Really though I have no beef past this game, thanks for giving me a chance to say my complaints and move on. GG, looking forward to the next game.
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i feel this hardI’m doing the same **** I did in newbie mafia where I just keep giving the slot pass afternoon pass
No worries, lol. I've said my thing and it's all good. I don't even really need to do the post game thing; I just wanted to say it clearly where you know it's not part of some gambit, since you're about to see my alignment regardless.Lore aiight fair. i really didn't see it that way but we each have our POVs. i don't think you're the only person who'd think i can be abrasive.
also you were right about the math lmao, i spent too long looking this up during the Night and realized I miscalculated the numbers. since 2 ppl being mafia aren't independent variables i can't just multiply the probabilities together. the real answer uses Combinatorial Probability.
Thanks! Yeah those are way better lol. Thanks for going all the way with this. Honestly I'm too tired to double check and will just trust you on it.i really wasn't that far off.
these are the 100% definitely, no possible way im wrong numbers. (and i know yall dont care but gonna post it anywayz)
in a game with 12 players and 5 scum:
chance 2 players are both scum:
chance 2 players are both town:
chance only 1 of the players is scum:
as a sanity check, confirm they add up to 100%
And that's Hammer!As much as I hate to say it, at this point, flipping the Lore slot is the most productive thing to do. Otherwise Lore v Mac will just drag out to the end of the day while dominating the thread, and we'll likely be left lynching Lore anyway due to the majority vote on him. I think Lore's death is inevitable at this point, so I'd rather it happens now so we can keep progressing this conversation in the right direction more than anything else.
Vote Lore
Sorry I misread that, and thought I was open, my mistake.Just to reiterate, day hasn't started.
This post originally said “ day 2 has started, no one died during the night”day 2 has not started, opening thread for utopian poyzin
There was a mixup between utopian and I, just to clarify. My fault.This post originally said “ day 2 has started, no one died during the night”
Why me and not Rajam?Now maven has skated by another day without contributing to much and I really dislike that
I’ve said this numerous times I heavily dislike both of you for the same reason. You both contribute once and lurk away while remaining way too inactiveWhy me and not Rajam?
What do you think of maven actually? Since your here I want to try and get a good discussion going again.Mac dying is pretty expected tbh. Towniest of town.
Rax upsets me because we could've gotten more talk during the day. Things were interesting.
Vote Red Ruy
I don't need to be convinced for voting RR or Rajam.
#HBC | FrozeηFlame why exactly is Z25 scummy? is it merely because of his defensiveness?
KevinM How do you read maven postulation at Mac v Lore being Scum v Scum given the NK?
Raxxel Why did you end the day so early? The discussion was really profitable.
Still Scum or Dumb, like I said I'm having trouble taking anyone on a town level that doubted t!Mac because like... it was pretty blatantly obvious he was just based off his consistent views.How do you read maven postulation at Mac v Lore being Scum v Scum given the NK?
See above for my viewpoint on your slot and Z25. Are you deliberately being whiny with the WW stuff or do you just think it's time to be obtuse on D3?
Raxxel why did you hammer early? Did you not read the thread or why end it?
Rajam given these flips where do you stand with the left over bunch that wanna be offed?
KevinM time to vote me, also who is my mate and why? Do you have any doubts with me? Still think z25 is scum?
Z25 of whom is left who is a WW from what you can gather?
Pythag who is my mate? Are you done being hung up with my day 1 post?
I want to reread Pythag and figure out if I am ok with FF overall. FF is being extremely agreeable in a way I wanna dig into but I’ll trust Mac on this.
Feeling before anything I want to lynch Pythag, why are people calling this slot town? Even with a wedding content gives me nothing substantial. Nothing firm.
I want to figure out z25 vs KevinM, i think Z25 reacted poorly yesterday but I have a distrust of KevinM on how he interacted and formed some reads. A lot of hows I am working with the dots. Z25 played a lot of defense which is not a good tell for me.
I’d lean more on z25 being scum in this but a lot of it is my distrust of KevinM. Given Mac flipped down my worry of Mac + KevinM running town as WWs paranoia is gone.
I think Maven is trying to think on his own more than others with good substance. I get his mindset step by step.
I dislike Raxxel’s early hammer when I wanted Rajam content but I dunno if I would push to off him on that alone.
Z25/KevinM (leaning more z)
KevinM (twice cause I need to think on this hard)
Raxxel(more in town pile)
Vote: Pythag
These are both the same type of question so I’ll answer in one post.See above for my viewpoint on your slot and Z25. Are you deliberately being whiny with the WW stuff or do you just think it's time to be obtuse on D3?
I don't see a single situation where I vote for Pythag today.
Currently its:
Z25 Given what I've said about how close we are to MYLO, what does your current lynch pool look like. Also give me two names that are definite lynch candidates today and if they are WW or Mafia to you.
So to sum this up: my top 3 for today/These are both the same type of question so I’ll answer in one post.
I don’t think the WW would be an inactive, let alone a newbie player. I can’t rationalize how someone in that type of position would target Mac. There’s a chance but taking out a big contributor is honestly something I don’t see a newbie doing or an inactive. The problem with the later is any inactive could have just been lurking and actually paying attention( I honestly think this is what maven is doing)
So with that in mind I think a more veteran player killed Mac.
I’d wager right now likely WW would be maven and Red.
I think maven is a really solid play today.
As for the last mafia goin, I’m positive it’s between rax or rajam. I don’t know who to lean more towards though. Right now I’m leaning rajam for them blatantly not keeping up. They might be new but I dont think that should excuse them from acting like that. Makes me think a mafia team mate likely wants one of those two to stay low since they are new.
And we know lore was a mafia goon so I can see that being advice they would give
Obtuse? Me? Maybe?See above for my viewpoint on your slot and Z25. Are you deliberately being whiny with the WW stuff or do you just think it's time to be obtuse on D3?
I don't see a single situation where I vote for Pythag today.
Currently its:
Z25 Given what I've said about how close we are to MYLO, what does your current lynch pool look like. Also give me two names that are definite lynch candidates today and if they are WW or Mafia to you.
I’m assuming one is a Rajam right?So to sum this up: my top 3 for today/
1) Maven
I'm having the opposite Mac problem that I am scumreading most of this game, this would normally bother me ie: last game but considering the amount of anti-town slots I'm at a 4 town 3 anti scum ratio it makes more sense to me this game taking myself out to get a better percentage idea. Of the slots I think need to go he isn't near close to the top of my list.Still why you do buddy and liking Pythag? What was a huge town tell for him?
-day oneFinished reading D1. Currently at page 11. Sharing some of my notes:
His 1st post came in #253. Voted against Lore. Before that, the votecount was:
Tom (3): Maven, Lore, Raxxel
Raxxel (2): Rajam, Ryu
Mac (2): Brindor, Tom
Ryu (1): pythag
Lore (1): Mac
pythag (1): KevinM
With the day extension happening at that point, I think the push on Lore is hardly a bus. Case looks solid, and the vote had all the time and potential to trigger a real lynch. Frozen not scum with Lore. This idea is fueled in #303
#303: Keeps fueling Lore's lynch. Definitely not scum with Tom/Lore
Red Ryu
Up to #57, then up to #65: Seems like not scum with Raxxel
#24: Same question for both Z25 and Brindor, seems like an attempt to ‘hide’ a scummate
#82: Doesn’t seem like a bus against Pythag
#82: The read on Raxxel as newb town seems legit
#272: Votes up to this point, before Kevin moves onto Lore:
Mac (3): Brindor, Tom, Lore
Tom (2): Maven, Raxxel
Raxxel (2): Rajam, Ryu
Lore (2): Mac, Frozen
Ryu (1): Pythag
Pythag (1): KevinM
Jumping on Lore might mean KevinM not scum with them (Tom/Lore), considering Mac had more votes, the vote on Lore brought back the momentum on Lore again, and considering Z25 was expressing issues against Mac in #270
#325: Town points for Kevin just for being around during deadline
#336: More town points for still being around and deciding to keep the vote on Lore
Lore (Mafia Goon)
#168: Could’ve left #167 alone and had enough reasons to either vote Mac or let it growth, instead in the next post shifts to Ryu. Not scum with him
#186 to #188: Not scum with KevinM. #186 goes hard; #187 leaves him aside a bit, #188 goes back to Kevin
#283: Why the need to make the clarification of Pythag being null?
#182: Where’s Maven head anyways? Doesn’t pressure Brindor, doesn’t vote Tom (even if he is Tom’s scummate, it would’ve been easy to vote him, since no one was on Tom)
#182: Not scum with Frozen: considering his reputation, don’t think he’d ask him to be replaced
#339: Decides to keep vote on Brindor despite expressing concerns about Lore and the wagon fueling again (Mac voted Lore back in #337)
#30 + #31: Small vibes not aligned with Tom
#255: Good question, but why not ask Tom the same?
#284: The Lore read smells, the parenthesis ‘(this is wifom)’ comes as selfdefense in case of Lore’s flip
#92: Town vibes and the shift on Mac seems legit
#39: Looks like not scum with Maven. More in #41
#270: Case on Mac stinks. Pressure is the tool town has to scumhunt
#270: Votes up to this point:
Mac (3): Brindor, Tom, Lore
Tom (2): Maven, Raxxel
Raxxel (2): Rajam, Ryu
Lore (2): Mac, Frozen
Ryu (1): Pythag
Pythag (1): KevinM
Why not vote Mac? Why not vote at all? Fear of joining Tom and Lore? Looks like scummate (vote came later in #291)
#393: wishy-washy on Brindor, looks like an excuse to vote on ppl regardless of whether they voted Brindor or not
Yes the third one should be ramI’m assuming one is a Rajam right?