As the person who wrote the article, I can tell you that the DS one is basically more of the same! The only things hindering the game storywise are these:
- certain characters aren't as well developed (because they are obviously only there for this ride...);
- the psynergy vortex plot is set aside for most of the game, only to return at the end, delivering yet another cliffhanger;
- the game ends up raising more questions than answering the ones we already had before;
- there are a number of points of no return, which is mildly annoying.
All of that, combined with the fact the game took 8 years to release after TLA, which is a huge gap.
Most of the original players had either moved away from the series or probably forgotten it existed, and newer players may have felt apprehensive about playing a sequel to games they never heard anything about!
Since TLA is also the end of the 1st arc, it is a tough act to follow, specially with a game that is supposed to start a new adventure and reintroduce us to the world. (a.k.a. people expected more than what they got.)
Also, don't forget the DS already had a strong RPG library at this point and this year (2010) was full of RPG or RPG-like releases. Besides that, the 3DS was also starting to debut, with games like Animal Crossing and Kid Icarus being announced.
All of this might have hindered Golden Sun's sales in many ways.
Regarding the story writing, just like @
mentioned, the story is just a "kids saving the world... again..." kind of story. It may have a lot of clichés, yet it manages to subvert some of them and create a living and breathing world that is fun to visit and remember from time to time! And like he said, the games shine the most when it comes to gameplay. The Djinni system is relatively unique and the field psynergy puzzles feel refreshing, to say the least!
And yeah, that guy in the LP exaggerates to much, I had read it before.
I liked your stage idea, had totally forgotten about the Zol blocks!

But wouldn't it be more interesting to fight inside the tunnels? There's all those air currents and floating blocks that people could hop onto or drop on top of each other!
And if we are going with Zol blocks, I think
the snake in the Ouroboros would be even cooler, but that's just me!

For a non-lighthouse stage, I would really like to see the Elemental Star Chamber, with a remix of the music and all! What do you think?