Meanwhile, under Ashley's Mansion...
A rat crawls by under the mansion and stumbles across the trophies. The rat runs across
Pyro Jack and
Jack Ripper's trophies, but not King Frost's. Pyro Jack floats around, confused. Jack Ripper grips tightly to his knife and examines the area.
Pyro Jack: Where are we, ho?
Jack Ripper: I dunno, but it's a real dump.
Pyro Jack: (Looks up) Hee Oh! It appears we are under a house of some sorts...
Jack Ripper: Hehe! Nice! (Jack Ripper bursts from the floor of Ashley's mansion and examines the living room)
Jack Ripper: Ooooh! A fine establishment! Would be a shame if I did THIS! (Jack Ripper takes out his knife and carves "Ripper Was Here" in the walls.)
Pyro Jack: Hey! Be mindful, ho!
Jack Ripper: Hey, nobody cared enough to free that overweight version of Frost! <'Frost' is the name of the name the Jack Bros call Jack Frost. Pyro Jack's is 'Pyro' and Jack Ripper's is Ripper.>
Pyro Jack: We should rest up here for now, Ripper. Frost'll come sooner or later, ho. (Pyro Jack accidentally sets the couch on fire with his lantern) Whoops.
Jack Ripper: Alright. Anyways, I'm pooped, so I'm gonna take a nap. (Jack Ripper collapses on the ground and snores at the top of his lungs)