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Its a girl

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
fvck this. rules are rules, no exeptions. this is atlantic south..he could have posted this in the....random discusion, or...baby thread...oh wait there is no baby thread. this is a fourm about super smash brothers. if a mod decides to close my **** because it had little relevence, im not going to sit here and watch some one post a thread about their baby. congratulations on the baby...but this is not the right section to post in. honestly i think its discrimination that i had my threads closed, but this one can stay open. with subject mater aside, RULES ARE FVCKING RULES.


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2006
Orlando, Florida
wow u just made so many fvckin enemies. i kinda wanna see ur gay assss thread, its a wonder they got closed u fvckin d!ck. WHO THE FVCK ARE YOU. wow. get the hell out of FLs thread. GA shows no respect, noob. and what is it too you if this doesnt get closed. Where are the mods in banning ur ****. huhhh. wow. son of *****. RESPECT IS A HUGE THING HERE, u have none, god help if we meet ever. UR CONGRATS IS NOT WELCOME HERE, get the fVck out. No one cares bout ur dumb fVckin thread.



absolutely rediculous.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
wow. its brutally apparent that none of you brainless ******* see the significance of my post. this was towards the mods....not towards the baby, or anything of the sort.

The point is, that if my thread was "breaking rules" then this one is too. SUBJECT MATER ASIDE (do any of you know what that means? maybe your too busy thinking that typing "c0ck" on smash boards is cool and a original "Floridian" way to diss people truth is its lame, and your thinkings about ***** to much....) THE THREAD STILL VIOLATES FORUM RULES!!!

i honestly would LOVE to see you guys threaten me in person. because truth is i don't give a fvck. i will most likely be drunk when i see you at a Florida tourney... and i will most likely not give a fvck even more and kick your a$$'s in real life. AND STILL KICK YOUR A$$'s IN THIS GAME

me being a **** or not, ....i have a valid point and i don't think any of you understand it....im not suggesting terminating the thread for good, im suggesting that it goes in a better place besides Atlantic south. and the mods SHOULD have locked it, seeing how they locked mine when mine had 300,000 times more of a smash related topic than this one.

this is AMERICA i have a right to challenge the authority of the mods. i never said anything to "ihatethecape" about his baby or anything. it was strictly a example to the mods.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
my c0ck is still wayyyy bigger than yours and everyone in this thread obviously. ouch about the a$$ kicking part hopefully that wasnt aimed towards me too. Might wanna watch out you dont wanna get jumped by 30 people at doodah's tourney cuz we all got skrachy boy's back


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
I believe everyone takes Atlantic south as a place for Smashers in Atlantic south to talk to other smashers in Atlantic south. Most of the time it relates to talking about smash but if it doesn't its not a big deal. Get the fvcking yard stick you have shoved up your *** out.

Actually I have not heard or seen any of your posts besides the "close this thread" posts. Will you stop being a c0ck on the boards and find something better to do. You're giving GA a bad name.

And if your going to talk about forum rules i think there are rules about not threatening other people. Stop telling GMs what to do you freking tard.

Lambchops for CFL

-peez out


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2006
Orlando, Florida
wow. its brutally apparent that none of you brainless ******* see the significance of my post. this was towards the mods....not towards the baby, or anything of the sort.

The point is, that if my thread was "breaking rules" then this one is too. SUBJECT MATER ASIDE (do any of you know what that means? maybe your too busy thinking that typing "c0ck" on smash boards is cool and a original "Floridian" way to diss people truth is its lame, and your thinkings about ***** to much....) THE THREAD STILL VIOLATES FORUM RULES!!!

i honestly would LOVE to see you guys threaten me in person. because truth is i don't give a fvck. i will most likely be drunk when i see you at a Florida tourney... and i will most likely not give a fvck even more and kick your a$$'s in real life. AND STILL KICK YOUR A$$'s IN THIS GAME

me being a **** or not, ....i have a valid point and i don't think any of you understand it....im not suggesting terminating the thread for good, im suggesting that it goes in a better place besides Atlantic south. and the mods SHOULD have locked it, seeing how they locked mine when mine had 300,000 times more of a smash related topic than this one.

this is AMERICA i have a right to challenge the authority of the mods. i never said anything to "ihatethecape" about his baby or anything. it was strictly a example to the mods.
Are u serious man, im gunna disect ur ******** post line by line just to show you u have nothing to say:

1. We brainless ******* dont care about the relevance of what u posted. Regardless of who it was directed toward u fvckin idiot. U basically had to be THAT GUY who had to be a prick and say something completely uncalled for. YOU ARENT EVEN IN FL. SO FVCK OFF. mods dont like you, get used to it.

2. Who gives a **** about forum rules, if the mods close it so be it, until then shut the hell up. i should become a mod just to ban u and ur small a$$ ****.

3. Physical threat sir? Since u were the first one to say something i have the right to call ur punk *** out at the tourny, then we see who is talkin **** and who is gunna hold it down. So u say ur gunna be drunk at the tourny, does that make you cool in some way. Is that supposed to mean u have a life outside of smash. Obviously it doesnt since u spend so much time worrying bout which theads should be closed. Get off the boards. get a girl, get some pu$$y, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?" prick, and stop being a loser. I dont give a fvck who u are, ill stomp ur **** son.

4.UR a ******* prick. Im 6', dark hair, dark skin, glasses, and i got a big fvckin c0ck, come find me we can do the grown man dance if you want.

oh yeah are u sure ur not gay? U should join the gay smashers thread since u love the d!ck so much , try to get that banned too. A$$.

Hoorah and a raised fist.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
yea not to mention you wont even need to try to beat his *** I just dont wanna see that embarrasement. just walk away like I did to him lol I would feel bad whooping his ***.
hahahah walk away???? more like sound like a scared little bich when i confonted you. lol

you guys seem to be very mature when it come to handeling your problems. let me break it down to you

1. try to fight some one, but when confonted, you back down and apologize like lambchops did to me.very similar to a girl. in the words of f4gchops, "bow down to my c0ck" because thats what F4gchops did to me.

2.saying you guys are big. none of you are big. i have seen all of you IRL.lambchops looks like something from space jam.

3. using the phrase "bow down to my c0ck" is prolly the single most homosexual diss i have ever heard in my life..

4.when you see me in real life. i will put money on the fact that none of you will say ****. VERY SIMILAR TO LAMBCHOPS.

5. none of you have ever been in real fights. yea...sorry guys i used to do it as a sport.im 2000% sure i can literally knee all of you in the face from the ground, and im 30000 % sure i can kick you harder than you ever have been kicked in your entire life. and im 4000 % sure you have never been elbowed before.

6.WHO THE **** SAID ANYTHING ABOUT FIGHTING?!?!? YOU GUYS DID!!!! i never said ANYthing about fighting before you threatened me.

7. giving GA a bad name? how is this representing any other georgian player??? get your heads out of your ***'s and realize that im a individual and i dont represent a state. THIS IS NOT POLITICS. ITS A VIDEOGAME.the fact is im actualy from FLA so if anything i would be giving FLA a bad name douchbags.


9. me saying i would be drunk is to show you how much i REALLY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU. if i was scared i would maybe be sober, and maybe worry about myself. but in this case i would get drunk because i know NONE OF YOU WILL DO ****, so i might as well have a good time.

10. if you honestly cared about the baby, you your selves should have not turned this into a fight conversation. you could have argued in a productive maner.nice job douchbags


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2005
lol. dude chill out. i just had a kid. i've been on these boards for a long time. and plus, why the hell are you getting so bent out of shape cuz someone closed your thread? lol. jesus kid you are emo. and calm down. you aren't going to kick anyone ***. If you really have something to say stop being an e-thug and step up to the plate in real life. Internet smack talk is just for fun and should never be taken seriously. calm down man, it's a new baby. who doesn't like a new baby lol. best wishes to you man.

you need to roll a j and just chill out ;)


Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2006
Orlando, Florida
ok so u USED to do kick boxing, i do muay thai. whats good. and dont ASSUME ive never been in a fight, thats when u lose the fight. ur the one that started with the beating of the *** comments. i simply said "god help us if we meet", nothing more, ur the one that talked bout fighting... learn to read. i dont know what went down between u and chops, and i dont care. im just sayin dont threaten me, that i dont stand for.
ur last post was pretty much towards chops. so stop ASSUMING everyone is chops. ur last post was structured like a 2nd grade paper. 2000% watch out. pretty much filled with the same BS uve been ranting about, politics and etc. once again no one cares.
THE MAIN REASON U GOT CALLED OUT WAS BECAUSE THIS IS THIS GUYS 1st KID. HES HAPPY. DO U HAVE A KID? u shouldnt have posted that in the first place. if u have a problem with mods, GO TALK TO THE MODS.
like i said man if u and me still got issues come talk to me, im down to the grown mans dance. and doodahs.
otherwise its squashed. go smoke somethin, calm ur alcoholic self down.

so whats really good?

And no we arent cool. i just dont want to talk bout ur sorry self anymore. cuz it went from the baby to you, oddly enough, but u are right bout one thing, its a shame this thread got messed up, my b.. and for that i apologize.

yes lets forget bout D. ZAMAN.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
lawl lawl lawl...

one thing i wanna say...
i wont do a **** thing to you, i wont even start drama with you at any tourneys...
but if you lay on finger on any of my friends, i'll make it my personal business to lay your *** out, and thats a promise.

lol and im here talking down to a 17 yr old... whats wrong with me. i feel bad. ima go climb back up to my level now.

now have a nice day. :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
i really should have taken it up with the mods in the first place, and dont get me wrong, i feel like a **** for ruining this thread...but i just get mad when i totaly got my stuff locked when it was nothing to get locked about, and seeing other people being able to freely post about thier private lives, just kinda got me a little mad, and made me feel discriminated against. the point is if your able to post things about your private life, but i cant post smash related subject mater it realy is not to fair, and im sorry for ruining this thread. and i really didnt mean to turn anything into a fight topic. i dont want to fight any of you.i just got pissed that every one was not listing to anything i was saying, and instead of maybe giving valid reasons to why this thread exists every one starts talking about their c0ck and fighting.so i will talk back natrualy

once again. nothing i said in my first post was towards any one exept for the mods, and honestly YOU guys turned it into what it became.

i really dont care THAT much that my post was locked,it really was nothing importaint, but it was a legitimate thread. its just unprofessional to lock certaint threads, and keep other ones open. my post was for the mods. none of you. i should have just pmed a mod, i had no idea every one would start freaking out because i was expresing my right to have my own threads. i do feel like a totaly a$$hole for doing this on a thread about a baby, i really wish the subject of this thread was something less moraly degrading to ruin .i really am sorry about that.

and no one is fighting any one, be honest with yourselves. no one including my self would really want to ruin a tournament by causing a whole scene over a thread topic.

and btw i did muay thai and brazilian jujitsu for years. so maybe we have something in comon. please disregard the things i said and i rather just makes friends on a smash web site than be a ****. i was out of line. sorry everyone.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2005
quality post mate. speaks volumes of your character. I do say, we should partake in the wholiest of herbs and smoketh them. :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
yea, i mean im not a **** i really am sorry every one. i just should have done what i did in a way smarter fashion.

i quit teh herb. i will miss it tho.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
Ok daniel f@gman im not saying im gonna fight yo punk *** but try me at the tourney im not gonna go to you and say **** but if you insist you can confront me and try to do some of that **** you said would and see what happen cuz I may back down when someone threatens to fight me but I dont back down when someone comes out of nowhere punches me. Yea I can box son dont assume I cant or back down if you knee/punch me

also I know how to execute the legendary kamehameha wave took me all my life to learn so watch out.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
Wow, that got out of hand quickly. Everyone needs to chill. Daniel-zaman is a cool guy and he was really trying to ask a legitimate question and all of you jumped down his throat. No one is going to fight anybody, and I can pretty much garuntee that. I remember a certain someone from GA was hated on for a while and was threatened by numerous people, but when he actually showed up to a tournament, no one had the balls to do anything because they realized he was a good guy. Daniel is one of the chillest guys I know, and you guys are going absolutely nuts over nothing. CHILL!!

Great job for having a baby....I just found out my cousin is going to have a baby. Should I make a thread? Or just call up my friends and tell them...I'm not sure....you tell me.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
Yay and so peace was restored to the boards once again.
In the next episode of C0ckballZ we will encounter another two contestants to figth and engage the entire smash community. Later though they will learn that their problems can be solved through words and not violence. That is somewhat boring though so to entertain the viewers we have this great picture of a miniature baby !!!!!

*cue theme song!*


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
I have no idea must be a Florida thing so I want to know. :B


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
does it stand for something in your circle of friends? :D


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
Nope :D just behr powers. Because behrs have major powers. Lol if I actually showed you what it was from you'd be like wtf????

Edit: oh and liliana happy 11 days of life..... They grow up so fast T_T *sniffle*


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
El Oh El Ok then thats all I needed to know and you can show me what it is. :B


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
THat video is very intresting you guys must have been very bored.I guess I am a cool guy maybe cause I am young anyways I dont have a Wii yet so poor but I will get one for brawl and I do want to play some Florida peeps maybe if you guys come to NC.

Edit: If you did make a thread about the Video that guy Danial might have asked it too be closed down the thread that what I heard. <.<


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
May be, I still have to see about pound *sigh* it's not rly a money issue just a parents issue, even though I'm 15 they're still preety strict on me. Online is awesome though, its nice to play people from different regions. Most people have a different style, I just hope online doesn't change anything.

Lmao google adds. I want to buy behr paint now.
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