Ashley arrives at school... In her history class, she feels a small object strike her head from the back while the teacher reaches into and stirs paper in a plastic bin. She looks around to see the cause, but is hit by another. She soon realizes what is happening, and ignores it with a frown, miserable for the whole session...
Ms. Crafter: ... Alright, your project will be a two page summary of your thoughts on history as a whole. This is a creative exercise, so flexibility is given to presentation, but your work must include a personal definition of 'history' from your own mouths, a selection of timeline events that correspond with the beginnings of written history on any continent, and some thoughts on the differences between oral and written traditions. Extra credit is given for comparing the integrity over time of accounts written as opposed to spoken. You will each be given a partner at random who will cooperate with you... (Every other word after that is rubbish to Ashley until)... Ashley, your partner is Dale (seated right in front of him , she guessed that he was the one bothering her)... Norman, your partner is Billy C. ...