I have nowhere really to officially announce another project I was working on so I might as well link this here:
This spreadsheet includes every result I could find from tournaments in the last year. I'm aware I will have missed quite a few events so if there's anything I'm missing (or if there's any results I've missed completely) please say!
Introducing the Irish Smash Seasonal Circuit... Thingy!
Talent is popping up everywhere in Irish Smash and I thought it would be cool to have a system that tracks people's attendance and performance over time. The Season Circuit is a system in which you accumulate points based on the size and "prestige" of the event. This will reset every four months and end with a "Season Finale"! Season Finales will be worth more points than earlier events.
At the moment, coming first at the end of the season doesn't actually do anything. In the future, though, we could have prizes or even an invitational-style event for the top X or whatever. It will also help with the Power Rankings in the future but I should clarify it will not directly tie in with them.
Here's the scoring system.
1st: 20
2nd: 15
3rd: 10
4th: 7
5th: 4
7th: 2
1st: 50
2nd: 40
3rd: 30
4th: 23
5th: 16
7th: 10
9th: 6
13th: 3
Season Finale/Super Major
1st: 80
2nd: 65
3rd: 50
4th: 40
5th: 30
7th: 23
9th: 15
13th: 10
Regionals are events like the Dragonslayers or Limerick events - they certainly have a talent pool there but the lack of a prize pool means these events don't attract huge numbers or serious play. Cons generally have a really big turnout but a much lower talent pool and, of course, lack a prize pool. That said, some cons like Eirtakon are randomly taken seriously so those may be upgraded to Major status.
Majors are the now thankfully common events we have - Smash the Pale, Newry and Breaking Boundaries. This also extends to events like Road to Hypespotting.
Super Majors are to include events like Celtic Throwdown as it obviously had the most prestige of any (Smash 4) event so far. These will usually line up as the Season Finale I was talking about but not always.
This system was meant to start at the beginning of January but I was lazy and never announced it so the system is going to start from Smash the Pale 2 onwards and end on the first of May. There also may not be a proper season finale for season 1 as nothing has been planned yet but we'll see.
Events confirmed so far:
Smash the Pale 2 - Dublin
Road to Hypespotting 5 - Dublin (Seeding event for Hypespotting 5 in Scotland which will be featuring top players from all over the UK and Ireland)
Smash @ G-Series 7 - Dublin
More events (...outside of Dublin) to be added soon!
(As the spreadsheet lacks results, it's currently just ordered by PR - this will obviously change after the first event)
While I'm here, I want to give
huge props to the Irish scene for the incredible turnout at our last three events. After a mild drought after Newry 3, the scene is now bigger than ever and I can hardly believe it. A massive 36 entrants for Melee at Newry is the highest number a grassoots, non-con tournament has got in Ireland... and it broke the record that Smash 4 at BB2 set only two weeks before with 35. It's actually incredible and I'm really excited to see where the rest of 2016 will take us. I'm going to work on communication here and on FB to get more people out and into venues. Thanks guys <3