Smash Apprentice
Link to original post: [drupal=2091]Jiggyz gide to plaae YOHSHI![/drupal]
As originally posted here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243107
Jiggyz gide to plaae YOHSHI!
1 -Peepl are confuzed abowt yohshi, and he how is so good LOL! I HELPZ U AND THEM WITH THIS GUIDE!
Jiggyz gide to plaae YOHSHI.!
HEARZ how to plaae YOHSHI.
OK now hearz how it is Jiggy haz been playing yohshi since time begin. YOHSHEE use 2 B bad in erly smash.,
NOW in BARWL yoshi has goode moves and has does hax like DRACONIC REVERSE.
SUM say peeple who does usez hax lots R cheap.. BUT I dont care abowt hax becuz I can BEET ENYWON LOL!
Sum YOHSHI plaers use egz. enimee sez OMG WHY IS EGZ ON MY FACE LOL. nd yohshi keep use egz cuz they has knock back and stunz. UP B DOES EGZ.
U CAN ****rollz egz after presing UP B, do this by presing down after UP SPECIAL 2 lawb egz closr 2 u OR UP 2 thorw egz farter. holed DIRECTLY UP 2 maek egz go upwards, yohshi is beter in BARWL becuz of beter UP B. he can come back form off stage easy now. noobz say OMG YOHSHI SO GOOD LOL and yohshi say I KNOW LOL I OWN.
Sum plaerz dont use egz cuz they think egz they lame are,,. This plaeyr insted mite use butt bomb! DOWN B DO BUTT BOMB.
BUTT BOMB CAN BE a used to squashed enimeez LOL. USE when CLOSE to enimee and yoo can maek FLY AWAY them LOL/.
YOHSHI has eg to role arownd in, PRES B AND OVER ROLE IN EG. roling in eg can confuze enemeez sumtimes and mindgames them! but wach out cuz if you dont get owt of eg quick u mite die LOL.
YOHSHI ALSO has his tung attack. ONLY B IS DO TUNG. tung to eat enimee and pop them out yohshiz back end LOL.
enemee mite git angery when eaten LOL. wach out.!
YOHSHI haz A attax. press A 2 do A attax. you jus lernd how to A attax! LOL.
thare R alot of A attax. FAIR, BAIR, DAIR, UAIR, and NAIR. Thares even da CHAIR LOL JK
sum peeple hate callin them fair and bair, but datz probubly cuz dey stink at smash LOL.
these attax are dun in air. ONLY AIR LOL.
FAIR is FRONT AND AIR A ATTAX. YOHSHI duz uha hedslam and flip! heez so cool LOL. dis iz also hiz meteeor smash.
3) DAIR is down and AIR A ATTAX. YOHSHI uses his feet to dino-stomp da enimee LOL.
use DAIR when short hop and do falling off da stage. then you get no lag and enimee is like OMG HOW YOU GET NO LAG LOL.
1) YOHSHI is has NAIR. ONLY A in air does NAIR attax.
2) yoHSHI has BAIR. BAIR is awesome apparoch attax! ONLY BACK AND A DOES BAIR in air.
3) When done BAIR, is nobody will stopz YOHSHI.
4) UAIR is good kill movez for YOHSHI. use well! this is done with UP AND A in air attax.
YOHSHI is can teech you to be healthier person, since he eats so much he kno how to stay at health time LOL.
- if youz do air attax on ground, you do tilts!
- Tilts are fun to do and can does keep combos going!
- You can do smarsh attax as well on ground with smash and a or c stix,
YOHSHI has GRAB and SHEELD azz well. press SHOULDER to do SHEELD. you can then press left right or down to role arownd or dodge LOL. yohshi roles in an eg sheeld but dont let it explode LOL! if sheeld explode only jesus can is then save youLOL.
To grab, press Z or SHEELD AND A. but wach out cuz if you sheeld and a grab, you mite get called cheep cuz some peepl cant handle sheeld and grab LOL.
sum hax yohshi has in barwl. hax are cool things that plaers use when they think they cool. cuz they are LOL! why use egz when you can use DRACONIC REVERSE LOL.
i wuld explane the hax but this is just a basix gide to yohshi so mabee sum other times i do it.
sum plaers dun like to use hax, sum plaers don’t likez to use egz, some dont like to use tilts, sum dont like to butt bomb. is ok LOL! eech plaer is diffrunt!
sum say they not like yohshi! dunt lissen to them! so you must liek yohshi lots time cuz yohshi loves you lots.
is no yohshi that does not have fun with friends. friends are lots of what yohshi has.
use this gide and, be a yohshis friend!
As originally posted here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=243107
Jiggyz gide to plaae YOHSHI!
1 -Peepl are confuzed abowt yohshi, and he how is so good LOL! I HELPZ U AND THEM WITH THIS GUIDE!
Jiggyz gide to plaae YOHSHI.!
HEARZ how to plaae YOHSHI.
OK now hearz how it is Jiggy haz been playing yohshi since time begin. YOHSHEE use 2 B bad in erly smash.,
NOW in BARWL yoshi has goode moves and has does hax like DRACONIC REVERSE.
SUM say peeple who does usez hax lots R cheap.. BUT I dont care abowt hax becuz I can BEET ENYWON LOL!
Sum YOHSHI plaers use egz. enimee sez OMG WHY IS EGZ ON MY FACE LOL. nd yohshi keep use egz cuz they has knock back and stunz. UP B DOES EGZ.
U CAN ****rollz egz after presing UP B, do this by presing down after UP SPECIAL 2 lawb egz closr 2 u OR UP 2 thorw egz farter. holed DIRECTLY UP 2 maek egz go upwards, yohshi is beter in BARWL becuz of beter UP B. he can come back form off stage easy now. noobz say OMG YOHSHI SO GOOD LOL and yohshi say I KNOW LOL I OWN.
Sum plaerz dont use egz cuz they think egz they lame are,,. This plaeyr insted mite use butt bomb! DOWN B DO BUTT BOMB.
BUTT BOMB CAN BE a used to squashed enimeez LOL. USE when CLOSE to enimee and yoo can maek FLY AWAY them LOL/.
YOHSHI has eg to role arownd in, PRES B AND OVER ROLE IN EG. roling in eg can confuze enemeez sumtimes and mindgames them! but wach out cuz if you dont get owt of eg quick u mite die LOL.
YOHSHI ALSO has his tung attack. ONLY B IS DO TUNG. tung to eat enimee and pop them out yohshiz back end LOL.
enemee mite git angery when eaten LOL. wach out.!
YOHSHI haz A attax. press A 2 do A attax. you jus lernd how to A attax! LOL.
thare R alot of A attax. FAIR, BAIR, DAIR, UAIR, and NAIR. Thares even da CHAIR LOL JK
sum peeple hate callin them fair and bair, but datz probubly cuz dey stink at smash LOL.
these attax are dun in air. ONLY AIR LOL.
FAIR is FRONT AND AIR A ATTAX. YOHSHI duz uha hedslam and flip! heez so cool LOL. dis iz also hiz meteeor smash.
3) DAIR is down and AIR A ATTAX. YOHSHI uses his feet to dino-stomp da enimee LOL.
use DAIR when short hop and do falling off da stage. then you get no lag and enimee is like OMG HOW YOU GET NO LAG LOL.
1) YOHSHI is has NAIR. ONLY A in air does NAIR attax.
2) yoHSHI has BAIR. BAIR is awesome apparoch attax! ONLY BACK AND A DOES BAIR in air.
3) When done BAIR, is nobody will stopz YOHSHI.
4) UAIR is good kill movez for YOHSHI. use well! this is done with UP AND A in air attax.
YOHSHI is can teech you to be healthier person, since he eats so much he kno how to stay at health time LOL.
- if youz do air attax on ground, you do tilts!
- Tilts are fun to do and can does keep combos going!
- You can do smarsh attax as well on ground with smash and a or c stix,
YOHSHI has GRAB and SHEELD azz well. press SHOULDER to do SHEELD. you can then press left right or down to role arownd or dodge LOL. yohshi roles in an eg sheeld but dont let it explode LOL! if sheeld explode only jesus can is then save youLOL.
To grab, press Z or SHEELD AND A. but wach out cuz if you sheeld and a grab, you mite get called cheep cuz some peepl cant handle sheeld and grab LOL.
sum hax yohshi has in barwl. hax are cool things that plaers use when they think they cool. cuz they are LOL! why use egz when you can use DRACONIC REVERSE LOL.
i wuld explane the hax but this is just a basix gide to yohshi so mabee sum other times i do it.
sum plaers dun like to use hax, sum plaers don’t likez to use egz, some dont like to use tilts, sum dont like to butt bomb. is ok LOL! eech plaer is diffrunt!
sum say they not like yohshi! dunt lissen to them! so you must liek yohshi lots time cuz yohshi loves you lots.
is no yohshi that does not have fun with friends. friends are lots of what yohshi has.
use this gide and, be a yohshis friend!