Okay, I'm going to level with you; I thought the same thing about Ryu. I said it before and I'll say it now, I was wrong and Ryu did make it in. Unfortunately/fortunately this means we can't count Banjo out. However I do believe that Isaac's chances are better now than they have ever been, even for Melee. Couple that with a possible (though pretty unlikely (we haven't even gotten TLA yet geez)) release of DD on the eShop...
IDK guys, I'm really feeling a GS4 announcement soon.
Golden Sun came out mere months before Melee, the single most rushed game in Smash history.
If ANYONE from the Gamecube had hopes for Melee, it would have been

That said, I think Isaac is highly likely for DLC this time around.
And there are two big differences between Banjo & Ryu.
Raw iconicism & Legacy on LEAGUES of difference.
CAPCOM & STREET FIGHTER AREN'T EXCLUSIVE TO SONY. Their upcoming game will be, but we also got STREET FIGHTER 4 3DS.
Did Ryu come out of nowhere? Hell Yeah. Did he have credentials we overlooked due to Sakurai saying he wasn't that interested in fighting game characters and thinking he had no chance because Capcom had a character in? Hell yeah.
Is Golden Sun more popular in Japan or in the West?
The games, currently, have LASTED more in popularity in the west.
I think it may have always been more popular in the west.