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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2014
Perhaps it is just my wild imagination, but I find it difficult to believe that Sakurai would put in more Golden Sun content just to screw with people. my only fear now is that Nintendo reverts to its old stance on DLC for some reason.
No, whatever the reason is that we've got new GS content or Isaac doesn't seem to be present, it isn't simply to screw with people. Sakurai sometimes screws with people in how he reveals things, but not in developing the actual game.

And I can't imagine Nintendo would pass up the goldmine of opportunity Smash DLC would bring, especially if they're open to pretty major DLC with many of their other games.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
So I hear there is new Golden Sun content in the form of a song on Palutena's Temple? Sounds pretty encouraging. At least it's something in terms of new content.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
So I hear there is new Golden Sun content in the form of a song on Palutena's Temple? Sounds pretty encouraging. At least it's something in terms of new content.
Yes, which also means that Isaac being cut as an AT makes absolutely no sense unless he was left open as a possible DLC candidate. The argument that Isaac could've been cut due to lack of "relevance" relied on Golden Sun not being represented in Smash, implying GS is not important to Nintendo history. None of the other cut AT's have anything new for their franchises in the game at all as far as we know (though I do at least expect a Custom Robo trophy).

The only thing standing in Isaac's way is the potential possibility of Wii U exclusive AT's, which we have heard no verified claims about (there was one claim that was quickly proven false).
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Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'd be surprised if the cut assist trophies didn't at least return as regular trophies.

That is, assuming they were cut...


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I'd be surprised if the cut assist trophies didn't at least return as regular trophies.

That is, assuming they were cut...
They were at least cut from 3DS. But yeah, on Wii U I expect all the rest of the cut AT's to be regular trophies. Isaac's lack of a 3DS trophy is still weird, though.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I know it's a bit of a stretch but a part of me wonders if we're going to get 3ds exclusive Golden Sun and Style Savvy stages. Both series have two songs ready to go and both series are exclusive (barring vc releases) to handhelds.

Now I don't know what to think about a Style Savvy playable character but a stage doesn't seem unreasonable. Style Savvy was very popular in Japan wasn't it?

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I know it's a bit of a stretch but a part of me wonders if we're going to get 3ds exclusive Golden Sun and Style Savvy stages. Both series have two songs ready to go and both series are exclusive (barring vc releases) to handhelds.

Now I don't know what to think about a Style Savvy playable character but a stage doesn't seem unreasonable. Style Savvy was very popular in Japan wasn't it?
I wouldn't mind seeing a Golden Sun stage as DLC, but at the same time I highly doubt it.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I know it's a bit of a stretch but a part of me wonders if we're going to get 3ds exclusive Golden Sun and Style Savvy stages. Both series have two songs ready to go and both series are exclusive (barring vc releases) to handhelds.

Now I don't know what to think about a Style Savvy playable character but a stage doesn't seem unreasonable. Style Savvy was very popular in Japan wasn't it?
I think its plausible. Now that I think about it, apparently, Wii U has a second page for Stage Creation Stages. The 3DS has arrows, and that likely is used for Creation stages as well. However, we could definitely have multiple pages of Stages, one for DLC stages, another for Stage Creator.

I could potentially see GS getting a stage on 3DS with one of the two songs from Wii U (probably the Dark Dawn one), the other song on the new GS stage, and one new song as well. Its still possible there is another GS song we don't know about on Wii U. Possible stages could be Hyrule Temple, Colosseum, and Castle Siege. But yeah, Style Savvy haven't two songs on Wii U is really weird, maybe there will be a Style Savvy stage as well.

I wouldn't mind seeing a Golden Sun stage as DLC, but at the same time I highly doubt it.
You doubt everything GS-related, so that does not particularly surprise me at all.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
You doubt everything GS-related, so that does not particularly surprise me at all.
Naw, I just don't think we'd get any Stage DLC at all.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see Isaac in Smash. It's not that I'm not too confident about it, it's more that I don't have any experience with Golden Sun.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Naw, I just don't think we'd get any Stage DLC at all.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see Isaac in Smash. It's not that I'm not too confident about it, it's more that I don't have any experience with Golden Sun.
Too bad, its already confirmed. :D Miiverse is a DLC stage.

I'd honestly be surprised if we didn't get stage DLC.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Then again, knowing a few things such as the Year of StarFox, and how Mewtwo DLC is already confirmed, I can see why.

But if we get a Golden Sun DLC stage, what would it be?
Either Venus Lighthouse or Elemental Stars Chamber. However, I'd say Venus Lighthouse is probably the safer bet, because it appears in both Golden Sun and Dark Dawn (you don't actually get to VISIT the lighthouse in Dark Dawn, but you can see it, and I believe there's a cutscene that takes place on the lighthouse), and its the climax of the original Golden Sun, making it a very iconic location.

Now, Elemental Stars Chamber would be the most recognizable location, because it appears right at the start of the original Golden Sun game.

Due to how often the lighthouses appear, though, and that they're the most significant part of the original games, a lighthouse, probably Venus, would be the most iconic location from GS. Similar to how DK tends to get Jungle stages and Metroid lava stages.

Plus, every main character in the series is a Venus adept, and Earth is a very unique element not focused on much in Smash Bros. Which is also why Isaac would be a great, unique character.

Cheezey Bites

Slime Knight
Jul 7, 2013
Too bad, its already confirmed. :D Miiverse is a DLC stage.

I'd honestly be surprised if we didn't get stage DLC.
This, if we're getting DLC characters that means we've got graphics artists and animators staying on the project, and this is a company so they'll surely be put to work making something while the characters are being coded and balanced... Of course there'll be trophies too, so they're not going to be spending all their time making stages, but you're not going to sell DLC on all the trophies you can get, so if we get characters after Mewtwo we'll almost certainly be getting stages too.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Don't get me wrong, I would like to see Isaac in Smash. It's not that I'm not too confident about it, it's more that I don't have any experience with Golden Sun.
I don't think it would hurt to be a little more familiar with the series before you decide it doesn't have a chance. There can be many valid reasons a particular series isn't likely, but not understanding the series isn't one of them.

Sakurai isn't going to pass over a series just because you've never played it.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
This, if we're getting DLC characters that means we've got graphics artists and animators staying on the project, and this is a company so they'll surely be put to work making something while the characters are being coded and balanced... Of course there'll be trophies too, so they're not going to be spending all their time making stages, but you're not going to sell DLC on all the trophies you can get, so if we get characters after Mewtwo we'll almost certainly be getting stages too.
Exactly right. We'll probably get DLC packs that contain both stages and characters in them.

I don't think it would hurt to be a little more familiar with the series before you decide it doesn't have a chance. There can be many valid reasons a particular series isn't likely, but not understanding the series isn't one of them.

Sakurai isn't going to pass over a series just because you've never played it.
I say this about Chorus Men specifically. If they weren't planned at all, they have very little chance of being DLC, period.

However, I never doubted the possibility of Rhythm Heaven representation itself. It is very popular. I'm also considering the possibility of Style Savvy representation, as well. It does seem that the series is fairly popular.
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Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
I don't think it would hurt to be a little more familiar with the series before you decide it doesn't have a chance. There can be many valid reasons a particular series isn't likely, but not understanding the series isn't one of them.

Sakurai isn't going to pass over a series just because you've never played it.
I don't think it's a pipe dream per se, I just "kinda sorta" doubt it.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
@ Jason the Yoshi Jason the Yoshi

If you like JRPGs, you have got to give Golden Sun a try. It is pretty different from other JRPGs due to the puzzle mechanics and how Djinn and psynergy is handled.

@ JaidynReiman JaidynReiman

You are slightly wrong there. The Venus Lighthouse is present in Golden Sun 1 and 2, not Dark Dawn. It is a major dungeon in GS 1 and it appears shortly in GS 2 where some events occur. The Venus Lighthouse is present in DD but you can't see it normally. It can only be seen with a hack. The Mercury Lighthouse is the only normal "see-able" lighthouse in DD.

I agree with the other points. If the developers are sticking around to develop Mewtwo and the Miiverse stage, they are bound to be making something else. I doubt they would stay for just 2 things and that Nintendo might have other DLC planned. Considering that they have introduced MK8 DLC, and that too pretty significant (4 cups!), I think Nintendo would like to go with DLC here. This two tracks of GS is pretty big in my terms, considering the only other series without playable appearance and 2 music tracks is Style Savvy which definitely does not deserve a playable character over Isaac (who would it be anyway, a designer?)!

Although I believe that if there are characters that were to be added but were not due to time constraints, we MIGHT get a free patch. I don't mind paying though obviously, Isaac all the way!


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Okay, so I have a few questions here and I'm far too busy to sift through dozens of previous pages to find the answers.

1. Is Isaac's Assist Trophy disconfirmed for Wii U or is it still MIA?
2. Whereabouts do these Golden Sun tracks appear?
3. Are we taking the randomly generated names as significant either way?
4. Do we have any more Golden Sun content beyond those tracks and a vague namedrop?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Okay, so I have a few questions here and I'm far too busy to sift through dozens of previous pages to find the answers.

1. Is Isaac's Assist Trophy disconfirmed for Wii U or is it still MIA?
2. Whereabouts do these Golden Sun tracks appear?
3. Are we taking the randomly generated names as significant either way?
4. Do we have any more Golden Sun content beyond those tracks and a vague namedrop?
1.) MIA
2.) Same track is back from Norfair, and the Dark Dawn Overworld theme is on Palutena's Temple.
3.) No, it means nothing. Besides, Isaac is a pretty common name anyway.
4.) At this point, no.

Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
@ Jason the Yoshi Jason the Yoshi

If you like JRPGs, you have got to give Golden Sun a try. It is pretty different from other JRPGs due to the puzzle mechanics and how Djinn and psynergy is handled.

@ JaidynReiman JaidynReiman

You are slightly wrong there. The Venus Lighthouse is present in Golden Sun 1 and 2, not Dark Dawn. It is a major dungeon in GS 1 and it appears shortly in GS 2 where some events occur. The Venus Lighthouse is present in DD but you can't see it normally. It can only be seen with a hack. The Mercury Lighthouse is the only normal "see-able" lighthouse in DD.

I agree with the other points. If the developers are sticking around to develop Mewtwo and the Miiverse stage, they are bound to be making something else. I doubt they would stay for just 2 things and that Nintendo might have other DLC planned. Considering that they have introduced MK8 DLC, and that too pretty significant (4 cups!), I think Nintendo would like to go with DLC here. This two tracks of GS is pretty big in my terms, considering the only other series without playable appearance and 2 music tracks is Style Savvy which definitely does not deserve a playable character over Isaac (who would it be anyway, a designer?)!

Although I believe that if there are characters that were to be added but were not due to time constraints, we MIGHT get a free patch. I don't mind paying though obviously, Isaac all the way!
I'll give it a try eventually, but I'm in college right now, and might not have time until the semester is over, then I might use some of the money on a Black Friday EShop card to get it, but college is very busy business, but I assure you I will get the game come christmas break.

Deleted member

Okay, so I have a few questions here and I'm far too busy to sift through dozens of previous pages to find the answers.

1. Is Isaac's Assist Trophy disconfirmed for Wii U or is it still MIA?
2. Whereabouts do these Golden Sun tracks appear?
3. Are we taking the randomly generated names as significant either way?
4. Do we have any more Golden Sun content beyond those tracks and a vague namedrop?
1. MIA. We did not see it on the 3DS version, and I do not see new ATs on the Wii U, only additional functions for them.
2. Golden Sun's Brawl track, Battle Scene/Final Boss (Golden Sun), is on the Norfair stage, and it is based off of Felix's Battle Theme and the Doom Dragon Fight from Golden Sun: The Lost Age. This Wii U track, Overworld (tenative name), is from Dark Dawn, and it appears to sound like a direct port instead of a remix or arrangement.
3. Not really, but it never hurts to have a talking point in your favor. Makes the time pass by.
4. No. For some reason, no Golden Sun trophies were on the 3DS version, which was odd given how it was a portable franchise. I am expecting a standard Isaac trophy on the Wii U along with other Brawl ATs that were removed.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
@ Jason the Yoshi Jason the Yoshi

If you like JRPGs, you have got to give Golden Sun a try. It is pretty different from other JRPGs due to the puzzle mechanics and how Djinn and psynergy is handled.

@ JaidynReiman JaidynReiman

You are slightly wrong there. The Venus Lighthouse is present in Golden Sun 1 and 2, not Dark Dawn. It is a major dungeon in GS 1 and it appears shortly in GS 2 where some events occur. The Venus Lighthouse is present in DD but you can't see it normally. It can only be seen with a hack. The Mercury Lighthouse is the only normal "see-able" lighthouse in DD.

I agree with the other points. If the developers are sticking around to develop Mewtwo and the Miiverse stage, they are bound to be making something else. I doubt they would stay for just 2 things and that Nintendo might have other DLC planned. Considering that they have introduced MK8 DLC, and that too pretty significant (4 cups!), I think Nintendo would like to go with DLC here. This two tracks of GS is pretty big in my terms, considering the only other series without playable appearance and 2 music tracks is Style Savvy which definitely does not deserve a playable character over Isaac (who would it be anyway, a designer?)!

Although I believe that if there are characters that were to be added but were not due to time constraints, we MIGHT get a free patch. I don't mind paying though obviously, Isaac all the way!
In regards to Venus Lighthouse, I had heard that it appeared in Dark Dawn, and I thought it related to Isaac being in danger. Was that something else?

Deleted member

Umm, I don't mean to be the downer here, but two GS tracks could just be... GS getting two tracks. Palutena's Temple got one because Sakurai realized it's a much more fitting stage for a GS track and Norfair got one because it's the same one as last time.

If anything this has me worried more than the single GS track. A returning GS track, well it makes sense that would return just as it did before, which happened. But a new GS track? If Isaac were DLC, you'd think that'd be saved for a new GS stage (assuming he would come with a stage, which is probable for a new series to Smash). Especially an original remix. Now I mean it's not a nail in the coffin or anything, but I'm more worried now than before.
I understand your point of view. I mean, for all we know, this might be all we get. But, I also feel as if this game was not originally planning to handle DLC, or even understand how to utilize it, so I'm guessing they went this way in putting a new music track in the game, and not much else.

But I still feel a little better, given where the track is. Norfair was a strange choice for Golden Sun music, but having it in a fantasy stage, especially Palutena's Temple, feels a bit more like an honor, even though it's the music that made it in, not the content of the game from whence it came from.

If Isaac was planned in some capacity as a playable character, I'm certain he was a low priority and was bumped due to the demand of other fighters. I also can view this as a possible scenario where Isaac will be an early DLC contender, but a Golden Sun stage appears unlikely. This is not pleasant, but several characters were homeless in their debuts, so it will continue following a continuity.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I understand your point of view. I mean, for all we know, this might be all we get. But, I also feel as if this game was not originally planning to handle DLC, or even understand how to utilize it, so I'm guessing they went this way in putting a new music track in the game, and not much else.

But I still feel a little better, given where the track is. Norfair was a strange choice for Golden Sun music, but having it in a fantasy stage, especially Palutena's Temple, feels a bit more like an honor, even though it's the music that made it in, not the content of the game from whence it came from.

If Isaac was planned in some capacity as a playable character, I'm certain he was a low priority and was bumped due to the demand of other fighters. I also can view this as a possible scenario where Isaac will be an early DLC contender, but a Golden Sun stage appears unlikely. This is not pleasant, but several characters were homeless in their debuts, so it will continue following a continuity.
Smash 3DS is confirmed to be capable of having the ability to add DLC stages. I'm sure Smash Wii U does as well.

The game was intended to be a full game from the start, that's all.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2014
Wait, what's the deal with the randomly generated names? This is the first time I hear about this. Are we talking about the player names you can generate on the CSS?


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
In regards to Venus Lighthouse, I had heard that it appeared in Dark Dawn, and I thought it related to Isaac being in danger. Was that something else?
Nope. That is just a certain sentence drop in a certain city, nothing related to Venus Lighthouse. You cannot visit any lighthouses in the game and the only visible lighthouse is Mercury. Venus can only be seen on the world map by the some walk through walls hack.

The Isaac in danger thing is not explored in the game at all, probably just a sequel hook.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Nope. That is just a certain sentence drop in a certain city, nothing related to Venus Lighthouse. You cannot visit any lighthouses in the game and the only visible lighthouse is Mercury. Venus can only be seen on the world map by the some walk through walls hack.

The Isaac in danger thing is not explored in the game at all, probably just a sequel hook.
I know its not explored in the game, but I thought it took place on Venus Lighthouse. I know you don't visit any lighthouses.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2014
Wait, what's the deal with the randomly generated names? This is the first time I hear about this. Are we talking about the player names you can generate on the CSS?
Sounds like it.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, though I don't really remember what any of the other possible names are.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Sounds like it.

I wouldn't worry too much about it, though I don't really remember what any of the other possible names are.
I doubt the names mean much one way or the other. It is interesting that there's a Krool and Isaac though.

You could argue it makes them less likely or you could argue that it's some kind of hint. I don't see much to gain from talking about it.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Ok, so can anyone enlighten me about the names thing? Were the names found through data mining? I'm kinda lost about that.
No, all it means is that when you create a "name" in-game like in past games, certain names can randomly pop up. Two of them are "Krool" and "Isaac." Of course, it should be noted that Krool was already in Brawl. They mean nothing at all.


Smash Ace
Aug 27, 2014
I see... But, what if Sakurai wants us to think that those names mean nothing at all, when they may actually hint for playable Isaac and King K. Rool?

I wouldn't be surprised, of course this is all the Theory of Conspiracy, but that would be nice.

Who am I kidding? Having both Isaac and K.Rool as playables would be freakin' epic.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I see... But, what if Sakurai wants us to think that those names mean nothing at all, when they may actually hint for playable Isaac and King K. Rool?

I wouldn't be surprised, of course this is all the Theory of Conspiracy, but that would be nice.

Who am I kidding? Having both Isaac and K.Rool as playables would be freakin' epic.
Krool had his name in Brawl, though. It doesn't mean anything. What COULD mean something is Isaac's suspicious lack of an AT and the fact that GS is getting new content.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 12, 2014
Krool had his name in Brawl, though. It doesn't mean anything. What COULD mean something is Isaac's suspicious lack of an AT and the fact that GS is getting new content.
If we really wanted to be conspiracy theorists, we could say that if Isaac is indeed confirmed as DLC, that perhaps another Golden Sun game is on the way. Lets just hope Isaac is relevant to Nintendo's interests.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2014
You know, do you think it's possible for us to get the less popular characters as a simple software update rather than a paid DLC? I do think Isaac is known well enough to warrant being paid for, but that would be a neat thing to have for less popular characters that might be added over time. Either that or Nintendo would have to put out DLC packs with more than one character at a time.
While some people might go for standalone DLC, I really don't think I'd like the idea of a one-char download of, let's say Wonder Red or even Bandana Dee, whom - although I'd like to be proven false - probably only the real fans would go for.

Mewtwo on the other hand is a different story, having been the most wanted character during development by a long shot, bested only by Megaman at the beginning.

Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC

According to Andre....he hasn't found "any" WiiU Exclusive Assist Trophies yet.

Idk how to feel about this...but it kinda raises my hope for Isaac.

/watch?v=5fYnA5qaBGI (Less than 10 post problems)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 22, 2014

According to Andre....he hasn't found "any" WiiU Exclusive Assist Trophies yet.
http://youtu.be/5fYnA5qaBGI?t=8m59s For sake of clickability.

"Have you seen Isaac, Chunky Kong or any other Wii U exclusive Assist Trophy?"
"I've not. I've not seen any Wii U exclusive Assist Trophies yet. If there are any - and it seems like there are not"

Now that seems like a thing, doesn't it?
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
So, in GameXplain's Smash Q&A, they did address a certain question:

"Were Isaac or any other Wii U exclusive Assist Trophies found?"

The answer was that none had been found in their game as yet, and they doubted there were any.

If it was under NDA, they wouldn't have selected it for an answer, or would simply have said that they weren't allowed to answer.

So it seems there is no Isaac in the Wii U version either.

Stupid family obligations interrupting my post halfway through typing it.
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Plato Xaiver

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2014
Switch FC
However...there are exclusive Pokeball Pokemon, Moltres does not appear in the 3DS version, but on one of GameXplains videos. You can see a Moltres coming from it's Pokeball...strikes me as odd...

Wait nevermind, Moltres does appear on 3DS....well i've never seen it until now.
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Jul 7, 2014
New South Wales, Australia
that was my question guys and it seems like there is no wii u assist trophies snce he also stated he has nearly unlocked everything as well, now we can really question why isaac was cut as an at?
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