"Not joke! Pwease, see my game!" Baby Ashley says. "Or I give you....da eyes!"
Dust Bunny: Don't let her give you the eyes! They're undefeatable!
Grove: I'm sorry, but that just sounds like too much.
Dust Bunny: Grove... Ms. Grove, do you have any idea how much danger, dread, and trauma she had to go through to finish this game? Do you have any idea how hard it is to pass all those worlds at such a young age? Do you have any idea how bad I look covered in magma?! Please, just consider it for a while!
Grove: Mark it for the...
Dust Bunny: Market... got it. (Looks at Baby Ashley) We'll pay extra.
Grove: (Sigh) We'll see. Games are hard to profit from, you know? No promises though!