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It is the Pac Ghost Gang! Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde Have Come to Torment Pac Man!

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
Meet Blinky, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde. I am sure most of you do not need an introduction to these celebrity villains, but in case you do, let me explain very briefly:

Once upon a time, in the arcade gaming days, there was a pizza slice, but was no ordinary pizza slice, for Toru Iwatani, Pac Man's designer saw it as not the source, but the remnant of what would be the inspiration of a timeless hero-- the rest of the pizza (I assume no one else had taken a slice before he had this stroke of genius), and our long-standing, pizza-with-a-slice-taken-out-of-it-shaped icon was born!

...His name is Pac Man, and he made his debut navigating blue-themed mazes; eating dots, cherries, and power pellets; and... diminishing to a sliver and disappearing? What has happened? Let me tell you... The Pac Ghost Gang happened! Meet Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde, the colorful ghosts, and the primary antagonists of the Pac Man franchise as a whole.

In their initial roles, the ghosts would pursue Pac Man, causing him to vanish if he touched any one of them. They were not variously painted duplicates, however, as each had their own methods of attacking Pac Man . Blinky (red) would chase Pac Man aggressively, spelling doom for our cherry chomper if he found himself cornered. Pinky (pink, if I do no not lose points for pedantry) would set set traps for our round runner by thinking a few steps ahead. She would try to cut Pac Man off in his path. Inky (blue) was the team player whose actions depended on the proximity of Pac Man and the other ghosts, making him a nightmare to keep track of by our pellet popper. Finally, Clyde (orange) would chase Pac Man, but not as vehemently as Blinky. He would come close, but then wander off frequently. This could cause our......... Pac Man to make grave mistakes, and aid in cornering him. (I played the arcade Pac Man briefly, as well as one other Pac Man title, but most information I had to and have to look for, so if any errors are present, let me know.)

'So far, so good,' but how would this quadruple of ghosts work in Smash Bros.? There is much room for both canonical and imaginative (though I would need your help for the former) movesets, as well as appropriate physics. Also, I imagine they would be full of gimmicks, and possibly their own mechanics as well.

There is much to be said, so there will be divisions in the following categories (Welcome yourself to posting your own ideas, and I shall place them here. I have made a number of categories to accommodate almost any suggestion.) :

In keeping with the character and theme of the Pac Ghosts, they would be a 'tag-team' character like Olimar and pikmin, Popo and Nana, Rosalina and Luma, etc. They would have exceptionally low (if not the lowest, but there is more to be said shortly, and it cannot be left so simply put...) weight, gravity, falling speed, aerial acceleration, ground speed, and traction, but exceptionally high max aerial speed ( rivaling or surpassing even Yoshi's ), thus they would be incredibly difficult to control (in varying degrees depending on which ghost you have in front, but I shall explain this momentarily...). Furthermore, their collective 'hit zone' is rather large (when they are together...), despite each ghost having a small figure. Therefore, the Pac Ghosts have risky movement in close-quarters, and are thus easy to K.O. (somewhat...). To worsen matters, their melee attacks are either non-disjoint, or slow enough to leave room for reaction. In all, I can imagine them as having a rather high learning curve.

The Pac Ghosts are not off to a good start in many respects, however, their assets are very... unorthodox. They have plethora of interesting, unusual gimmicks and mechanics:

1. Start Area - The Pac Ghosts always start at or near the center of the stage, swapping start positions with the otherwise rightful player. This does not necessarily amount to much in many cases, but depending on the player's strategy, it can be more or less convenient, and it references their initial condition in the Pac Man arcade game.

2. Float/Glide - Upon inputting a jump, the player does not see the ghosts perform a traditional 'jump.' Rather, they move slightly upward, and for a few (perhaps 5 seconds), the player can control midair movement as the ghosts are suspended (without any directional input, the ghosts will descend at about Jigglypuff's fall speed). Inputting a jump again will cancel this. This can only be done once at a time, but can be use on the ground, or in the air, making it an effective recovery option. They can also attack without ending the float, so any attemp to edge-guard against them should proceed with caution.

3. Wall-cling - The ghosts do not wall-jump, but they can cling. This is treated almost as a landing, so they can float again (once) if they have exhausted their float.

4. Desynching - This is the only tag-team whose constituents may be controllably dispatched to different areas of the stage (I shall explain this in the partial moveset). As a result, a skilled player can control most or all of a small stage, or make it very difficult for the opponent to retreat safely. Although this requires extensive reflexes in multi-tasking, once mastered, it enables the player to keep the opponent from maintaining a neutral game, maintain an advantage state, set up and execute combos creatively, unpredictably, and effectively (thereby providing potential for great damage output in seconds. this would be very difficult, advanced material, however.), and have one or more ghosts to fall back on when one is launched to a K.O. at high damage. Therefore, they can hold an extended game, but you certainly must use your tools well.

5. Leader Properties - Using the neutral special (again, I shall explain later...), the player may select a 'lead' ghost by repeatedly tapping the B button (cycling through Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde in this order). This is the ghost controlled by the player and followed by the other ghosts when they are not 'scattered' (explained later). Each ghost has its own attributes. Blinky is the fastest, and offers what the others lack in agility. His attacks have high priority, and he attacks with side B without being set as the lead. However, he is the easiest to launch. Pinky is more controllable than the others (she has highest traction and air acceleration), and can set platforms with up B (see Pinky in Pac Man World 3) without being set as the lead. She is the slowest though. Inky has intangibility while near the other ghosts, but has the the weakest attacks. Clyde has low priority, low controllability, and is easily launched, but his attacks are very strong, and are quick to start and finish (his smash attacks would hit about as hard as Mr. Game and Watch's). He is best reserved as an 'insult to injury' when the player has the upper-hand.

6. While the ghosts are subject to 'footstooling,' (only one ghost at time) and cannot footstool, they are not put into the helpless fall, and merely descend with no landing lag. They can recover by floating, which they can use (once) after taking a footstool. A footstool causes one ghost to 'scatter' from the rest.

7. Impressively, there is no lag for landing, even after an aerial attack!

I know this is a lot (and we have not seen the moveset yet!). The Pac Ghost gang would be a highly technical character that is very difficult to master, perhaps even the most difficult.

Partial Moveset (very mischievous and unconventional of them!):

Jab (A/AA/ AAA/ AAAA): Depending on how many ghosts are 'unscattered', the gang takes turns throwing between one and four forward punches, each ghost floating to the front, moving away, and allowing the next one to punch. Seldom will all the punches connect (there are many factors that affect this, including opponent damage and lead ghost). The damage output is 3%-23%.

Dash Attack: The lead ghost shoulder tackles an opponent in front (4%-9%).

Ftilt- The lead ghost flies forward and shoves an opponent, tripping them on contact. If contact is made with a light item, it is grabbed; if with a heavy item, it is pushed along the ground for as long as the control stick is held forward; or if with a wall, there is a straining animation to no effect except endlag (1%-8%).

Utilt- I have no ideas.

Dtilt- I have no ideas.

Fsmash- The lead ghost drops a flower pot in front of them (similarly to Villager's bowling ball). If it lands on an opponent, or from a high enough distance onto the ground, it is broken, launching the opponent, and the precipitating shards can be picked up and thrown. Otherwise, the pot is intact, and will absorb projectiles (up to 10%). The pot can be picked up and thrown as a heavy item, but it is usually faster to use Ftilt to push it into an opponent, or off a ledge (11%-26% uncharged, depending on use and ghost). It is an excellent edge-guarding tool, but it is slow, short-ranged, and can only be used when there are no other pots or shards on the stage.

Dsmash - The gang circles around a fixed spot on the ground, slowly moving outwards and launching any foes they make contact with (12% uncharged). The move lasts long for a smash attack, hits as many times as it touches an opponent, has excellent range for a down smash, and launches a considerable distance for its damage. It also causes extensive shield damage and pushes a shielding opponent back a significant distance each time a ghost makes contact with a shield, allowing it to pressure shields fairly well when properly timed. It has some atypical weaknesses though. It is not very useful for reading rolls due to the start lag, slow execution, and blindspot at the center of the ghosts' orbit.

Usmash - The ghosts abruptly fly outward, covering multiple directions, depending on the number of unscattered ghosts (6%-24% uncharged, depending on how many ghosts make contact. The highest value only happens when the opponent is right 'on top' of you though). This is their quickest and most reliable smash attack, but it is also quite weak in most cases. The range, however, makes it useful as an anti-air attack. The move scatters each ghost.

Grab - A grab can only occur with two or more unscattered ghosts. They surround and harass the opponent 'bully' style. The grab has the gimmick of causing a periodic 2% damage in addition to 3% pummel damage offered by the lead ghost, making the grab alone a superb 'extra-damage' tool. The more unscattered ghosts there are, the more difficult it is to escape the grab.

Uthrow - Each grabbing ghost levitates slowly, and then tosses the opponent upward (6%-15%)

Dthrow - I have no ideas.

Fthrow - The ghosts grabbing ghosts line up and each ghost in the line tosses the opponent to the next ghost until the end of the line is reached, at which point the final ghost throws the opponent away (5%- 18%). This scatters the grabbing ghosts.

Bthrow - The lead ghost traps the opponent in a sack and carries them over the shoulder (3%). During this time, the player may move around freely in any direction for as long as the opponent is in the sack. The opponent may struggle free by 'mashing,' and the player may swing and throw the sack forward at any time by pressing A, potentially leading to many amusing, offstage victories (or accidental suicides). If you need 'salt' on your fish, try getting a K.O. on the opponent with this move!

Nair - The lead ghost makes a 'scary' face (see), and their whole body becomes a lingering hit-box (2%-7% depending on ghost). It is also an effective taunt!

Fair - The lead ghost flies forward a short distance with a boulder in hand. They then drop the boulder (21%) which , after landing can be shoved with Ftilt, or treated as a heavy item.

Dair - I have no ideas.

Uair - I have no ideas.

Bair - I have no ideas.

Neutral Special (Swap) - This move changes which ghost, you are actively controlling (the lead ghost). Any unscattered ghosts follow the lead ghost, while scattered ghosts remain in one place, and do nothing until commanded by the player. This happens almost instantaneously, so it is helpful (pivotal even) to the ghosts' combo and trapping games.

Up Special (Pinky Platform) - Pinky generates a platform that can be used by any player. I imagine that in order to be fair, there should be some cooldown time, but that is all I can say until I see the home series' rendition personally. The move cannot be used if Pinky has been K.O.'d, but she does not have to be set as the lead ghost to use it.

Down Special (Scatter) - The unscattered ghosts spread out in a horizontal line, scattering them. A ghost is unscattered if it follows the lead ghost. Due to the 'scattering' mechanic, it is possible forone ghost to launch a foe into another attack if the player is fast enough in transitioning from an attack to Swap, making it powerful for planned combos. Unfortunately, scattered ghosts are 'sitting ducks,' and are vulnerable to attack if you do not keep the opponent on the defense. However, if you use Scatter again, all of the unscattered ghosts fly to the leader and regroup, but only if all ghosts are scattered.

Side Special (Cruise Elroy) - Named for a condition in the arcade Pac Man, where after Pac Man eats enough pellets, ghosts speed up, this special move causes Blinky to rush forward at high speed, causing tremendous damage and knockback. It can also be used without setting Blinky as the lead. The move can only be used once every thirty-four seconds, and cannot be used if Blinky has been K.O.'d .

Final Smash - I could not say for sure... Perhaps something involving a bus (?).
Blinky is the main character. The other three have to be "summoned" with neutral B. You can also choose which ghost to play as from the start on the CSS like Pokemon Trainer.

Neutral B: Ghost Partners
Hold B for around 2 seconds to summon Pinky. Again for Blinky. Once more for Clyde. They will follow Blinky, but are intangible as long as they follow him (Only the lead ghost has a hurtbox).
Tap B to change the ghost that you control.

Side B: Ghost Chase
Send the next Ghost in line to chase after your opponent (they'll transform into their classic form like Pac does for some of his attacks). They can be defeated in one hit.
Blinky always directly targets the opponent.
Pinky loops around the stage and tries flanking the opponent.
Inky follows a set but hard-to-predict pattern based on the movement of both characters.
Clyde does whatever he wants.

Up B: Ghost Train
Blinky charges upward with the other ghosts to create a sort of upwards moving "wall". Blinky can adjust his flight angle. Any following ghosts become tangible.
[This move is inspired by the Ghost Trains in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX.]

Down B: Ghost Carousel
Blinky charges the following ghosts forward to hold the opponent in place (very similar to Olimar's grab). Blinky can still move and attack the opponent.
The ghosts will circle the opponent along the X and Z plane, not X and Y (This is important for later). They will slowly move upwards and gradually get faster, eventually lifting the opponent off the top blast zone. Higher percent makes it harder to escape.
The opponent is stuck in their tumbling animation when circled by ghosts. They must use either their forward or back aerial attacks to swat the ghosts away one at a time. Since the ghosts are constantly rotating around the player, timing matters!
This move isn't really meant to kill, but to deal some extra damage. Use Down-B again to call back the ghosts that haven't been KO'd.
[This move is inspired by the Ghost behavior in Pac N' Roll.]

Final Smash: Kill Screen
The edges of the screen become corrupted, shrinking the blast zone. The ghosts themselves will increase in size, go into scatter mode, erratically zooming accross the screen. Blinky transforms as well, and can be controlled; use the chaos to your advantage!
[This move is inspired by the infamous Kill Screen in the original Pac-Man.]

I've got some other brief notes I want to mention:
The Bury, Dizzy, and Frozen status effects cause the affected ghost to turn blue, like in Pac-Man whenever Pac gets a power pellet.

The Sleep status effect causes the affected ghost to turn green and translucent, like the sleeping ghosts in Pac-Man Championship edition.

All Smash attacks use 8-bit sprites of Pac-Man and his friends to attack, mirroring how Pac-Man uses 8-bit sprites of the Ghosts to attack in Smash. Side Smash is Pac-Man, Up Smash is Ms. Pac, and Down Smash uses Pac Jr. and Baby Pac.
I had an idea for a Final Smash, where they all turn into their 8-Bit selves, and send the opponent into a maze, where the Ghost surround them before all charging into them at once.

Feel like that makes sense given that's basically their win condition in the original game

Up Taunt: All ghosts (scattered or not) place their hands on their bellies in unison, and laugh hard (as in Super Nintendo's second Pacman game)
Down Taunt: All ghosts raspberry toward the screen.
Side Taunt: All unscattered ghosts give a threatening 'thumbs down' in unison.

Defeat: All ghosts turn blue (as when arcade Pac Man eats a power pellet) and vanish, leaving numbers behind (as when they are eaten by a powered up Pac Man)

I have one stage:

Witch's Lair:
This is a high tech lab with monitors, and the bubble gum monster. It can swipe to Attack, and his head and hands can be used as platforms.

Pacman 2: Hype music
Pacman 2: Calm Music

Pacman World: World 1

Pacman World 2: Blinky Boss

Pacma World 2: Shark Attack

Pacman World 2: Spooky

Pac Level: Cap 3 Min

Ideas are needed

Ideas are needed

So who is in support of the Pac Ghost Gang?

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Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
I was literally thinking about a moveset for these guys recently! I would draw it out, but making a whole batch of moveset drawings is very time consuming and I've only done it 3 times in the past 3 years. I'm surprised at how some of my ideas are somewhat shared with OP's. Here are my ideas! (Just the most important ones)

Blinky is the main character. The other three have to be "summoned" with neutral B. You can also choose which ghost to play as from the start on the CSS like Pokemon Trainer.

Neutral B: Ghost Partners
Hold B for around 2 seconds to summon Pinky. Again for Blinky. Once more for Clyde. They will follow Blinky, but are intangible as long as they follow him (Only the lead ghost has a hurtbox).
Tap B to change the ghost that you control.

Side B: Ghost Chase
Send the next Ghost in line to chase after your opponent (they'll transform into their classic form like Pac does for some of his attacks). They can be defeated in one hit.
Blinky always directly targets the opponent.
Pinky loops around the stage and tries flanking the opponent.
Inky follows a set but hard-to-predict pattern based on the movement of both characters.
Clyde does whatever he wants.

Up B: Ghost Train
Blinky charges upward with the other ghosts to create a sort of upwards moving "wall". Blinky can adjust his flight angle. Any following ghosts become tangible.
[This move is inspired by the Ghost Trains in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX.]

Down B: Ghost Carousel
Blinky charges the following ghosts forward to hold the opponent in place (very similar to Olimar's grab). Blinky can still move and attack the opponent.
The ghosts will circle the opponent along the X and Z plane, not X and Y (This is important for later). They will slowly move upwards and gradually get faster, eventually lifting the opponent off the top blast zone. Higher percent makes it harder to escape.
The opponent is stuck in their tumbling animation when circled by ghosts. They must use either their forward or back aerial attacks to swat the ghosts away one at a time. Since the ghosts are constantly rotating around the player, timing matters!
This move isn't really meant to kill, but to deal some extra damage. Use Down-B again to call back the ghosts that haven't been KO'd.
[This move is inspired by the Ghost behavior in Pac N' Roll.]

Final Smash: Kill Screen
The edges of the screen become corrupted, shrinking the blast zone. The ghosts themselves will increase in size, go into scatter mode, erratically zooming accross the screen. Blinky transforms as well, and can be controlled; use the chaos to your advantage!
[This move is inspired by the infamous Kill Screen in the original Pac-Man.]

I've got some other brief notes I want to mention:
The Bury, Dizzy, and Frozen status effects cause the affected ghost to turn blue, like in Pac-Man whenever Pac gets a power pellet.

The Sleep status effect causes the affected ghost to turn green and translucent, like the sleeping ghosts in Pac-Man Championship edition.

All Smash attacks use 8-bit sprites of Pac-Man and his friends to attack, mirroring how Pac-Man uses 8-bit sprites of the Ghosts to attack in Smash. Side Smash is Pac-Man, Up Smash is Ms. Pac, and Down Smash uses Pac Jr. and Baby Pac.
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Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
I've been supporting these 4 for a bit. Considering all the Eggman talk post-Sephiroth I do wonder how the Ghost Gang have never got the same attention.
I was also shocked they have never received a support thread. They are famous, extremely iconic, full of Smash Bros. potential, and would make an excellent Pac Man representative. Their gameplay could have many options for being unique as well. Anyway, I shall add you to the list.

I was literally thinking about a moveset for these guys recently! I would draw it out, but making a whole batch of moveset drawings is very time consuming and I've only done it 3 times in the past 3 years. I'm surprised at how some of my ideas are somewhat shared with OP's. Here are my ideas! (Just the most important ones)

Blinky is the main character. The other three have to be "summoned" with neutral B. You can also choose which ghost to play as from the start on the CSS like Pokemon Trainer.

Neutral B: Ghost Partners
Hold B for around 2 seconds to summon Pinky. Again for Blinky. Once more for Clyde. They will follow Blinky, but are intangible as long as they follow him (Only the lead ghost has a hurtbox).
Tap B to change the ghost that you control.

Side B: Ghost Chase
Send the next Ghost in line to chase after your opponent (they'll transform into their classic form like Pac does for some of his attacks). They can be defeated in one hit.
Blinky always directly targets the opponent.
Pinky loops around the stage and tries flanking the opponent.
Inky follows a set but hard-to-predict pattern based on the movement of both characters.
Clyde does whatever he wants.

Up B: Ghost Train
Blinky charges upward with the other ghosts to create a sort of upwards moving "wall". Blinky can adjust his flight angle. Any following ghosts become tangible.
[This move is inspired by the Ghost Trains in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX.]

Down B: Ghost Carousel
Blinky charges the following ghosts forward to hold the opponent in place (very similar to Olimar's grab). Blinky can still move and attack the opponent.
The ghosts will circle the opponent along the X and Z plane, not X and Y (This is important for later). They will slowly move upwards and gradually get faster, eventually lifting the opponent off the top blast zone. Higher percent makes it harder to escape.
The opponent is stuck in their tumbling animation when circled by ghosts. They must use either their forward or back aerial attacks to swat the ghosts away one at a time. Since the ghosts are constantly rotating around the player, timing matters!
This move isn't really meant to kill, but to deal some extra damage. Use Down-B again to call back the ghosts that haven't been KO'd.
[This move is inspired by the Ghost behavior in Pac N' Roll.]

Final Smash: Kill Screen
The edges of the screen become corrupted, shrinking the blast zone. The ghosts themselves will increase in size, go into scatter mode, erratically zooming accross the screen. Blinky transforms as well, and can be controlled; use the chaos to your advantage!
[This move is inspired by the infamous Kill Screen in the original Pac-Man.]

I've got some other brief notes I want to mention:
The Bury, Dizzy, and Frozen status effects cause the affected ghost to turn blue, like in Pac-Man whenever Pac gets a power pellet.

The Sleep status effect causes the affected ghost to turn green and translucent, like the sleeping ghosts in Pac-Man Championship edition.

All Smash attacks use 8-bit sprites of Pac-Man and his friends to attack, mirroring how Pac-Man uses 8-bit sprites of the Ghosts to attack in Smash. Side Smash is Pac-Man, Up Smash is Ms. Pac, and Down Smash uses Pac Jr. and Baby Pac.
(So am I right that you are a supporter?)

I had difficulty visualizing some of your descriptions, but they sound appropriate. I liked the idea of applying a chromatic change to status ailments, and I particularly favor the neutral and side specials. I admit that I do not care for the smash attacks (and maybe the down special?), but all together, it rings well to me.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
I was also shocked they have never received a support thread. They are famous, extremely iconic, full of Smash Bros. potential, and would make an excellent Pac Man representative. Their gameplay could have many options for being unique as well. Anyway, I shall add you to the list.

(So am I right that you are a supporter?)

I had difficulty visualizing some of your descriptions, but they sound appropriate. I liked the idea of applying a chromatic change to status ailments, and I particularly favor the neutral and side specials. I admit that I do not care for the smash attacks (and maybe the down special?), but all together, it rings well to me.
I am definitely a supporter!

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
I never really thought about them too much, but these guys would actually make great Smash fighters!

count me as a supporter!
In you go! Before this thread, I did not even entertain the idea of them being Smash Bros. characters either. I was astounded that they were not in the support thread directory as well-known as they are.

(P.S. The spoiler content in your signature is not visible. There is a size limit.)


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
(P.S. The spoiler content in your signature is not visible. There is a size limit.)
it isn't? For me it is.

You use mobile don't you? That may be why.

Also I'm not sure what would work for a new stage, however I would like to suggest they bring back PAC-Maze from Smash 3DS
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Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
I had an idea for a Final Smash, where they all turn into their 8-Bit selves, and send the opponent into a maze, where the Ghost surround them before all charging into them at once.

Feel like that makes sense given that's basically their win condition in the original game

Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
I had an idea for a Final Smash, where they all turn into their 8-Bit selves, and send the opponent into a maze, where the Ghost surround them before all charging into them at once.

Feel like that makes sense given that's basically their win condition in the original game
Yes, their final smash would probably be a nod to the 8-bit days. However, if I am being honest, I am not a fan of the majority of the roster having cutscene final smashes. To me, it detracts from the character of each moveset. I think Brawl did a fairly good job with it, though I know it would be plenty of extra work to return unique final smashes.

That said, an inescapable-upon-hit final smash may work for the ghosts since their mission was to trap/touch Pac-man.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Yes, their final smash would probably be a nod to the 8-bit days. However, if I am being honest, I am not a fan of the majority of the roster having cutscene final smashes. To me, it detracts from the character of each moveset. I think Brawl did a fairly good job with it, though I know it would be plenty of extra work to return unique final smashes.

That said, an inescapable-upon-hit final smash may work for the ghosts since their mission was to trap/touch Pac-man.
I like Cutscene Final Smashes because they're quite flashy, and don't take too long, but I suppose it could simply have them turn into large 8-Bit Ghosts and surround the fighters on the stage itself?
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Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
I like Cutscene Final Smashes because they're quite flashy, and don't take too long, but I suppose it could simply have them turn into large 8-Bit Ghosts and surround the fighters on the stage itself?
Both suggestions sound good (the second I lean more towards). I am just opposed to cutscenes generally. However, it depends on the fighter.

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Ideas are needed.
I have one:

Witchs Lair:
High Tech lab with monitors and the Bubble gum monster it can swipe to Attack and his Head and Hands can be used as Plattforms

Pacman 2 Hype music:
Pacman 2 Calm Music:

Pacman World world 1:

Pacman world 2 Blinky Boss:

Pacma World 2 Shark Attack:

Pacman World 2: Spooky

Pac Level Cap 3 min:
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Doc Monocle

Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2020
The seventh lantern.
I have one:

Witchs Lair:
High Tech lab with monitors and the Bubble gum monster it can swipe to Attack and his Head and Hands can be used as Plattforms

Pacman 2 Hype music:
Pacman 2 Calm Music:

Pacman World world 1:

Pacman world 2 Blinky Boss:

Pacma World 2 Shark Attack:

Pacman World 2: Spooky

Pac Level Cap 3 min:
Good ideas! Also, that was the Pac Man game I played, so (though I do not remember the music, and data constraints keep me from watching videos and some other media) I can firmly agree it is a good suggestion. I also shall add you and your contributions to the lists if you have no objections.

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Good ideas! Also, that was the Pac Man game I played, so (though I do not remember the music, and data constraints keep me from watching videos and some other media) I can firmly agree it is a good suggestion. I also shall add you and your contributions to the lists if you have no objections.
I dont have any but maybe you can try and fix my Grammar its not so good
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