Ashley ignores the scones. Baby Ashley remains upset and tries to escape from her crib. "Want Mama!" she whines.
Sarah lifts her out of the crib and rocks her.
Sarah: Shhh, shhh, shhh.
Gunther looks for alternative homes online, as Sarah walks behind to check on him.
Sarah: Gunther...
Gunther: I'm not putting up with this every time things don't go her way.
Sarah nudges the mouse away.
Sarah: You walked by Phoebe had these phases too...
Gunther: ... and look what she did!
Sarah: But you persisted with her.
Gunther: I can't do it all over again. Her every tantrum is a flashback.
Sarah: Well, she's in the basement right now... (raising eyebrows) without a tantrum.
Gunther: Don't you get it? (Impersonating) 'I dont wanna!' ' It's for your good. ' 'Take this, flower pot!' ' Don't break things. ' 'I'll break whatever I want! ' ' I give up! ' ' I'm running away! ' ' Don't do that... ' It's all surface. She doesn't put any effort into making things better for herself, and it's torture because I've seen it before. (He closes the tab) I won't go through with that, but I'm not going to force on Ashley something she doesn't want if she doesn't trust me.
They are silent for a while...