Ashley:《H.P.: 50/50 ; E.P.: 50/50 ; Keywords: Stuffed, conceited, conqueror》
Chip:《H.P.: 19/19 ; E.P.: 22/22 ; Keywords: Stuffed, relieved, hiccup》
Red:《H.P.: 10/10 ; E.P.: 12/12 ; Keywords: Fear 》
Slicky:《H.P.: 38/38 ; E.P.: 14/14 ; Keywords: Umm... Ice; 》
Jack Frost: 《H.P.: 52/52; E.P. 45/45; Keywords: Yum!, slushy drink, brain freeze》
"Yeah! We should have a feast!" Red exclaims.
The scene cuts to about an hour later, where the group is laying on the ground, their mouths and stomachs stuffed with pizza.
"Ugh....Ate too much..." Ashley groans, rubbing her belly.
The group recovers all of their H.P.
Chip: Call me Francisco Pizza-ro. I mean seriously, that stuff's probably embedded in my (hiccup) very being now... (Holds stomach) Doh! I may need a doctor soon... (Slowly pulls a map from his backpack)... Okay, everybody, take a look. This is a weird map, but it's up-to-date...
The map unfolds into a sheet, over which landmarks hover, indicating the group's current position.
Chip: Hmmm... The next stage is a... (familiar baseball theme is heard) baseball stadium... (Squints at the corner of the ceiling) Everyone, look, a flying saucer!... (While the others face away, he quickly puts on reading glasses, and looks at the area of the map where the baseball stadium is. He then quickly takes the glasses off just as they turn back around.)... Sorry. Must've been a figment of my imagination. Anyway, the level is called Major League Maceball ... How's that for you all?... (leans on the counter) Yeah, it's pathetic, but it might actually be challenging.
A.R.: (To himself) Pathetic? That flabbalabbastackin', greenhorn know-nothing wouldn't know brilliance if it slammed a bucket on his head!
Chip: Well, whaddya say? Ready to step up to the plate?
(Slicky took the opportunity to head to the bathroom. When he returns, he's back to his normal, short self.)
Slicky: Hey! You should've saved some pizza for me!
(Slicky notices Jack Frost in the corner, who is scarfing down the last piece of pizza)
Slicky: Hey! Hands off my pizza!
Jack Frost: Get out, shorty!
Slicky: Why you...!
(All of a sudden, Slicky and Jack Frost get into a violent fight which kicks up a cartoony cloud of dust)
Slicky: Gimme the pizza!
(Slicky accidentally steps on the pizza slice)
Jack Frost: My pizza! You little hee ho...
(All of a sudden, Slicky is frozen)
// Chip: Whoa, whoa!... (Holds stomach) Frosty (hiccup) boy... you missed a spot... (Slowly pulls up Jack Frost's arm, but quickly uses it to encase Slicky's nose in ice.) Thank you... Mmm... I'd say he'll... thaw in ten minutes or so (hiccup).