Replace this stuff with other stuff.
- Most Fireballs. (especially Dash Forward > WD Backward > Fireball repetition-without-accomplishing-anything-other-than-getting-D-Tilted/DD Grabbed)
You're not going to get anything out of zoning an opponent if you're not going for anything. Fireball to get in there/make holes, and take them, NOT for the sake of Fireballing.
SB's vid is good to watch for Fireballs that allow for opportunities. Unfortunately both players in their vid are doing the same things repeatedly as well and aren't picking up on it or adapting. Fortunately though, because of the lack of dynamics in their play and reliance on their capabilities within their limits, the entire video set is an example of the same thing over and over which is particularly directly helpful to you.
- Excessive D-Airs (Especially Full Hop Dair's asking to be Fair'd by Marth/Ivy/better aerial mobility/range stuff and losing stage control by giving up room) < guaranteed your reliance of Dair is a big part of why you hate Marth
You're not going to take away space from a character if you're giving them space by hoping they come to you, Nair instead even, it'll at least push them somewhere.
With both of these things, watch some vids of how others use these tools. You're relying on things within the limits of your play and not going beyond them, just like SB and everyone else. When you + SB + every Mario is literally playing the exact same character, and rarely branching into each others dynamics of how to use the tools you're all given aside from some basic WD Dmash/Dthrow > Fair stuff, it will be of value to attempt utilizing the different maneuvers and MANARISMS of different players with those same tools.
You do what you do for a reason.
SB does what he does for a reason.
Everyone does everything they do for a reason.
All of it works some of the time, find what that time is and use it, all the rest, take it out.
Chances are, somebody does something in those 'not-working-for-you' times that you can incorperate.
Purpose of vids. Use them, it will help you.
Replace a lot of stuff with this stuff.
The 1 second there, with the whole shielding thing, Wavedashing out, and punishing.
Do that. It works especially well against players who are just throwing things out they way you are 'because they can' and especially if you've established (conciously or not) that you play that kind of game.
Pull back, take a break, and block every single one of those all-too-obvious patterns the player is throwing out. Whether it's Leaf > Fair/Dtilt or Blaster > Nair/SideB, the things people do in these given vids are the same minute 1 of the first match and the last minute of the last. This should be abused. Not only for your own benefit, but for the benefit of others, as this will help your opponent and you develop the meta-game between YOURSELVES and improve your own play.
You own improvement is more for your opponents benefit then your own. If that makes sense to you, then use it, it will help you.
It's tough in-game, sure, but it's a lot easier to pull back than it is to push forward, it's just a matter of doing it, which is the greatest difference between 'good' players and 'great' players.
Most people are exactly there, and it's steady today as it was when PM first showed up. Take that step, you're as ready as ever.
Good stuff otherwise.
More nuance/character-related suggestions, for the sake of the thread. F-Tilt is good I heard, especially establishing that you're willing to trade it with things like Razer Leaf and D-Tilts first hit, etc... Completely takes away a lot of footziez games, which is where your neutral game seems to struggle (the whole Dair-hopes and hail-mary-Fireball stuff is a result of this uncertainty on how to maneuver and reluctance to shield/discomfort and uncertainty with WDOOS ground-game)
Stay grounded, be a rock, Ftilt, Dsmash (you did this once and it worked in the first match, and somehow you didn't pick up on its value and neglected it/didn't observe it), SH Nairs even.
Force crap on people directly if you want to play that style (pressure works better if you're making things happen rather than hoping they get caught by that rising Dair when you DO get in there... get in there FIRST).
A message for you (and your opponent), SB (and his opponent), and others, just stop jumping into ****.
There is way ****ing too much jumping into **** in the last few videos posted in this thread.
Like ****, you all know better than that.
/end typical show up and rant message for the month.
That all applies to everyone, so hopefully somebody gets something from it.