That's the point, though. Whether they have to pay for it or not, it is content that was withheld from a product they paid for in order to get more money. Sure, it's by promoting another product rather than forcing them to but it, but the principle is much the same.
There are also people who don't have a way to download patches easily, who are going to be shafted out of content that they already paid for.
It's very anti-consumer, and not really in line with Nintendo's usual policies.
Well. Nintendo announced the N3DS which is supposed to be a revision with a C-stick and ZR/ZL buttons that Nintendo said it would not add to the 3DS. Then we get this remodel. Fine.
This model has extra CPU power, makes the console features like Internet and all faster. Ok.
It has exclusive big retail games like Xenoblade Chronicles. I don't like where this is going.....
And then this:
Nintendo released the CPP, and now it does not support the Smash Bros. game on Nintendo 3DS BUT the N3DS which has almost a year to come out, with the built in CPP is supported as a Smash stick.
I don't see how that is pro-consumer. It is definitely anti-consumer. Forcing us to buy a new console when we already have a fully functioning console for a feature which can easily be implemented into the older version for an accessory that Nintendo made itself i.e. first party! And for that a person has to shell out another $200. The idea of free update or patch is well that it is free plus the game itself is only $40, not as much as a full priced console.....
And the DLC can also be half a year after the Wii U version and anyway, it will be atleast 3 months after the 3DS version...
Also I hate to bring people down but I think that honestly believing that we will still get more characters is just denying what you don't want to hear I want to be wrong but I doubt it
I am not denying anything. Isaac is not in the roster as the 3DS version stands today. That is true. I am just saying that besides Isaac there are other hopefuls, teased ones too, that were even more popular and have got shafted. Seeing that Nintendo would want to hype the Wii U game, I don't see why it won't reveal them afterwards. It is never too bad to hope. And if this is completely FINAL, then I just won't get the 3DS game. No C-stick, no Isaac, no big screen, no purchase. I can still get the Wii U version if it is satisfactory.
And just in case the thread closes:
The ride was fun, and full of surprises and ups and downs while it lasted. I still believe that Isaac stands a chance as DLC and this is not the final hype the game has had. But each to their own. I will keep believing! Plus everyone keep you spirits high, after all, it is just a game!
Peace! Going to sleep!
And if the thread is still open, see you here another time! Otherwise just meet ya throughout the forums!