Smash Champion
I am surprised none of you mentioned the Vermin. That is literally the first enemy you encounter in Golden Sun. Personally, the Vermin is the very first thing I think of when others mention Golden Sun enemies.Speaking of smash run, what mooks could the Golden Sun series contribute? Which are the most memorable/iconic?
Anyhow, aside from the Vermin, I think the Gryphons would make interesting enemies in Super Smash Bros. I would also say the Mimic, but since the Mimicutie from Kid Icarus: Uprising has been confirmed, I doubt it would happen.
Oh, and I just thought of an idea for a Golden Sun assist trophy... I think Alex would make an interesting Assist Trophy. He could do that geyser attack he uses on the Tobli soldiers at the beginning of Golden Sun: The Lost Age. If you get caught in said attack, consider it an instant Star KO.
There are two ghost-like enemies that appear in the first two Golden Sun games: The Amaze (on the left) and the Ghost (on the right).Pacack said:What do the ghosts from Golden Sun look like?

[EDIT] Darn it, I always hate when I end up starting a new page.
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