You don't seem to be very keen on accepting other people's opinions. I played Melee 7 years straight, but when Brawl came out I never looked back (except in regards to Jigglypuff ironically who was butchered in Brawl.) Yes, it has flaws, but damn it if Melee doesn't have that too, people just seem to have forgotten or have chosen to forget them. And I feel sorry for you if tripping is enough to ruin a game for you.
But anyways, that wasn't the point of my post, I was pointing out how ignorant it was to say that Melee was objectively the best game when it comes down to simple preferences, just like everything else, and that the proposed roster you had in mind was absolutely horrific. Melee's roster was nowhere near as good as a Nintendo All Stars roster should be, so going backwards to that but with a few added sprinkles is in no way a feasible idea.
Sorry to respond with such a negative tone, but you sure aren't making your case better yourself.
Either way, this is the Jigglypuff thread, why on earth should we discuss this in this thread? I say we let it rest.
As for why this is here, I am not the one who brought up that there would be roster cuts. Which directly leads to a discussion of roster size. Which pretty much squarely puts the size in terms of melee - brawl on a gradient(more than the first, less than the second). And since several non-melee characters were already confirmed(mega, villager, etc), the wiggleroom is little. So yes, if Sakurai is to be at all believed, that is going to be VERY close to the roster we get. All there's room for on a roster to fit the 3DS is melee + 'sprinkles.'
Melee had next to no flaws, especially when compared to brawl. There's a reason one of them topped the charts and had competitive longevity over a decade and the other one was shunned by the majority of the community and removed from all serious competition. But if you wanna try and list melee flaws, go ahead...unless you're trying to argue that wavedashing was a flaw...
But yes, a mechanic in which you have a chance to instantly lose a life every time you try to move IS in fact enough to ruin the game for me. And for a lot of others as well. But it wasn't just that, there were hundreds of other crippling problems in the game as well.
As for not accepting opinions, it's a laughable irony as always for one such as you to say. When someone like me gives their opinion and is instantly harped on for it by you. Just...laughable. As for "objectively," it is. Anyone who thinks brawl is wrong. It's a fact. Or they're just trying to be a hipster since melee, being the better one, is far more popular. It's like a colorblind person saying the sky is orange. They may believe it, but they are wrong.
I now give you permission to get the last word to "win" this debate. Since you seem to have a lot riding on that. And I'm done responding in this thread to a self-important wall of stubbornness and closed ears.