Doc Monocle
Smash Ace
Kritter is sent back as he holds his nose. While Ashley runs away, she looks behind her to make sure Kritter is not chasing. She runs into the belly of Klump-- as you might guess, a collision that sends her to the ground with nearly the same impact.Ashley scrambles out of the bag and punches Kritter in the face. She then begins running away as fast as she possibly can. "GUNTHER! SARAH! BABY ASHLEY!" she calls.
Klump: Where do you think your going, maggot?
She is swiftly surrounded by Klump, Kritter, Krusha, and of course...
K. Rool: Kritter, you imbecile! This isn't Tiny!
Kopy: Kritter, you imbecile! This isn't Tiny!
Kritter: It was dark! She looked the same.
Klump: How do you make that mistake?
Kopy: It's pretty straightforward. He thought...
K. Rool: Kopy... It isn't a total waste. We can keep her for ransome. (Closes his eyes and folds his arms while everyone is silent)
Krusha: What do we want?
K. Rool: (Opening his eyes) She really cannot help us, can she?
Ashley looks around for a way out, but keeps being pushed to the center of the gathering.
Kopy: Strictly speaking, no.
K. Rool: Too bad. Krusha...
Krusha: Huhehuha! (Cracks his knuckles.)
As Krusha raises his fist to crush Ashley, Diddy lands in the center, grabs Ashley, and flies away quickly, causing Krusha to miss and punch a depression into the ground. His fist is momentarily stuck.
K. Rool: Urgh... that monkey! (Closes his eyes and hops up and down, shaking the ground. He does not notice Donkey Kong tossing his henchmen this way and that...)
Kopy: (About to be hit) Wait... I'm just an aid (in his usual, monotonous tone. Donkey hangs him on a branch).
K. Rool: Donkey Kong! Will you never cease to be a thorn in my side?! (Braces himself for battle in a near squat).
Kopy: The universe is composed of many observers gathered inside an exemplifying work of the mind. That you even exist with the sole intention of stealing Donkey Kong's bananas means the answer to your question is, in its most polite form, 'no.'
K. Rool: Why did I hire you?... Don't answer that!
Donkey: Let's settle this, K. Rool! (Balls his fist.)
K. Rool: With pleasure!...
Meanwhile, in the sky, Diddy holds Ashley as his powerful rocket barrels carry them speedily through the air. As he runs out of fuel, he lands on a mountain.
Diddy: This should be far enough... So what you in trouble with the Kremlings?