Paper Mario: Huh. I wonder what this town is called. (Paper Mario suddenly stops in his tracks) I-I gotta use the W.C... Wait for me!
In the outhouse bathroom...
Paper Mario: Ah... Time to take a much needed leak...
As Paper Mario unzips his overalls,
an arm pops out of the toilet!
The arm reaches out and tugs on Paper Mario, causing him to wack the arm with his hammer and run out of the bathroom in a panic.
Paper Mario: P-P-Peach! A crazy hand tried to pull me into into the toilet! Look!
Meowth: Evenly matched? Is this some kind of joke!?
James: Its 4 against 3, twerp! Learn how to count!
Jessie: Remember, we have our Pokémon...
James: Oh good point.
Jessie: (Throws a Pokéball at the ground) Come on out, Mimikyu! Use Shadow Ball!
(Mimikyu comes out and launches, well, a shadow ball from its tail)