Red grabs the pinecones from him and starts tearing mold away from him. "Get it together! I can't deal with this too!"
Molst Bunny: (Uses his left hand to tear off mold, and uses his right hand to... actually, he is sucking his thumb ) It hurts! Please, let me have that paint on the wall... (He eventually pulls free.)
Dust Bunny: Oh, sorry about that. I was trying to see if I could learn anything new by taking in the mold, but the impulses are just... insane!
-------------------- <Warning: Oversized haul!>
Goomberg: ... And that's how Mario Sr. came into the Mushroom Kingdom... Mario?
Mario, who was reclining against a large tree root, had his cap over his eyes, snoring.
Goomberg goes into his dream...
Mario: (Waking) Whoooa! DON'T MAKE ME GO DOWN THAT TOILET!... What? (Goomberg returns)
Goomberg: Y'know what? We'll finish this story another time.
Mario: No, no, I was listening. The last thing you said was "Down you go!"
Goomberg: Go back into the village, Mario. I've got falafel to eat. (vanishes)
Mario returns. Days later, he goes to watch the circus for the first time. The crowd sounds as they watch seemingly impossible feats done with such panache by seasoned performers. Soon, the lights focus in on Snore, who gives an announcement.
Snore: Now, ladies and gentleman, it is time for the moment you've all been waiting for. Snore and Company is proud and humbled to present to you... Gianni the Dariiiiiing!
Gianni comes out expressionless as he waves. Mario excitedly jumps up as the crowd noisily applauds. After spitting on the ground, Gianni performs his routine, to the amazement of the crowd, and to the anxiety of Mario. Gianni concludes his act with a calm that is seemingly superhuman... After the show, Mario meets him outside the big top, where a variety of attractions encircle the tent.
Gianni: ...Yeah, yeah. Y'know, you said that at least fifteen times since we got out.
Mario: But it's true. You were amazing!
Not four seconds after he said this did a crowd of impressed people who were in the audience gather around Gianni asking for autographs, which he irritably gives them. After escaping, they come to a room titled 'Snore and Company Theater,' where they take seats. Mario hardly pays attention to the staged plays, however, as he talks to Gianni.
Mario: ... I am glad to hear that you like video games. Speaking of which...
Gianni: Sh... This is my favorite part.
Mario turns his head to see the role of a stand-up comedian, who takes the spotlight during the 'hilarious' part of the play.
Comedian: Hello (holding her arm. She gradually let's go of it. ), I'm Tina... (The crowd is silent. Tina clears her throat)... Wow, you're a quiet lot today! (Giggles. The crowd is mostly quiet, but Gianni snurts as he elbows Mario. Gianni: (Whispering) It's getting good! Just watch.)... You know, I was on my way here when I came to a 'stop' sign. I was waiting, and waiting for traffic to clear so I could cross the street, and... I was waiting, and the traffic wouldn't ease up... It was the longest day I ever had. (Rapidly emphasizing with her hands and feet) I am saying, "Come on!..."
A sign saying 'boo' lights up, and planted audience members throw tomatoes at Tina. Gianni heartily laughs, saying, 'Like clockwork!' as the crowd laughs, while Tina continues talking.
Mario: What is this? (Low at first) This isn't funny at all! This is cruel! She can't be more than ten!
Gianni: (Speaking through laughter, which is hard to distinguish from that of the audience.) Oh, n-no, it's... it's not like that. It's part of the play! Heha...
Mario: She must be a very good actor then... (Tina's eyes well with tears as she stands in place smiling, dodging tomatoes, looking around at the audience, and talking. )... I am sorry. I do not get the joke.
Gianni: (Sore from laughing) It's ok... It's okay. It is an acquired taste.
Mario: Mmm.... Well, I'll be right back. (He goes to find Snore, while Gianni takes to another bout of laughter.)...