Eh, Isaac is 17, and I think it's probably fair to say Link is around that age, too. In fact, Zeldapedia states that Twlight Princess Link is "around 17 years old" - maybe not the most official source, but still, point is they are arguably the same age. And Isaac comes off slightly heavier to me due to being earth-based, and his chest armor. It seems a bit heavier than Marth or Roy's shoulder armor - maybe it wouldn't be, but it gives him a slightly bulkier appearance, imo. Same for his outfit in general - I imagine there's some padding/under-armor going on

Also, I think this is based more off of Felix's art, but their swords always seemed rather large to me. Combine that with earth-based attacks and I feel like it'd be weird to have him on the lighter side of things. Perhaps he should be lighter than Link, though - somewhere in between Link and Marth would be good, perhaps.