Smash Lord
it was an example lol! I just put my two top characters, cause like I felt like it, um I would probably put ness as me on the other side put like2 guys and on my side again another guy, then I would have to come up with a new banner to make space if I find the 5th one, (the background is cool though!)Well um...yeah...that abaout think of holding anything over thanksgiving break? anyone at all? if not I'll hold an std, and um yeah we'll smash lol, but if someone else holds something then to that someone's std it is, or tournyJon, there were no oversights in my post at all. Read it again, slowly and carefully, and you'll see that. But you'll probably make the crew regardless of what I say. Personally I think it is a pointless venture.
Cave, if that will be your crew banner, why are two of your characters in it?
hey 400th post! yeah! lol TC1 your thin is going super big