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Jump Ultimate Stars


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007

Who here plays this game? I know a few here do, it'd be good to get some matches happening with each other via Wi-Fi.

Feel free to use this thread for anything Jump related.

List of players:

Bjay - 1890-8673-6064
gopobox -
Isorropia - 1289-3891-9619
isthattim? -
Luke -
Meteor - ????-????-????
Pirate. - 2148-4094-6993
Tibs - ????-????-????
Vlade - ????-????-????

[pointless gap goes here]

The rules I play by are:

- Death Match
- Time: 60, or 90 seconds
- Items off
- Gimmicks off (though can be on for certain stages, such as School)

- No Big 3
- No supports or attacks that inflict Stop
- No supports or attacks that inflict Judgment

In regards to the last 3 rules, these are the following komas that are banned.
Keep in mind the Komas on the right are banned, the ones on the left are for reference.

Banned Komas:

The Big 3



Of course as you can see there are some battle characters in there as well. Providing you don't use the said move that inflicts Stop/Judgment, then I'm fine with you using that Battle Koma in your deck.

I hope there's quite a few Smashers here that play Jump! :)


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
YES I play this too, although I'm not very good :p

I'll grab my fc for ya in a sec
No worries, I'm not that good either :p

I hope to play some Jump with you in the future!

i am a legitimate, legal owner of said game and all rights therewitheld
don't know how to play it tho, just spam some luffy.

Yeah I found it a bit tricky at first, I had to use a walkthrough to help me quite a bit, although I learnt how to play this game mainly through versing others since this game is quite reliant on multiplayer.

Whilst you perform the moves in the same way you perform moves in Smash, the comboing for this game is like most fighting games. Then add broken supports into the mix (similar to MvC2), amongst other things.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2008
Supports might be a smidgen less broken if you couldn't use them in hitstun or blockstun.

Can we make that a rule too?

FC 1289-3891-9619.

It also might be worth banning freeze/paralyze infinite/guaranteed ringouts, or at least I know I find them silly.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Those pics are perty.


Useful chart for me, so i'm linking it here.

Banning moves of battle chars :O, but fuuske is so win :bee: Me and Iso just ended up banning supports all together when we played, because combo breaking is lame, and we (i) came up with like.. a thousand different ways to instant kill/infinite with most of the cast, with all different random supports. Does kinda spoil a large part of the game though :laugh:.

Are 6 Koma Dio and Taikobou legal?
Also what about glitches, like them healing ones?
Alsooo what stages are preferable?

EDIT: FC is: 2148 4094 6993

-So yeah, i vote for at least, ontop of what you've said, no paralyze/freeze supports.
-For Fuuskes neutral X to be legal, coz it's quite avoidable, and while immobile most chars can still use moves which move them around or at least put up walls of hurt around them.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Supports might be a smidgen less broken if you couldn't use them in hitstun or blockstun.

Can we make that a rule too?
Sorry but could you elaborate a bit more on that?

It also might be worth banning freeze/paralyze infinite/guaranteed ringouts, or at least I know I find them silly.
Hmm, if it's a paralyzing (lol) or freeze infinite yeah why not I suppose. Although I personally think maybe we should just limit it to a certain amount, like 2-3 or something maybe? Though I'm gonna have to say no to the guaranteed ringouts sorry, despite that this game doesn't really have defensive options in the air like Brawl :p

Ooh thanks! I totally forgot about that link, since I keep in mind just one specific koma for things like 3rd jump, etc. :p I'll post it up in the first post, thanks!

Banning moves of battle chars :O, but fuuske is so win :bee: Me and Iso just ended up banning supports all together when we played, because combo breaking is lame, and we (i) came up with like.. a thousand different ways to instant kill/infinite with most of the cast, with all different random supports. Does kinda spoil a large part of the game though :laugh:.
I'm up for some supportless battles, I used to play a lot of them for a while, since it can be pretty hectic with supports all the time.

Are 6 Koma Dio and Taikobou legal?
Yeah, I'm cool with them. :)

Also what about glitches, like them healing ones?
That's also fine, especially since Jump doesn't really have many defensive options. Besides, Smash has quite a few glitches. :p

Alsooo what stages are preferable?
Stages that would be considered neutral like in Smash, I suppose, such as School, Police Station, Shinigami World, Dr. Slump's House, etc. Although I do play on the odd counterpick-ish stage here and then, although I personally dislike playing on stages with a lot of holes, or platforms wh;ere you can just gimp people through 'em (sif the game isn't already unbalanced enough :p).

So yeah, i vote for at least, ontop of what you've said, no paralyze/freeze supports.
Hmm, what about not allowing it for ringouts, but allow it for a combo/setup at least
-For Fuuskes neutral X to be legal, coz it's quite avoidable, and while immobile most chars can still use moves which move them around or at least put up walls of hurt around them.
Hmm, I'm not really knowledgable regarding this to say much about it since I played with Stop banned altogether, since Stop is well...Stop. :p


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia

What iso was saying was just... no use of supports for combo breaking... only to extend or start combos or to harass/help camping... i think.

EDIT: It's really hard to manage that tho, cause it's subjective a lot of the time... i think thats why we just banned them all together, hahaha, we bicker alot though (he does) (jokes) :laugh: <3.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2008
Well, even without the big 3, there are plenty of supports which will break your opponents combo while they're hitting you. And so, I usually just play with a soft-ban type agreement on combo breaking, or using assists to get out of pressure for no effort.

I usually play on the rurouni kenshin, yu yu hakusho and black cat stages, they seem pretty balanced.

Well, yuyu is a bit ******** if someone does nothing but camp, but if you both play properly its fine.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So when i picked up the game again having played smash brothers games, i worked out... wait for it!:

Advanced Technique: Ledge Cancelling.

After using an aerial, you double your landing lag (for next time you land) or something like that, even on the fast fall A cancel thing. but if u just graze the ledge, so u touch it and fall off, you refresh your jumps and aerials, and don't get the increased landing lag if you chose to land.

Works good with if you have triple jump or an aerial which gives you vertical height (like yugi's swords of revealing proness).

zomg tech skillz!


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007

Regarding the Fuusuke matter earlier, provided you don't have like some support into stop move or something, then perhaps I'll be fine with it. :bee:

Well, even without the big 3, there are plenty of supports which will break your opponents combo while they're hitting you. And so, I usually just play with a soft-ban type agreement on combo breaking, or using assists to get out of pressure for no effort.

I usually play on the rurouni kenshin, yu yu hakusho and black cat stages, they seem pretty balanced.

Well, yuyu is a bit ******** if someone does nothing but camp, but if you both play properly its fine.
While that's true, I find that those supports aren't really consistent when it comes to saving you from being owned by a deadly combo. I don't mind trying out your suggestion though, although it might take me a while to get used to it haha. ;)

Yeah those stages are fine (there's actually plenty of stages like that, which is great). Some others I also like to play on are Dio's Mansion and the Eyeshield 21 stage (with gimmicks off though).

Ooh that reminds me, I'm fine with gimmicks depending on the stage, since some stages' (like School) gimmicks are just platforms that move back and forth.

As for the whole camping stuff, don't worry I don't do play like that. :p


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
I've always prefered playing no support games, supports are pretty broken and ****ed up and its hard to make good rules around them, besides my ds is weird and most of the time 1 if not both of my shoulder buttons doenst work :(

I play with a bunch of chars but I like 7 bankai ichigo, 4 naruto and 6 zoro.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
I've always prefered playing no support games, supports are pretty broken and ****ed up and its hard to make good rules around them, besides my ds is weird and most of the time 1 if not both of my shoulder buttons doenst work :(
Yeah true, even if you take out the most broken stuff, it's still pretty insane.
I'm up for playing supportless battles, but what about supports that heal, raise your stat, or help you recover? Should we allow them, or just make it no supports altogether?

Is it the L button that's not working Luke? Cause my L button seems to be screwed for me days, which is a real pain -_-


Smash Apprentice
Jan 14, 2008
Sydney, Australia
So is it no supports at all as standard? Would make my deck building like 100x faster so i can actually start playing the game or doing something useful, lol.

Does luffy (any koma) actually have any combo's or anything going for him at all? sides being generally made of win?

EDIT: Also


is a cool youtube channel with jump vids.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
train! black cat is one of my favorite mangas/animes (read/seen both)

yeah right now its my L button bjay but often its my R button and my L works fine, its wierd like that.

dunno about luffy but I know some combo's with my characters ;)

luffy is pretty win though.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I agree with Tak.

Never watch the anime. It is full of crap and bad.

Manga is good though.

You should all watch Hajime no Ippo already.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
i will post mine when i get home Bjay! =) free tonight anyone? round 7-8?


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
So is it no supports at all as standard?
I reckon when we should just say our rules when we're organising matches in advance :bee:

i will post mine when i get home Bjay! =) free tonight anyone? round 7-8?
Roger that!

Also, darn! I wish I checked this thread earlier, could have played some Jump matches. D:

I wonder what the best way would go with organising matches.

Probably post on here, I suppose, since everyone browsing the forums would be able to see it. :bee:


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
so yeah, I dont have wifi at home...

anyways I used to lurk the boards on gamefaqs (oh they are the lols)
and they had this thing where you'd play matches with only 1 battle koma, often both players having the same one to see who was better with that char, and they'd have only 1 support which you werent allowed to use, and only 1 help koma which wasnt allowed to be attached to your char.

sounds intresting no?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I have it, but I haven't really played it.

Dunno if I can even find my Wi-Fi USB anymore lol, makes it so much easier.

We'll see.


Successful Businessman
Mar 18, 2009
Canberra, Australia
Is there even a WiFi that you do approve of?

Besides waiting for tourneys is too long and I don`t really think playing Jump online has much of a difference as playing Brawl online.

Awhile ago I`d use to WiFi with Jon Bjay all the time. That was some good times.

If anyone`s interested in WiFing with me add me on MSN. :)


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
no, wifi is super ****, at least nintendo's is, thats what happens when you offer free internet in ****ty australia
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