Personally Jon, I see little point in creating a new crew. If you identify heavily with it, it will remove some of your identity as a member of F.T.A. You belong in F.T.A. much more than you belong in any other crew. Not only are they smashers whom you have spent a lot of time training with, but they are also your friends. A crew which built only upon powerful players is, to me, meaningless. A crew must not only have a purpose for creation, but also membership in it must be a thing prideful and enjoyable.
Oh, and I think the name is boring. "Death to All" is not creative or interesting at all. "Death by ****" isn't much better for that matter. Jon, you can do better for the name.
Finally, I don't think that it is a good idea to create a division of F.T.A. The only tie this crew holds to F.T.A. is yourself. Besides that, this crew is completely independent of F.T.A. As a part of F.T.A. they will be recognized as such, and both they and F.T.A. will be identified with one another. Thus one may know F.T.A. and think that these players are relatively equal in skill, and likewise one may play this crew and equate their skill with F.T.A.'s. I'm sure I do not need to speak of the problems that would create.