@ Alien Vision
Have you ever been a minority? It feels so weird, and nearly everyone treats you differently. I'm nearly entirely Caucasian (although I got a fair share of Native American blood), and when I was the minority around Latinos and Blacks, it feels as if you're the "odd man out" all the time. And some people make sure you feel that (which can feel like a lesser form of the Jim Crow way of "keeping n***ers in their place"). And I only felt that in Elementary School. I can't imagine what that feels like for minorities around people who treat them differently constantly because of their skin pigmentation!
The reason so many minorities, specifically African and Native Americans, hide behind ancestry as an excuse is because of everything that happens because of what happened to their ancestors. Asian, Latino, and European immigrants came to American with some wealth and skills, and made money. Sure, many Asians and Latinos lost money, lands, and freedoms in various racial scares, but they were able to make a living.
African immigrants came as slaves with greater knowledge of farming than their masters. Eventually, the only things they had was their family, which could be taken away if they were sold. Even after slavery ended, most were still held down by racist laws, taxes, and bans on education. It wasn't until the 60's most of them could own anything that was truly "theirs." And they are still reminded by their ancestors owner's descendants that they're black, and they have to work for their ancestor's owners.
Often one or both of an African-American parents are gone and/or their parents are too busy working to pay off bills to spend as much time with their kids (which causes to kids to spend all their time on the streets or with friends, which if their friends, which both could be dangerous to their future). Black kids also have a lack of motivation because nearly every black person around them is poor, even the hard workers, and nobody is really going anywhere. Nearly all of their role models are athletes and musicians (two jobs suited for very few) or some sort of thug, whom usually make more money than the hard-working poor folks.
The only way they can afford college is a government grant (which can be confusing and hard to get, especially with government cutbacks), or to excel in a sport to get a scholarship. If they do the former, they could be denied on various grounds (it’s been proven that minorities are more often disapproved for such things than Caucasians). If they do the latter, they got to have a job (their sport), be in school, and have probably another job to pay for housing, expensive books, food, and whatnot. If they under perform in the sport, don’t make the roster, don’t live up to expectations, they can lose their scholarship. If they don’t perform in school they could also lose their scholarship.
So if you're wondering why African-American youth end out much worse than Caucasian youth, that's why. If you put white children in the same situation as African-American children, they'd probably react much worse to their "White Man's Privilege" world view and viewing white as "normal," and being entitled to things black children aren't entitled to.
If we truly accepted other races, we'd celebrate an African countries' democratic independence just as much as St. Patrick's Day, an Irish Holiday. (more food ftw!) If everyone accepted and celebrated other races as much as their own, then racism would truly die a slow and painful death.