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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2007
4 hours from Des Moines
No worries for us Des Moines crew members. We survived the adventure back. Unfortunately the 3 hour drive there was replaced by a 5 and 1/2 hour drive back. Ugh.... The biggest problem is that freakin I-35 S W split into an exit of sorts without letting me know and it literally took an hour to get back onto I-35. Minnesota sucks, no signs whatsoever to let me know the way to go to get onto the interstate.

Good games though for everyone these last two days. It was especially nice meeting frozen fire, animebb, and Vax. We need to play again real soon.

Yeah, again, that weather was vicious. We went sideways on the freeway twice and Holly went in the ditch. But yeah, it was way too good meeting, playing, and hanging out with you guys. Hope to do it again real soon.

frozenfire - I have to work sooo hard to match your damage output and kills, it's ridiculous. I am determined to conquer this match with Wario. Lava and moving platform saves are too epic.
Lol, yeah dood. Your Brinstar wrecks me, lol. Epic Sheik vs Wario grudge matches! Not really grudge though, you guys are too cool, lol.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
Sioux City, IA

Hey yoker, im ready to eat you up and some pkmn
and to add insult, Ill take that 2nd place brawl rank from ya. I might even try


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
oh man GG's last night, that tourney was pretty good, (too many MK's tho) sucks i ended up only ever losing matches to characters i have no experience against, MK's were not a problem lol. sparrow's ZSS is ghey ****, i shoulda won both those matches, i got gayed at the end both freakin times, good thing joker ***** him hard lol.

Razor- we did pretty good in teams, we could have easily made it to the finals but i blame myself for my 2 SD's in both of the matches we lost, and even with the SD's it was still close, even against Chexr and whatshisname, plan on doin better at jokers =P

Frozenfire- good **** with that shiek man, that dash cancelled Usmash is rediculous lol. hopefully next time you'll have a steady partner for teams.

Joker- good **** on 2nd place man, you shoulda had first tho, you were mindgaming the **** outta chexr, a couple of those matches he didn't know what the hell to do lol. you had him shaking while you guys were playing

Neomagic- omg man, your ness was pretty freakin rediculous, even tho i only got to play your ness once with my peach, it was down to the wire, its just so hard to read your movements, and your mindgames are too good lol.

Andy- your wario was beast man, its unfortunate for the grab-release shenanigans but even with that against you, you were still doing well.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Glad to hear everyone got back ok. Man the roads were so bad, bumpiest ride home ever.

And I'm bringing my lucky charm to Joker's monthly before I get judgmented or something lol. Tourney was pretty good, and wow I'm glad I got to see your Shiek FrozenFire. You are an amazing edgeguarder, and your match against Sparrow was 2close.

Everyone was pretty **** at the tourney especially compared to the last times I had games with you guys. Joker winning 2nd was beast too, ggs.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
just wondering, does anybody know what the turnout is gonna be at jokers next week? im hoping for 25+ i think all the usual iowa guys are going to be there, + nebraska and i think i heard Missouri was coming up, and maybe after yesterday we convinced some minnesota players to come down, im hopin for a big turnout.

On another note, how many matches did you get to record joker? im hopin u got some epic matches cuz that tourney was too good.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
I got $10 on Chexr winning this easily.
I almost took those $10, but almost dosn't count T.T

Anyways, my match with Chexr was too good, I think this time around i gave him a harder time then when he came down to my tourney last time.

Sparrow was wrecking all of Iowa, taking them down one by one, but when I had to played him and found out about this, I was all like "I Fight For My Friends" so that victory was for you guys.

GG to everyone there, everyone wanted me to use my Samus on this tourney, but I think I still need a little more practice with her, but soon.

Again NeoMagic thanks for housing us and Razor for taking us there.

So did everyone enjoy their first OoS tourney.

OMG, dude David Hayter is the man, if they ever made a MGS movie, he will be perfect for it, since he looks just like Snake, and if not him, then that guy who played Wolverine. That's the other thing, I would like to go to some Anime convention and hopefully meet him there, then I could die happy <3


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
well we should go to AX then u can dress up as snake also. but yeah, sparrow wrecked 3 iowans and then u had to take him out, so good job on that, also he looked so much different with hair cause when he was at ur monthly he had his hair shaved so i was pretty stunned when i saw him again. u did do pretty well against chexr this time, but his wolf is still too good.

what got me stunned the most is that Zash is pretty well throughout the losers bracket, but how did u get owned by spinner first round? that we pretty uncalled for the u got owned.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
I'll really like to cosplay as Snake, but I wonder how much those kind of stuff goes for.
well u just got 2nd at MN so save up and u should be good. the one that is see cost about $250-$350 and u pick the size that u want

Kudo, You coming tomorrow?
i dont really kno if i want to go since its out of the way just for me to drive all the way over to ur house just to hack ur friends psp then set everything up for him then i have to drive back home. it is kind of out of my way so i dont think that i want to unless u give me a insentive that some how makes me want to drive to ur play to do what i do best.

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
as of right now it looks like it will be myself, ian, tyser, uli, secks., majik, and smeesh coming from omaha. i'm assuming a yosh will be here as well??

i think melee is going on since usually we are the ones responsible for holding it, entry fee will be 10 for singles and if people wanna do doubles it'll be 5.

edit" i think dekline is showing up as well.

Proficient (-BC-)

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
as of right now it looks like it will be myself, ian, tyser, uli, secks., majik, and smeesh coming from omaha. i'm assuming a yosh will be here as well??

i think melee is going on since usually we are the ones responsible for holding it, entry fee will be 10 for singles and if people wanna do doubles it'll be 5.

edit" i think dekline is showing up as well.
Wow... im about to get my sht seriously rocked in Melee hah...



Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
ill bring me lappytop to help with the melee tourny/SC and magic/yugioh cards too lol :3


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Cool, I cant wait, I will get back to you on solid dates, me and Jay still need to work things out.
I'm assuming Jay is Frozenfire right, and is Vax? coming too or just you guys.

Melee is still on at Joker's right?
That's correct my good sir.

Any day... Joker u are just too good mah dude.

I'm glad to be of service X3

as of right now it looks like it will be myself, ian, tyser, uli, secks., majik, and smeesh coming from omaha. i'm assuming a yosh will be here as well??

i think melee is going on since usually we are the ones responsible for holding it, entry fee will be 10 for singles and if people wanna do doubles it'll be 5.

edit" i think dekline is showing up as well.
That's a lot of ppl, are they all driving with JBM, or is someone else driving also.

Alright Ian is coming back, and whats this secks. is coming too, shit just got real.

so yeah joker, i might want to spend the night at ur place on friday or something casue i like to sleep on the metal bars lol.
I know mang, stupid flood, but I think there's a bed upstairs I can probably bring down, since there's like 2 new ppl moving in, so I may have an extra bed.

By the way me and Bone been playing TvC, that game is too good, I think I'll use Karas and either Jun or Ryu, Bone is going with Batsu, but I don't think he has picked a second char, either way we are nerding this game, now I know what to save up for, a Wii arcade paddle.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
i thought that i heard that Zash couldnt come because of his women or something along that line. well we'll see what happens this friday

Tatsunoko vs Capcom is way too good of a game. it seems that joker, bone, and me r nerding that game pretty well. im maining Casshern and maybe Ryu. i havent decided on my secondary character yet. i still have to experiment on other chars to figure out who to have as a secondary


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
im taking first place at your tourney joker, i won't let myself settle for any less lol. i've been nerding brawl way to much to keep gettin screwed out of top 3. (stupid sparrow and random lucario who was too **** good) which just reminds me, you guys need to play more ZSS so next time im up in MN i know how to deal with that freakin sparrow.
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