Alright well w/e idk why you underrate ME so much, prob because you beat me in a MM, but like I have placed CONSISTENTLY above HBK and Reno and at the last tourney got 4th with Spam at 3rd, which is Spam's first tournament in the past forever.
So my only real argumentation about me lies right there, my consistent placement above both of them and tellingly dominant 1v1 record vs. both of them.
I just think that sometimes when lists like these are done people have been blindfolded to the past month. You really have to keep current, and a tourney 2 weeks ago is way more telling than a tourney a month ago.
My beating you does not change anything. The simple fact that you have never beaten Cactuar, Jman, or Eggm in a real tourney set is what holds you back in my mind. As for spam being above you, you actually agreed with me there. The only person you put yourself higher than is HBK, which I strongly disagree with. You are totally ignoring all of his matches vs other people, and just basing that off how you do against him.
HBK has gotten first place, taking out both Eggm and Jman at a few tourneys. You've never gotten first at any tourney as far as I know. So i dunno why you think you outplace him. And even if you do, you only do it by beating people that aren't at that higher level. Its nice that you can place 5th, but if you're not beating good people to get there, its not that great in my mind. Other than Eggm's Fox, who did you beat to earn 4th last tourney?
Here's how I think of it- If you, Jman, Eggm, and HBK go to a tourney, who has the best chance at winning it? Eggm wins vs Jman 55% of the time. Eggm wins vs HBK 70% of the time. Eggm wins vs you 100% of the time.
Jman wins vs HBK 65% of the time. Jman wins vs Scar 100% of the time.
Scar wins vs HBK 65% of the time.
If these were the real percents, I would assume you would have absolutely no chance at 1st, little chance at 2nd, and a 50% chance at third (50% is because HBK could potentially knock Jman or Eggm out, making them take 3rd not you). HBK has maybe a small chance at first, a fair chance at 2nd, and very good chance at third.
Unless you can beat SOMEONE else besides HBK, how could you possibly be above HBK? Thats all I see.
Edit: I hope you can see this stuff objectively. I have no reason to be negatively biased towards you, nor do I have reason to have positive bias towards HBK. I like ya both, just gotta tell it like it is. I think Scar has a lot of room to move up, he just needs to do somethin about those two Falcon killers.