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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Cadet
Aug 27, 2009
@Joker: If you're cool to stay the night (or Chris comes and is willing to take you back), we can swing by and get you for our party after we pick up our other friend, since it's on the way.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj
Kansas will probably go..

By the way, I think that there is a special event going on in August in Iowa (Some Iowans might know what I am talking about). I can't really say yet because not everything is confirmed.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
anyone have a psp for sale? i reaaaaaaaaally wanna play lion wars lol.
Lol, god I love that game. The slowdown on PSP gives me a headache though. Just play it emulated with 1.3 patch, it'll give you more then enough to be entertained with.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
@Joker: If you're cool to stay the night (or Chris comes and is willing to take you back), we can swing by and get you for our party after we pick up our other friend, since it's on the way.

So yeah go ahead and pick me up since Skizm said he would come after he gets off work so yeah. Also what time you guys coming to pick me up then o.0

@Bone: Give me an hour heads up on which ever time Ptato or Afrayail say.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Nutrition is where I'm going to probably fail since I eat whatever I want :'(
What kind of diet did you go on? I'll try to just copy you if possible :')
if u really want to know what i did then here is my wall of text.....

well this is what i did for my diet during Insanity. first off i ate 5 meals a day consisting of 300 calories per meal. so 1500 calories per day or so. i ate every 3-4 hours and my last meal was about 5 hours before i went to bed. so pretty much 3 small meals and 2 snacks.

breakfast was pretty much eggs for protein, oats for fiber, and maybe a low-fat yogurt (thats if i had any) for calicum. if i was in a rush i just ate a bowl of cereal with skim/low-fat milk or oats.

both snacks for me was pretty much anything that was multi-grain like oats, barley, etc. for fiber because its good for u and helps u maintain weight. if not that then i try to get in some low-fat yogurt because calicum is oddly good for burning off fat like omega-3 in fish, or some kind of fruit. i liked to eat banannas because they help your body maintain some water so u wont get dehydrated as often when workingout. so you wouldnt depend on getting more water when needed, or pears because they have something in them called flavoroids which is a natural chemical in plant foods that kind of have fat fighting effects. apples have them as well. so u cant really go wrong with some kind of fruit for a snack.

i always try to get a good source of protein and fiber in for lunch and dinner. i would say that chicken or fish was like the best thing that i've ate for lunch and dinner or something along the lines of getting a good amount of protein and omega-3 in ur body. protein helps u hang on to muscle mass when ur losing weight and since muscle burns more calories than fat, u would want to keep as much of it as possible. fiber is super good for u because it helps ur digestive system absorb more nutrients so u would feel more full and would less likely want to eat for random reasons.

i counted calories and always look at the nutritional facts on what in ate because knowing how much of whatever ur intaking is key. also u have to learn to control the portion of each of ur meals. its better to eat 5 times a day than, less say twice a day, all because over eating would take place if u were to eat less often. drinking a lot of water is helpful. u should limit your carbonation intake to none (the gas or CO-2 in drinks). so no soft drinks, carbonated water and alcohol. stick to flat liquids instead. some other things to remember are to avoid excess salt, try to avoid processed foods, limit gum chewing, and chewing ur food properly. i dont really want to go into details on why but u should just also follow them.

i would have to emit that i did some research and this was what i did during Insanity. i wouldnt expect anyone to be able to follow exactly what i did but the information here is very key into ur nutrition. just try to figure out what works best for u and stick with it and u'll get good. dont let my efforts go to waste lol

Sucks I won't be able to go because of WORK!!!
working at night does suck dosent it. i just really hope that i get that full time job so i can work days and have a stable income. were u able to get that hotel job that u were shootin for?


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
No, they didn't call e back those liars! People in the workforce are way too picky I tell ya.
so true, so true. im suppose to get a call back sometime this week or if anything, next week. if i dont get a call back from where i applied next week than i most likely didnt get the job and i'll be super sad ;_;


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
We should just start a business and if a white man wants a job, we interview him and tell him we'll call him back just to tell him he didn't get the job. :laugh:

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
i have an emulated tactics, i just want lion wars so i can check out the extras and shiz, assuming their are any.
There are the Onion Knight and Dark Knight classes, but they have terrible sprites and Dark Knight is intentionally broken. Also all the new multiplayer and other PSP exclusive items are broken as well, including the new perfume that Agrias' cutscene gives you which is like free every beneficial status effect.

Balthier is pretty hawt though. Hes the only reason I'd play the PSP version at all. Other then that its really not worth the dumb slowdown.

Oh and I guess theres a new translation, but FFT's story isn't worth writing home about anyways.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Omaha, Nebraska
I love that I read that comic, realized I started typing "Lol, good **** Skizzle." Then I realized I hadn't looked at who posted it, I just assumed it was Schizm.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
so yeah im just gonna throw this out there cause im short on cash. is anybody here interested in buying a 27" sony sdtv and a 22" magnavox sdtv for $60 for both of them together?
i would definately be interested, i am kind of in need of a tv or 2 lol.
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