I've gotta wonder; why isn't Isaac as popular in Japan as he is here in the West? That is where his game series started out, if I'm not mistaken, so it's a mystery to me as to why Japan wouldn't want him as much as we would.
I guess it's because they are drowning into JRPGs, in Japan...
And somehow, it seems like they don't care as much as we in the West do over who's gonna make it in Smash.
That's the impression I had from the Japanese guy on Reddit and sourcegaming's article about who's popular in Japan, anyway.
Also they seem to have pretty different taste compared to the West, while even between the US and Europe, there's practically no difference. And on the Smash Communities on the Internet, there's people from both continents, too, so we are aware of each other's point of view. But not Japan because of the language barrier, and it kinda sets them apart, they're a bit less aware of what's popular here, I think (not completely unaware of course).