Well gentlemen, as my Shakespeare teacher would say, "Now is the [spring] of our discontent."
Tomorrow afternoon, I move to the bumble****, middle-of-nowhere town of Waycross, Georgia until December. I'm going there because I told my parents that I wanted to get into medical school and they believe that I am both too lazy and too addicted to video games to succeed in college (read: a 3.6 GPA or higher). Therefore, they believe that sending me to a college in the middle of nowhere will make me a shoo-in for a solid 4.0 GPA for a semester, while at the same time it will allow my father (who is more than despicable) the opportunity to instill in me the values of hard work and dedication.
I will miss my friends in Milk and Cookies, Inc. most dearly.
That being said, when I return I plan on scheduling and holding a very large tournament at a hotel in Memphis. I'm still unsure whether it will be melee or brawl oriented, but I know that it will be a rewarding experience. But the point is that I will be able to... wow, you're still reading? Basically I hate my parents and will prove to them that I can both get into medical school and play smash.