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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
N3ON this is why you are the leader. That post, is just... Golden. :sadeyes:


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I just want to see where the Xeno series goes before warranting a character, that's why I probably think Shulk will end up an AT.
I see Shulk's fate being equal to Wonder Red's.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
The thing is, there aren't that many "super obvious" newcomers to begin with (other than maybe Mewtwo coming back), so Sakurai would have to start pulling from the "smaller" franchises eventually.

Consider also some of the more obvious and popular characters like Ridley, K. Rool and Toad have no real guarantee of appearing, so I think that increases the chances of characters like Isaac.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Why even add an Xenoblade character anway, if the new game 'X' even IF it stars Shulk, has a drastic different setting? Even if the blonde haired protagonist is Shulk, he's fighting much differently from how he did in Xenoblade. So a good represenation of the series would be far more difficult than with Isaac. Especially as Isaac's son could as well be his younger clone, and he has the same moves.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Ya could say so, but I'm just putting the vest on much earlier for now after what happened to Toad.

Toad and Isaac have absolutely no connection to each other. (Or Skull Kid) It's a random conclusion to come to.

I suppose we should all stop thinking Little Mac has any chance because Marth was revealed last month. Better go break the bad news over at the support thread.


You forgot Fire Emblem in your list of new franchises since smash began, which was arguably not a big franchise when it was introduced. (At least outside Japan) Also Kid Icarus and WarioWare.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
N3ON this is why you are the leader. That post, is just... Golden. :sadeyes:

I just want to see where the Xeno series goes before warranting a character, that's why I probably think Shulk will end up an AT.
I see Shulk's fate being equal to Wonder Red's.
It's possible Sakurai has the same mentality about the former, though it's merely a possibility. There's not many examples of series that actually have a decent shot at inclusion with only a single game released before the time of roster creation, thus there's not too much of a precedent, so imo it could still go either way.

As for the latter, I don't know about that. Wonder Red not only didn't exist to the public when the roster was being complied, he never had any notable amount of popularity and even less success than Xenoblade. Wonder Red is more comparable to like... Jill from Drill Dozer. Shulk's at least a league above him.

You forgot Fire Emblem in your list of new franchises since smash began, which was arguably not a big franchise when it was introduced. (At least outside Japan) Also Kid Icarus and WarioWare.
...just because it was new to the west doesn't mean it was new. It was already over a decade old by the time of Melee, and wasn't given content for the west's benefit anyway.

I think your view of "new" might differ from... what new means. :/
Kid Icarus has existed since the NES days and Sakurai treats the whole Wario series as a single entity that presumably began with the first Wario Land.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007

It's possible Sakurai has the same mentality about the former, though it's merely a possibility. There's not many examples of series that actually have a decent shot at inclusion with only a single game released before the time of roster creation, thus there's not too much of a precedent, so imo it could still go either way.

As for the latter, I don't know about that. Wonder Red not only didn't exist to the public when the roster was being complied, he never had any notable amount of popularity and even less success than Xenoblade. Wonder Red is more comparable to like... Jill from Drill Dozer. Shulk's at least a league above him.

...just because it was new to the west doesn't mean it was new. It was already over a decade old by the time of Melee, and wasn't given content for the west's benefit anyway.

I think your view of "new" might differ from... what new means. :/
Kid Icarus has existed since the NES days and Sakurai treats the whole Wario series as a single entity that presumably began with the first Wario Land.

Ah, I was talking new as in "new to smash Bros".

In that case could you really call Animal Crossing a new franchise at this stage? It already had four games under its belt before it got a playable character. We're well accustomed to animal crossing at this point.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Let's look at things here.

Star Fox, F- Zero & Earthbound were added to Smash 64 when the series had only 2 games and Pokemon when it only had 4 that were technically 1 (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) and two spin-offs, both Japan only at that point. Not to mention Pikmin was at 2 games when it was added, both on the Gamecube.

Golden Sun has one advantage that most established Smash series don't, it had a game released between Brawl and now. If nothing else that means it went beyond the GBA.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Alrighty now, I'll give this supporting one more shot. Sorry N30N.
Hey, no apologies needed, I just don't want you to jump the gun and get yourself down unnecessarily. Getting a new AT revealed eventually was pretty inevitable, it really has no effect whatsoever on the chances of previous ATs, especially ones as unrelated to Skull Kid as Isaac and Starfy. ;)

In that case could you really call Animal Crossing a new franchise at this stage? It already had four games under its belt before it got a playable character. We're well accustomed to animal crossing at this point.
I meant new as in created after the Smash series itself started, as in newer than Smash, and newer in relation than the majority of other series implemented, not in relation to Smash 4. I agree it'd be a stretch at best to call AC new at this point, but I was just using the post-Smash series to show how few "new" series get in (and how big the few that do are) despite people thinking being new is some kind of benefit to a series' chances.

Perhaps I should've clarified a bit better. Embarrass


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Well eventually, given enough time there will be plenty of franchises that are newer than smash bros that may warrant a playable role. Eventually older franchises will all reach their limit of what Sakurai deems as enough representation.

Just as being newer than smash bros doesn't benefit a franchise I don't see how it negatively effects them either. Plus you have to consider that in past smash Bros games playable roles have gone to obviously big names.....there isn't really that many obvious inclusions left. That's something that could be a major boon to franchises newer than smash Bros.

Deleted member

The best shots I'd say are:

Golden Sun: Issac
Chibi-Robo: Chibi-Robo
The Legend of Starfy: Starfy
Punch-Out!!: Little Mac
Big Brain Academy: Dr. Lobe
Advance Wars: Andy


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Sakurai does tend to love his mechanics. Aura with Lucario, the tag-team between Dixie and Diddy which ultimately failed, Pikmin as ammo with Olimar, R.O.B with his automatic chargeable specials.

I think Shulk offers a few different possible mechanics. Issac has the theme of earth energy. Which is unique but not necessarily as innovative. I am trying to put myself in Sakurai's shoes, and with the two options I bet he would pick Shulk over Issac.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Sakurai does tend to love his mechanics. Aura with Lucario, the tag-team between Dixie and Diddy which ultimately failed, Pikmin as ammo with Olimar, R.O.B with his automatic chargeable specials.

I think Shulk offers a few different possible mechanics. Issac has the theme of earth energy. Which is unique but not necessarily as innovative. I am trying to put myself in Sakurai's shoes, and with the two options I bet he would pick Shulk over Issac.

Isaac also has the whole creating hands with psyenergy ability, which is pretty unique.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
The best shots I'd say are:

Golden Sun: Issac
Chibi-Robo: Chibi-Robo
The Legend of Starfy: Starfy
Punch-Out!!: Little Mac
Brain Age: Dr. Kawashima
Advance Wars: Andy
Fixed. Brain Age is the better and more recognizable series to be shown.

Isaac also has the whole creating hands with psyenergy ability, which is pretty unique.
Isaac could use his giant hand to grab opponents. Maybe for a tether recovery also.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Well eventually, given enough time there will be plenty of franchises that are newer than smash bros that may warrant a playable role. Eventually older franchises will all reach their limit of what Sakurai deems as enough representation.
I agree with the first part, but as the roster increases series like Mario, Pokemon, FE, and even Zelda to an extent will still be able to keep providing plausible and reasonable characters, and it's not like giving them consistent newcomers would throw off the percentage of the roster they occupy, as it would keep expanding, (not to mention they are big draw series - less so with FE) so my guess is some series will be able to keep churning out newcomers for a while (at least fairly longer than some others) before a "limit" is hit.

Just as being newer than smash bros doesn't benefit a franchise I don't see how it negatively effects them either.
I agree. Did it seem like I implied this? Sakurai treats them like all other typical series, they just don't have much time to prove themselves, as they're still new, which is why we don't get many that can match up to long-time existing series.

Plus you have to consider that in past smash Bros games playable roles have gone to obviously big names.....there isn't really that many obvious inclusions left. That's something that could be a major boon to franchises newer than smash Bros.
Yup. If people still had the same standards for Smash inclusion as used to exist, a large portion of the popular picks this time around would be seen as much more unlikely.

The best shots I'd say are:

Golden Sun: Issac
Chibi-Robo: Chibi-Robo
The Legend of Starfy: Starfy
Punch-Out!!: Little Mac
Big Brain Academy: Dr. Lobe
Advance Wars: Andy
I dunno about the bolded ones. Chibi-Robo really hasn't found enough success or popularity to be comparable to the others, Dr. Lobe... is of questionable feasibility, not to mention he has virtually no popularity to help him out, and the casual demo would already be represented pretty well with WFT and (probably) Mii. And even though he deserves inclusion, considering his surprisingly low popularity and impact his character and series have left, he's still not too likely a choice. Though more likely than the other two at least.

I'd have put Mii and Shulk in there over the bolded.

Sakurai does tend to love his mechanics. Aura with Lucario, the tag-team between Dixie and Diddy which ultimately failed, Pikmin as ammo with Olimar, R.O.B with his automatic chargeable specials.
Sure, but it's not like the gimmicks were the reason those characters were included. Of the remaining unrepresented series pre-Brawl (excluding those unfeasible to Sakurai) Olimar was still the protagonist of the series that had left the biggest impact. Well, Olimar and Wario.

I think Shulk offers a few different possible mechanics.
What exactly did you have in mind?

Issac has the theme of earth energy. Which is unique but not necessarily as innovative. I am trying to put myself in Sakurai's shoes, and with the two options I bet he would pick Shulk over Issac.
And Wonder Red would be even more innovative moveset-wise than Shulk, so why not just get him instead? Probably because even though Sakurai embraces the innovative, he still prioritizes the bigger series first, and it's not like Isaac would be anything similar to what we have already anyway. Sakurai has gone on record by saying he looks for originality, not specifically new gimmicks.

Though I'm pretty sure the Djinn gimmick would be more gimmicky than most gimmicks already in Smash should Sakurai choose to include it (which is probably unlikely). So Isaac can gimmick just as well as the rest of em. :smirk:

Fixed. Brain Age is the better and more recognizable series to be shown.
A more realistic "fix" would have been removing Big Brain Academy without replacing. Even if Brain Age is a bigger series, it's still a series that shouldn't show up on a list of ones with good chances.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
Dallas, Texas
Isaac could use his giant hand to grab opponents. Maybe for a tether recovery also.
It would be so weird to see Isaac floating from a disembodied hand. Then again, that's not really how the Psynergy worked in game. The "Hand" Psynergy usually manipulated the environment, not Isaac.

But I'm all for the tether grab. I'd imagine that it'd have probably the longest grab range. Isaac grab OP.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Yeah but Smash has taken many liberties before, so it's within the realm of possibility. Plus using the hand as tether recovery would be similar enough to Grip anyway.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
Dallas, Texas
Yeah but Smash has taken many liberties before, so it's within the realm of possibility. Plus using the hand as tether recovery would be similar enough to Grip anyway.
Ah. I searched it up, and turns out Grip is only in DD. I haven't played Dark Dawn yet due to the fact that my beautiful Zelda DS Lite snapped in half one day. I think I might've actually cried. Anyways, I'm trying to sell the Vita I won so I can get the 3DS. But I'll get around to playing it one day.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
For my Matthew moveset, I use Grip as a grab. I don't think there would be any problem with Isaac using grip.

I tend to think Smash adds franchises, not games (excluding retros of course, which by their nature don't usually have a lot of games). So that helps Golden Sun, considering they havent announced X officially as part of the Xenoblade series ( even if it's widely speculated and agreed to be so). Although the original Golden Sun GBA incarnations came in two games, it was originally supposed to be one game, and it doesn't really set itself up for a sequel. So until Golden Sun Dark Dawn came out in 2010, you can make the argument that it was still in the formation stages of really being a franchise.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
If Nintendo was smart about it, they'd add more new franchises to the roster, rather than just more Mario and Pokemon characters. Nothing beats visibility like a place on the Smashboards roster. Adding another Mario character isn't going to make Mario games sell any better, but it will certainly help out smaller franchises.

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
But not adding a new Mario/Pokémon/Zelda character may make people less likely to pick up smash 4, and certainly make casuals less excited as all he characters they likely care about where in brawl (barr a few small inclusions like Megaman and Villager). You can have all the smaller franchises that need the boost in a game, but if you don't have something to draw people to buying it then you just end up with Captain Rainbow all over again...

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Pokémon will probably have Mewtwo. And I think Sakurai could indeed surpise us in the Mario / Zelda department with say, Paper Mario & Impa. Both are characters that make sence, seeing previous additions of Dr.Mario and Sheik. And both are long-running, well established characters in the series. Donkey Kong will certainly get a newcomer to, perhaps even two! So I easily think that Mewtwo, Paper Mario, Impa, Dixie and K.Rool are more than enough newcomers from established series. And they'll certainly bring their share of hype.

Still think Isaac is one of the most likely characters to be added from unrepresented series. Well, which series aren't retro of course. That still doesn't mean that he's unlikely to appear at all! And if anything, he (or Matthew) will probably appear as an AT again, and if Golden Sun would get another game (starring or co-starring Isaac) it would certainly raise interesst of him becoming playable even more.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
Hello, Golden Sun GBA (Broken Seal & The Lost Age) is actually my favourite RPG and one of my favourites games.
Earth shaking adept? Ugh... Only noobs use mono-elemental classes. NINJAH RLZ.

But well, if you ask me. Isaac or Matthew or any Golden Sun character, is not going to be playable in ssb4.
Best chance of being a playable character was Brawl and he was only an assistant.
Golden Sun HAD an opportunity to have a playable character in ssb4, that opportunity was based mostly in the possible sequel to Golden Sun GBA.
The idea was very simple: A good sequel > Maintais alive the fanbase of Golden Sun > Increase the popularity of the saga > Character being playable in ssb4.
Golden Sun had a really good and active fanbase on internet, but the lack of any new game in the series caused unactivity, then Dark Dawn that was like a deadly poison killing the fanbase of Golden Sun in internet. Dark Dawn it wasnt the sequel that fans were waiting for.

Actually i would be really disappointment if Golden Sun gets representation in ssb4, not even as a sticker, specially if this is related to Dark Dawn.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Earth shaking adept? Ugh... Only noobs use mono-elemental classes. NINJAH RLZ.
First time I've had someone take issue with the title. :laugh:

But well, if you ask me. Isaac or Matthew or any Golden Sun character, is not going to be playable in ssb4.
Best chance of being a playable character was Brawl and he was only an assistant.
Well that was when GS was at its peak, but due to all the competition back then, I dunno if it was when GS had the best chance of getting playable representation. Now GS is quite in the inferior spot compared to where it was, but considering how few unrepresented series are in a place better than GS as a whole, it still has a chance.

Golden Sun HAD an opportunity to have a playable character in ssb4, that opportunity was based mostly in the possible sequel to Golden Sun GBA.
The idea was very simple: A good sequel > Maintais alive the fanbase of Golden Sun > Increase the popularity of the saga > Character being playable in ssb4.
Golden Sun had a really good and active fanbase on internet, but the lack of any new game in the series caused unactivity, then Dark Dawn that was like a deadly poison killing the fanbase of Golden Sun in internet. Dark Dawn it wasnt the sequel that fans were waiting for.
I don't think anyone would argue that if DD has been on par with the first two GS would be in a better spot than it is now, but as far as SSB4 is concerned, DD is still a point in GS's favour in comparison to it not having any game at all since pre-Brawl. It still moved from one game that had to be split in half to a series with enough enduring popularity to spur on a sequel seven years later with Dark Dawn, which is more than most C-List Nintendo games with seven years since their last game can say.

So even though Dark Dawn could've been more than it was, it was still more than nothing, and is the difference between Isaac still having a chance (even if not as good a chance as several years ago) to being in the same place as series such as Custom Robo or Wars.

Actually i would be really disappointment if Golden Sun gets representation in ssb4, not even as a sticker, specially if this is related to Dark Dawn.
So you don't want any GS representation at all in SSB4? Yes, quite the GS fan you are. :troll:
Seriously though, hate to burst your bubble, but it's pretty inevitable we get something.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Only Olimar could be seen as serious competition for Isaac back in the day. Cause only Olimar was from a recent, new series as a newcomer in Brawl. All other newcomers where basically highly popular ones from running franchises as: Diddy, Ike, Toon Link, MetaKnight & King Dedede and Zero Suit Samus. Wario was a logical addition as a new series character to, that was extremely popular. Then there's Sonic and Snake, who where 'special occations'. And the others where Pit and R.O.B., who where retro-additions at that time, Pit being extremely highly requested to.

So yes, Golden Sun back then had to compare with WarioWare, Pikmin, Sonic the Hedgehog and retro games back then. It's only logical he didn't quite made the cut with so many characters still 'needed' to be added. Olimar might've had the advantage of being on a console system, his game being a launch title (like Melee) and being first party. Golden Sun is right now probably one of the bigger unnoticed IPs in Nintendo, so am thinking his chances are much better now than for Brawl.

Oniric Spriter

Smash Ace
Aug 21, 2013
Actually i would be really disappointment if Golden Sun gets representation in ssb4, not even as a sticker, specially if this is related to Dark Dawn.
Really? I mean... really? You'd rather not have any Golden Sun representation if that implies it's related in any way with Dark Dawn??
What the hell.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Issac for SSb4, GS and GS:TLA were great, Isaacs great, Shulk should be in too, yadda yadda...


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
That's true, I mostly meant competition with all characters in general. Back then a lot of established still needed more fleshing-out than they do now, the focus seemed to be on that more than implementing new series.

I think Isaac could be a great addition, it took me this long to realize it xD
Better late than never. ;)


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
The problem with Dark Dawn is it came out 7 years after the original, halting the series momentum, and that it didn't update the combat system to the current landscape.

And the truth is there is a certain aversion from the public to purely turn-based RPG's. The best example of this is Final Fantasy, which matches up quite well with the GS timeline. The last truly turnbased JRPG Final Fantasy was FFX, and then the series had to shift to whatever battle system it uses now. It's been experimenting for a while now actually.

Which is different than Golden Sun, which used the exact same system of combat it did in GS 1 and 2. Just read any of the reviews for the game. It was a huge stickler for people. Sure the dialogue was a bit longer, but the core battle mechanic stayed the same. But the gaming industry is all about evolution nowdays, especially with existing series.

The only series that still gets away with turnbased battling is Pokemon, because of the level of customizability and everything with the Pokemon. But, there is a huge demand for an action rpg type Pokemon. I wouldn't count Fire Emblem because its a strategy RPG game.

Another thing is that GS came out when there wasnt really a whole lot for the GBA. I remember getting it for that exact reason. And since the game is basically the first half of one larger story, GS 2 had a lot of people buying it too, DD came out at the peak of DS's power with a lot of JRPG competition. And with very little promotion from Nintendo. For a returning series that hadn't had an entry for an entire game generation.

I don't get how anyone could root against DD and call themselves a GS fan. I mean DD continued the series, it just didn't update it enough. Which was fine for me, but I imagine not fine for the generation of gamers that grew up without a lot of JRPGs to play after Golden Sun.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Camelot is just slow at making games that aren't named Mario Golf or Mario Tennis, can't blame them.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
Actually this post gives a bad image of what any Golden Sun character can does:
Sakurai does tend to love his mechanics. Aura with Lucario, the tag-team between Dixie and Diddy which ultimately failed, Pikmin as ammo with Olimar, R.O.B with his automatic chargeable specials.

I think Shulk offers a few different possible mechanics. Issac has the theme of earth energy. Which is unique but not necessarily as innovative. I am trying to put myself in Sakurai's shoes, and with the two options I bet he would pick Shulk over Issac.
Any playable character of Golden Sun could have over 10 movesets, And i can tell you that Isaac could have unique mechanics that would break the schemes of SSB, he can offer more than earth energy.

Actually, i just still angry with Dark Dawn, i had high expectatives in the possible sequel of Golden Sun. I thought that was going to be a great game...
Best game of the year or best RPG of the decade, or something like that.

Actually related to project m, Isaac is one of the most demanded characters in a votation to appear in the game, basically he acomplishes all the points to be added.
With only the negative point of that he maybe appears in SSB4 (but i can tell you, that is not going to happen).
But actually there is something of this situation that annoys me, im sure that many of the people of that votation did not played Golden Sun (The same situation af many people that participated in this post), Actually, there is another reason, for my disapointment in Isaac being playable in both Project M or SSB4. And is that Isaac possibilities are too high that they can not representate him properly at all.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Earth Psynergy is gimmicky enough. If not, Djinni and Summons will literally blow away anything Shulk can do. I don't see that as any excuse to choose Shulk over Isaac at all.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Camelot is just slow at making games that aren't named Mario Golf or Mario Tennis, can't blame them.
Well developing a sports game (especially ones as shallow as the Mario sports games) is hardly as time-or-resource-consuming as an RPG.

Imagine Isaac in the next Mario Tennis. :awesome:
Might get me to actually buy a Mario Tennis game. :rolleyes:

Actually this post gives a bad image of what any Golden Sun character can does:
Any playable character of Golden Sun could have over 10 movesets, And i can tell you that Isaac could have unique mechanics that would break the schemes of SSB, he can offer more than earth energy.
Yeah, anyone who questions Isaac's ability to provide an innovate, wholly unique moveset perhaps hasn't played enough Golden Sun. :smirk:
I'd honestly be hard-pressed to find any other plausible candidate for Smash with as much moveset potential as Isaac has.

Actually, i just still angry with Dark Dawn, i had high expectatives in the possible sequel of Golden Sun. I thought that was going to be a great game...
Best game of the year or best RPG of the decade, or something like that.
Well when you have expectations for RPG of the decade, it's not hard to see why you were let down.

Actually related to project m, Isaac is one of the most demanded characters in a votation to appear in the game, basically he acomplishes all the points to be added.
With only the negative point of that he maybe appears in SSB4
But actually there is something of this situation that annoys me, im sure that many of the people of that votation did not played Golden Sun (The same situation af many people that participated in this post), Actually, there is another reason, for my disapointment in Isaac being playable in both Project M or SSB4. And is that Isaac possibilities are too high that they can not representate him properly at all.
I can't speak for Project M, because they do have limits with what they can do (though they have gone above and beyond my expectations so far), but I wouldn't be too concerned as far as Sakurai representing him properly; he does his homework. Obviously it would be... pretty impossible to include all of Isaac's potential, but if Sakurai can work in Psynergy, swordplay, a summon, and hopefully somehow Djinn, that is a pretty complete package of GS potential, as far as the confines of a Smash moveset goes.

What do you have in mind that would do just representation of Isaac?

(but i can tell you, that is not going to happen).
Well I can tell you it is going to happen, I guess we cancel each other out. :troll:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
The problem with Dark Dawn is it came out 7 years after the original, halting the series momentum, and that it didn't update the combat system to the current landscape.

And the truth is there is a certain aversion from the public to purely turn-based RPG's. The best example of this is Final Fantasy, which matches up quite well with the GS timeline. The last truly turnbased JRPG Final Fantasy was FFX, and then the series had to shift to whatever battle system it uses now. It's been experimenting for a while now actually.

Which is different than Golden Sun, which used the exact same system of combat it did in GS 1 and 2. Just read any of the reviews for the game. It was a huge stickler for people. Sure the dialogue was a bit longer, but the core battle mechanic stayed the same. But the gaming industry is all about evolution nowdays, especially with existing series.

The only series that still gets away with turnbased battling is Pokemon, because of the level of customizability and everything with the Pokemon. But, there is a huge demand for an action rpg type Pokemon. I wouldn't count Fire Emblem because its a strategy RPG game.
No, just no. Dark Dawn had many, many negative points. But i can tell you clearly that keeping the old battle system was probably one of the few correct things they did, specially talking about Golden Sun that features a really unique system in many things. RPG is actually a genre with a lot of different variations in gameplay, and there is still a public that enjoys turn-based rpgs.
An action rpg system would not make better Pokemon, neither Golden Sun.

I don't get how anyone could root against DD and call themselves a GS fan. I mean DD continued the series, it just didn't update it enough. Which was fine for me, but I imagine not fine for the generation of gamers that grew up without a lot of JRPGs to play after Golden Sun.
Well i can actually find a parallelism between SSB and Golden Sun. Just like many Melee players hate Brawl and dedicated time to express that opinion.

"I don´t get how anyone could root against Brawl and call themselves a SSB fan. I mean Brawl continuated the series. it just..."

Im sure that if i say that to any Melee player he would rush me with a list of things that make melee better than brawl.

I can do the same with Golden Sun.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2013
No, just no. Dark Dawn had many, many negative points. But i can tell you clearly that keeping the old battle system was probably one of the few correct things they did, specially talking about Golden Sun that features a really unique system in many things. RPG is actually a genre with a lot of different variations in gameplay, and there is still a public that enjoys turn-based rpgs.
An action rpg system would not make better Pokemon, neither Golden Sun.

Well i can actually find a parallelism between SSB and Golden Sun. Just like many Melee players hate Brawl and dedicated time to express that opinion.

"I don´t get how anyone could root against Brawl and call themselves a SSB fan. I mean Brawl continuated the series. it just..."

Im sure that if i say that to any Melee player he would rush me with a list of things that make melee better than brawl.

I can do the same with Golden Sun.
I'm talking about the reviews it got that were aggregated on Metacritic, I didn't say to get rid of a turn based battle system. But you definitely need to update it, as other series have down.

In terms of Melee and Brawl: There's a difference between being critical of game's flaws and actively rooting against a game and thus a series.

Nostalgia glasses are very prominent with these type of series. People remember up the game's of the past, and forget the past game's flaws. And part of growing up as a gamer is recognizing that your tastes change, rather than misremembering your experience from the previous of games.
Well when you have expectations for RPG of the decade, it's not hard to see why you were let down.
Yeah. I don't remember the previous Golden Sun's being even RPG of the year.

Camelot is just slow at making games that aren't named Mario Golf or Mario Tennis, can't blame them.
I'm not blaming them. The problem is that Nintendo did not make the Golden Sun series a priority.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
They didn't make StarFox a priority either. Missed the whole Wii generation. Metroid to, missing the N64 generation and might be missing the Wii U generation.

Look how long it took for Donkey Kong Country to Return as well.

Only game series which have always been around since their beginning are Mario, Zelda and Pokémon.

Then comes Donkey Kong, Kirby and Metroid. I guess Fire Emblem comes after that. And after that, niche series as StarFox.

Seriously, Nintendo just has too many series. Golden Sun was a huge hit on the GBA despite not being a well known IP. I say that counts for something.
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