd Konga game but maybe they could do to the Country series what their (rumored) to be doing with Prime 4.

We know they know how to work with Nintendo IP in the past maybe give DK another shot but this time not in a rhythmy gimmick game. I say them because if they took over the series there would be no doubt in my mind they would use Kremlings and K.Rool. Since namco is the only one in recent years to do anything with the character. Whether that being adding him as a playable character in Mario Super Sluggers or giving him a Mii costume in Wii U/3DS and using the Kritters in Smash Run.
How about Next Level Games? Their studio takes pride in adding tons of personality to Nintendo characters if Strikers and Punch Out!! weren’t evident enough. Their studio has also worked with the Kritters before, so maybe they can take the helm. I guess my only concern is that they’ve had a mediocre at best track record in the past few years.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2018
Just a thought, but I noticed with most of the costumes that their designs seems specifically designed with the Mii's body in mind. K. Rool's costume sort of sticks out because it looks less like a costume and more like they just strapped a full body model onto a Mii and removed the lower jaw. It honestly looks like the design itself wasn't even intended to be a costume.


The Nintendo Villain main!
Sep 5, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
Switch FC
SW 5604 9250 9133
How about Next Level Games? Their studio takes pride in adding tons of personality to Nintendo characters if Strikers and Punch Out!! weren’t evident enough. Their studio has also worked with the Kritters before, so maybe they can take the helm. I guess my only concern is that they’ve had a mediocre at best track record in the past few years.
I'm gonna be completely honest here besides both of Retro's DKC games I've enjoyed all of Next Level Games more than the Prime series (except Federation Force) and I think Next Level doesn't get enough credit. The only mediocre game NLG has made was Federation Force. Dark Moon while not as good as the original to me was still pretty good for what it is and a decent follow-up. Strikers and Strikers Charged are some of the best Mario Sports Spin-off titles out there. Punch-Out Wii was an excellent revival to the franchise and have been dying to see NLG make a sequel to it with an all original cast of boxers (but they still have to be vague stereotypes). So yes I'd be happy with them making a new Donkey Kong game of some sort (maybe giving the 3D space a chance again?)

Deleted member

A Ubisoft employee reported there is a "Donkey Kong team" already at Nintendo. Nobody's sure what it is but possibly EAD.
Got a source for that? Would be uplifting if true. A Retro Studios closure would suck for those losing their jobs, but it would be a small consolation knowing that Donkey Kong's series will live on.
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