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Gamer Rage can happen to us all, and sometimes it can be a lot worse with others. All of us function in different ways after all.
I have a friend whom I frequently play 2V2 For Glory with just about every time he comes over. Neither of us are competitive players and he doesn't own the Wii U version; however I've been playing Smash with him since Melee. It's understandable for him to get a little upset sometimes when something happens because again, he can't really practice like I can since he doesn't own the Wii U version. I try to do what I can to help him out and help him understand certain things, but he's got a thick skull.
He refuses to shield because "It never comes out in time when he does it" so he almost always chooses to roll. He also complains about inputting one direction but the opposite direction happens instead (which honestly sounds like he's unintentionally pivoting/B reversing to me). Other than that he does typical johns sometimes such as but not limited to:
"My attack couldn't reach but his could?"
"There's absolutely no way he could of made it back from that when I couldn't as the same character!"
"My fist was in his FACE! There's no way it didn't hit!"
...and so on.
He's by no means a bad player though. He's definitely got the skill but just refuses to work on his faults and fails to understand certain things about Smash. Heck, I bet if he practiced and ya know, actually choose to learn things he could be better than me.
In any case, when playing 2V2 For Glory with him his frustrations really get the best of him sometimes.
It comes to a point where I sigh heavily because when he gets so irritated anything can bother him at that point and makes it less fun. I normally have to leave the room and find other players if certain players are upsetting him that much. Otherwise he'll give up, saying "There's nothing he can do anyways" and starts going Random. Of course, there's also other instances where he'll actively throw the controller too which I feel is rather unnecessary and wish he wouldn't do something like that honestly...
Again, I do what I can to calm him down.
Talk strategy, tell him what I've noticed, try different things, etc. Some people just get really angry when it comes to games specifically. Even I can get frustrated sometimes, but I never got to a point where I'd toss a controller or break something.
That kind of outburst is just not okay; however I do understand people can get really angry, especially when playing Online.
That being said, I think I'm pretty close to giving up on For Glory myself.
A part of it can be some frustrations (because it seems like it's becoming rarer and rarer to find good opponents and especially ones who aren't 110% salty), but it's mainly due to the fact it's starting to get tiresome. In my opinion it feels like the longer Smash has been out the worse For Glory has become. I'm not the only one, right? I also hate how For Glory has also started to change me.
Before, when I started For Glory nothing really bothered me at all. I didn't have anything to complain about. Taunts didn't bother me at all, and neither did certain things players would do mid-match. But now, after playing it for so long it's just tiresome to deal with.
I used to have great patience and barely anything grinded my gears enough to get at me. The more I became exposed to these things though, and the more common they became for me the more I started to lose my enjoyment in For Glory. It feels like anything can set my opponent off now. Play ROB, get labeled as a spammer despite not spamming at all or they choose to spam themselves. Play Bayonetta, get Rage Quits constantly or people giving up mid match. Get salt if you lose, get salt if you won.
It can be ignored if it happened in small amounts, but when it happens every time I step into For Glory? It's tiresome.
It sort of feels like nobody enjoys playing the game in For Glory, or they certainly don't enjoy playing against me. I hate that, because I want to play against an opponent who enjoys my company and enjoys playing against me just as much as I enjoy going against them. I hate how sometimes I'll get someone who seems nice and says "GG" and such, but somehow I upset them.
I've said this many times in many separate posts: This is how Online Games are sometimes.
I have to remind myself this is to be expected. You're gonna have to expect campers, trolls, people who get salty and insult, and much more. There's no controlling this behavior and there's no true way of stopping it either. I understand this little factor.
But again, when it seems to happen consecutively every time I decide to forgive and forget with For Glory it just wears me down some. I used to play daily, but now unless my friend is over and we play 2V2 For Glory I don't even bother with the Online Modes at all. Sometimes I'll step foot into For Fun when I just feel like goofing off, but I try not to touch Solo For Glory these days. And yet...
I still find myself getting drawn to it. A lot of the time I'm just bored, or sometimes I have no luck finding opponents here on SmashBoards (which I should be getting into a habit of doing again). Maybe I'm just a sucker for punishment. Who knows?
Maybe I'll never learn that For Glory will always be For Glory. I have had plenty of good experiences on For Glory too, not just the bad. It just seems like the bad ones happen 90% of the time these days. Either way, I feel like I'm almost at the tipping point despite how many breaks I try to take from For Glory. Dealing with the same things all the time just doesn't make for a very fun experience.
(I also apologize for the mega long post in advance. Good job if you read it all though.)
I destroyed a copy of Black Ops once. I ejected it from my PS3 while it was running, crushed it in my hand, and proceeded to throw it, stab it, and stomp on it for five whole minutes. Then I tore up the instruction book and stabbed it multiple times. I never felt such rage before, nor have I been as angry since. I really need to buy a punching bag lol
Dang. When I was younger I had less self-control when it came to gaming compared to today, but I never really broken anything of mine in rage.
The worst I do now is slam my fist into a pillow or something that won't damage my hand or property since I play in my bedroom often.
Also, I know this thread is a year old already, but this kinda mindset about a Online mode in gaming isn't really a good thing. So many people complain about For Glory's stuff and it makes me wonder whether they're new to online gaming in general.
I don't understand the logic of FG can't teach you to be good. If I can't even beat 50% of the people on there, how am I to enjoy playing against someone even better? I don't know about you, but losing isn't fun and enjoyable. I only have fun if I win.
Winning is all that matters! This is why I stick to RPGs where I can grind mobs for hours and not have a hard time of it.
I'm this close to giving up For Glory Free for All for good.
I played a Villager/Samus player who to be blunt, played like a coward. They stayed on the edge of the stage and kept spamming projectiles. Anytime any approached them, they ran like punks and hid under the stage where none of the other players could touch them.
But what truly angers me, is not only the cowardice behind the way they played but the fact that the worthless pile of garbage stole KOs from the players who were honestly playing.
Rarely do I complain about how someone plays, but this just angered me because not only was it annoying and cheap, they were getting rewarded with wins or second place because they figured out how to hide off a stage and steal KOs.
Fine, stealing KOs is also a viable strategy in free for alls, and its an awesome feeling to take someone's KO away. But this is when players are on stage exposing themselves and playing the game.
Not cowards who spend the entire match tossing out projectiles, hiding off stage anytime a person approaches, and then steals KOs .
For Glory free-for-all is terrible imo. That's why I go to For Fun for it at all times. I can understand why it isn't everyone's cup of tea, however—the items, regular stages, and number of people make for complete chaos. But I much prefer the people there as opposed to FG.
I'm this close to giving up For Glory Free for All for good.
I played a Villager/Samus player who to be blunt, played like a coward. They stayed on the edge of the stage and kept spamming projectiles. Anytime any approached them, they ran like punks and hid under the stage where none of the other players could touch them.
But what truly angers me, is not only the cowardice behind the way they played but the fact that the worthless pile of garbage stole KOs from the players who were honestly playing.
Rarely do I complain about how someone plays, but this just angered me because not only was it annoying and cheap, they were getting rewarded with wins or second place because they figured out how to hide off a stage and steal KOs.
Fine, stealing KOs is also a viable strategy in free for alls, and its an awesome feeling to take someone's KO away. But this is when players are on stage exposing themselves and playing the game.
Not cowards who spend the entire match tossing out projectiles, hiding off stage anytime a person approaches, and then steals KOs .
I hate that crap so much. It's even worse when the character they're playing has the abilities to jump and move all around the stage with ease.
One time I fought a person like this in FFA FG, but I tried to forcefully send him into the fight. This happened for about 2 matches then he calls me trash, and salty. He was in 4th place that match.Then later, he says that it was a joke.
Still miles better than FFA For Fun. With the chance of running into Taunt Parties and 3v1's, I gladly prefer FFA For Glory.
I don't understand the logic of FG can't teach you to be good. If I can't even beat 50% of the people on there, how am I to enjoy playing against someone even better?
I don't get it either. I know for a fact that a majority of the people on For Glory aren't gonna give most people on here a challenge, but most people don't live near or can't go to Tournaments, so online is one of the reliable places to practice.
I have a problem that's sort of similar. Instead of anger though, I have social anxiety, so playing online caused me way too much stress. If I ran into a typical trash talker, it tended to really get to me. I don't have an easy time just ignoring those kinds of people, and since it's so rampant ( I've run into salty people in for fun. FOR FUN. How do people get salty there?!), I ended up getting paranoid whenever I played with anyone. If they're not saying anything, I get worried over whether or not they're having as much fun as I am. If they turn out to be nice, I get worried that I'll do something to make them mad. Doesn't help that I play a character that's built to annoy people >_>
In the end, I gave up playing for a pretty long time because I stopped having fun. I always felt a little defeated about it though, letting myself get so worked up over something so small... I mean, I know it's online. I really didn't expect anything different. Still, it's draining having to deal with it over and over again.