<This is an awful idea, but I could think of nothing else.>
Tucker: Okay, so here's how it works... We have a deck of cards (profile posts in order of appearance with the latest on the top of the deck, and the oldest (up to eight for convenience, since only four will be drawn) on the bottom. The posts themselves do not matter, we just need 'random' numbers and values generated without having to go elsewhere). Now these aren't your Grandpa's playing cards. This is a B. Kidding deck with sixty cards-- nine numbers (the last digits of the times the posts were made )-- through nine; three suits (avatars that are predominantly red, green, or blue, respectively when they posted the 'drawn cards')-- hearts, spades, and diamonds; and three power cards (predominantly black, white, or grey avatars) doubled with two players in mind. In this game, we each draw four cards (with values generated by the posts). We each then get to play two cards across two turns each. Whoever has the highest sum of numbers played wins the table, unless... they win by suit. So heart beats spade, spade beats diamond, and diamond beats heart.
Let's say you played an 9♤ on the first turn, and a 4♢ on the second, while I played a 5♡ on the first turn, and a 8♡ on the second.
I would beat you, because even though we have equal number scores, the heart on my first beat the spade on your first, cancelling the number. Your score would then be 4, while mine is 5, since your diamond card would beat my heart card. Any questions before I continue (since this is too much text at one time!)?
<I am gone for now.>