Here's what I'm thinking:
I want to run a proper Brawl side event this time, and I know most of the Brawl community does too, so that's what will happen. We will do either Low Tier Singles or Low Tier Doubles, since those are the ideas that come up the most and they seem like they would be pretty interesting. This means no P:M singles. But that's where the second idea comes in...
What if we replaced Brawl Doubles with P:M Doubles, for this event only? I know some people enjoy Brawl Doubles, but it doesn't usually get that much hype, and there are plenty of people who have been hoping for P:M Doubles for a while. This sounds to me like it would be a good compromise between P:M and Brawl side events (P:M Doubles, Brawl Singles, Brawl Low Tier Singles/Doubles). Of course, this is a Brawl series first and foremost, so if you guys (the Brawl community) would rather stick with Brawl Doubles instead, we'll just stick with that and do Brawl Doubles, Brawl Singles, Brawl Low Tier Singles/Doubles.