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Ill Keep U guys Updated on Brawl Puff Mango << He won Pound ^_^

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Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Ive been wanting to make a thread just because .:dizzy:
So i decided to do it on Helping My fellow Puff Balls because were almost instinct!:(
If any "jigglys" want help just ask and ill help u out .. Just because u play the most bestest character in the game.:cool:

Even if is the smallest thing.. I dont care I got the time.. lol

BOX TAG makes jiggly 100 times better.. Just to let u Know

1.MangoLand- Another word for dreamland.. Just call it mango land because i always counter with that.
2.Mango****- Jumping Out of My Shield To Rest.. Basically jumping out of my shield to ****.
3.MangoCombo- Basically If U fair, bair,Nair, or even puff and they miss the tek. U can jab them and they get up and REST.Its pretty cool.
4.TehMangoSuprise-Resting SomeOne 4 times in 1 game {gimpys favorite}
5.MangoCombo 2- Jab to dtilt... **** Jealous?

When im not around .. Listen To Dr.Hyde..
Also help each other out!

Before I start all of this.. I got one thing to say..Once there was a great man named Gimpyfish who told me something..That Changed my life =). He said "u dont have to go to him if u dont want him". Which means is like when someone is camping u dont have to go to them all the time. JUST BE PATIENT!!! and keep ur spacing people!

Honestly people listen to that .... REALLY!!
If u need any help ill be on aim.. PrrettyMango69 so i can tell things that cant be said on the thread .. lol

Ok iMa try and do a matchup list so here we go..
1.THe ***** Sheik
Mangos Percentage - 100 - 0 Puff wins
Actual Percentage-70-30 Sheik wins

Sheik can be real hard for puff.As long as u dont rush in like a dummy.. and be patient as heck.. ull be fine..

Postives In Matchup-
Sheik is healla easy to rest
Edguarding her isnt that big of a problem.
Nairs **** Sheik hard
Bair Spam Works Like A charm but not too much
Negatives in match
In Matchup-Obviously Grab to slap
Needle camping is GAY but avoidable
Shes hard to approach sometimes

My summary for the match is..When she likes to camp just be patient and slowly creep up on her.. then wait for that moment to go for it.. ducking works very well because they like to grab alot..Also My little secret to puff is when theres platforms around down throw her. she di forward because they always will .. they land on a platform 80 percent of the time.. and then just rest.. works like a charm.. O and another thing is..When u nair.. Watch the crouch cancel dsmash..

Good levels to counter with are brimstar,mangoland,mute city
Thats sheik for ya.

Freaking Marth
Mango Percentage 50-50
Actual Percentage 80-20 Marth

Marth and his dumb sword can be quite dumb!Be REALLY patient in this match or u will get owned somtimes.Shielding is essintial in this match

Positives In Matchup
Jiggly Can Combo HARD once she hits
Marth cant really kill besides the dumb tipper
Up Air ***** MARTH
Negatives In Match-
Marth CAN kill u with a tipper
OutRanges Jiggly By MILES AND MILES
Can Combo Puff Pretty decent
Grab leads to fsmash most of the time
Jigglys Nair Is useless in this match {depends on what kind of marth ur playing}

My summary for this matchup is..Shielding is your best frienD!!!This match is all about spacing! U gotta like run to them shield but space it.. then fair out of shield..Not much really to say about this match... BEtter Spacing and PATIENCE Wins ..

Levels To Counter-Mangoland,final destination,Battlefield.
Thats mostly all for marth

Stupid Fox
Mango Percentage 90-10 Fox
Acutual PErcentage 60-40 Fox

Dont u hate when people say puff ***** fox.. ITS NOT EASY PEOPLE..Anyways..This matchup is feaking hard.. HARD espically campy foxes.. but u cant be patient in the match. go all out because ur going to die at 70 percent anyways

Positives In Match
Pound *****
Upthrow rest
Cheap Kill galore
Nair Fsmash ***** Fox
Combos are easy
Negatives In Match
Dont pound to much or u get *****
Up throw Up air ***** sadly
Hard to catch whens hes camping
Fox can combo puff pretty well if they no what there doing

My summary for this match is.. fox is freaking gay..When there camping.. just follow with nairs or Fair Spam Ur way to them.. AND whenever u get the chance to rest a fox.. plz do it u wont get many chances..Unless ur like at 70 percent..Dont mess up ur edguarding . FINISH HIM when u can...Dont be patient for a second either.. JUST GET EM.. Also Full hop NAIRS!! is toooo gooood!

Levels to counter-Brimstar,MuteCity,Mangoland,Battlefield,Foutain,KongoJungle64
When fox Upthrows u..Always di bak . makes it harder for him 2 hit u.. Ok Lets say u DI left when he hits u with the up air DI LEFT again and u might avoid it .. TIMING!

Eh Falco
Mango Percentage- 50-50
Acutual Percentage 50-50

Its funny because most people wont go falco on puff for some reason.Falco Can be hard but eh its kinda easy but hard at the same time . WHen He lasers just float over them and beat his *** when u get next to him. I do c this as an even match..

Positives In MAtchup
Hes REally easy to combo
Once Hes off stage HES DEAD
Nair Fsmash Works Great
Fair Spam IS great here
Lasers Arent that much of a problem
Puff Works Well To get through lasers once in a while
Negatives In Match
Dair ***** Puff
Fsmash Hits Hard
Hard To Grab
His Bair IS really good
Watch THe Dtilt

My summary for this match is .. Jiggly can be a biAtch to falco if she wants.. but falco can be gay right back with dair. But He cant really kill puff with much.. IF he lasers Just jump over there and hell get scared and the u can **** him

Level To Counter-MangoLand,Brimstar,Battlefield,MuteCity,KongoJungle64
That is all

BiAtch Peach
Mango Percentage-50-50
Acutal Percantage- 50-50

Ok peach can be real annoying with her dumb stuff.remeber a few things... REST AWAY WHAT COULD SHE POSSIBLY DO IF U MISS? just saying

Postives In Matches
Nair Fsmash *****
If u Miss Rest She cant do much
Up air Is easy rest
Bair Spams ***** this match
Her DownSmash Is Limited
Falling With Up-airs after Every moves ***** {hit c-stick after bair or something}
Negatives In Match
HEr Nair Competes With Urs
Hard To Kill her sometimes
Turnip Camping gay sometimes
HEr Fair Is Rather good
Her back Is **** 2.
All her are dumb

My summary for this match is.. well its pretty even on both sides.. Its hard 2 edgeguard a peach with puff and to kill her once shes over like 90 percent.. But u air works well..Dont hit her sheild to much because or she nairs u..if u space well in this match and dont rush in stupidly ull do fine

Levels To CounterPick-Mangoland,Rainbow Cruise {ur uair kills quick but u die easly 2}

Smexy Falcon
Mango Percentage 90-10 Falcon
Actual Percentage 50-50

Yes Falcon Is Smexy With His Pointy nipples but this is actually a very very even matchup. Both Characters can just murder each other if they no what there doing..But if neither characters dont know what to do.. the other one *****

Postives In Matchup
Rest are Pretty well here
Nair and Fair Spam are good
U airs lead to alot of thing
WOPS !!!!!
FALCON off the stage = DEATH !!
Negatives In Matchups
Grab 2 knee
Combos Puff Easily
Knee Completely ***** Puff
Can combo mostly anything into knee
U air is **** 2

My summary of the match is...Falcon can just murder puff so bad sometimes but puff can literally do the same thing back.. This match is so fun .. Nairs are very helpful in this match along with fairs.. Duck alot too because some falcons like 2 spam grab so be careful..

Levels To Counter With- MangoLand,Brimstar,MuteCity,Fountain, Any thing small because u dont want falcons running all over the place..

Ugly Face Gannon The Cannon

Mango Percentage 94-6 Gannon
Actual Percentage 50-50
This is probably ma worst matchup for some reason. Ganon is just so big and ugly and scares me off when i try 2 hit him. This match is pretty much spacing because both characters need there spacing.Nair is a good choice for this match.Ganon cant do much to it

Positives In Matchup
Jiggly can rest Ganon like no tomorrow
Pound can only be out prioritized by Ganon’s F+air
Ganon’s recovery is like Falcons, easily gimped
WoP can win this match easily
Duck the grab = rest
Negatives In Matchup
Do i really need to say much. =)
Grab = Those painful hits
Missing A rest =( UR DEAD
He just hits hard .. thats all like 7 hits.. bye bye

My summary for this match is... To fight a ganon all u have to do is be all in his face.. like a fox towards a ganon because if u give him like time to run away.. he gets time to start his spacing and his wall of fairs and bairs..So once ur again spam attacks.. .Doest matter what... JUST GO CRAZY!! dont let him out of ur site.. Honestly what can gannon do when ur in his face? NOTHING!! O and Nairs **** Gannon And Uairs

Levels To Counter- Mangoland,MuteCity,Final,BattleField,PokeMon Stadium

Wow There 2 Of Them IceClimbers

Mango Percentage 50-50
Actual Percentage 51-49 Puff

This match is filled with all kinds of crazy stuff.. The way i fight a good ics.. is well most of u will probably go eh.. but my thing is to rest nana .. To make the fight even right? But thers not alot of positves or negatives here either tho

Positives In Matchup
WoP Does rather Well
Pound FTW!
Nair Up Tilt
ROLLOUT!! trust me
Nair in genreal, Nair 2 fsmash .. toooooo goood
Negatives In Matchup
If u miss rest.. either wobbled or fully charged smash.. from both
Smashes Hurt
I have hard time spacing for some stupid reason
Ics Get 2 ur head.. Just because theres 2 of them
Cant Separate them to save ur life

My summary for this matchup... Im rather good at this match..U know how ic players think there cool because they wavedash all over the place... POUND!!! theyll run into because there wavedashing all over the place.. If u take them 2 fd.. which is supposed to be a good level for ics..ROLLOUT!!! Do this often.. Either it hits nana.. Or Popo.. Its a win win..And like i said.. Rest nana.. sounds dumb.. Just do it.. lol .. 1on1.. SOme ics Rely on there Nana So yea.. {no offense to no one} spamming fsmash *****

Levels To CouterPick - MangoLand,Brimstar,MuteCity,Final,Fountain,

Hahaha Samus

Mango Percentage 100-0 Puff
Actual Percentage 75-25 Puff

THis match just makes me laugh so hard.. Poor Poor Poor Samus.. She cant hit ur shield with nothing.. {unless ur hugs and have such beautiful spacing} but no ones perfect so there bound to mess up { even hugs }

Positives In Matchup
Nair Murders Samus
Any One Of her smashes that hits u !! REST !!! Any on of her moves.. if not spaced right
U can throw some Bair Combos In their
Nair fsmash kinda works
If she rolls/grab = REST!! {Poor samus}
Her Rockets arent that great
Negatives In Matchup
hahahaha there arent any
All she has Her Nair
Her forward and down smash hurt {if she can space it right}

My summary for this matchup... is poor samus.. all u have to do is mangorape her.. and nair work like a charm... Edguarding her isnt that difficult but its eh sometimes... U air kills samus too.. Dont get greedy tring 2 kill when she like at 150.. Just be patient and wait for the chance to up- air or something..PATIENCE!! Nair to upsmash works better then Nair To fsmash.. if the samus has good spacing.. makes things hard

Levels To Counterpick- Mangoland,Brimstar,MuteCity,BattleField,Final,

Stupid Up Being Bowser

Mango Percentage 100-0 BOWSER
Acutual Percentage 60-40 Bowser

Ya ya I know ur like bowser doesnt win.. Uve Obviously never play Gimpyfish.. with his stupid nonsense .. If u like mess up ur spacing.. GG .. There also some little positves in this match.. GIMPY STORY IS NOT!

Positives in Matchup
Rest are good..
WoP kills bowser
Nair in and out of there is also good dont get greedy trying to do uptilt
Dont get greedy with anything in this match
Nair FSMASH!!!!1
Fair Spam IS the Way to go { make like a wall }
Negatives In Matchup
If u miss rest.. GIMPYFISH COMBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO usually means death
Upb is ridiculous.. Like at 80 percent on some levels and like 60 percent on yoshis
His Fair Is Really good
HARD TO KILL bowser does not die
Everything hits hard.. Like Ganon But with an up-b

My summary for this matchup.... is wow what a dumb match!! ANyways with bowser all u can do its hit him with 1 move and then leave.. DONT GET GREEDY!! let his big oll but come 2 u..
Pound is good in this match.. But once in a while pull it out the bag...DOnt get greedy with rest.. JUST DONT!! HIT AND RUN PEOPLE!!!!!

Levels To counterpick- Mangoland,MuteCity,Final,Yoshi Story... WOW NO!! If they go yoshi.. USE UR SECONDARY PEOPLE .. { u can win but its hard

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Roy

Wow.. Its roy.. cOme On!!!

Positives In Matchup
Crouch-Rest grabs/dash attack
Easy to WoP and rest combo.
Recovery is very gimp-able.
Uair juggles at low % due to weight.
Negatives In Matchup
Missed rests are very bad.
A reverse upB can kill you at 0% on FD. D:
Range advantage

Roy can't really do much to you. Space your Bairs and looks for chances to punish his terrible and laggy attacks. The only real kill-move he has is Fsmash, but watch out for upthrow at higher %. And if the stage is FD or any other stage with a ceiling that low, watch out for sudden reverse upBs out of shield. They will kill you at 0 if the Roy hits it right.

Counterpicks: Mangoland, MuteCity, Stadium, Fountain, Japes, whatever you like, really.

Poke Battle Pickachu

This match can be really dumb for puff.. but if ur patient!! ull do fine

Positives In matchup
Spaced bairs give you a range advantage.
Easy to juggle
Tech chasing is made easier by his crappy roll.
Fairs go through his electricity projectile.
If he up-b's onto the stage, rest.
Negatives In Matchup
Pikachu can match your aerial priority.
His Uairis a disjointed hitbox, and is fast/spammable. aka not good for you.
His Usmash ***** you all over the place
His recovery is tricky to edgeguard
Missed rests/pounds lead to terrible punishment.

You need Space to do ur moves in the match... Camp with bairs, and patient yo... Patience pays off with edguards.. .. His up b gets ***** by puff.. Get him under and juggle him..Nair fmash and nair ftlilt work ker

Levels To Counterpick- Mangoland, MuteCity, Stadium.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
sigh I'll ask this just b/c you made it.
WTH is this box tag that you keep mentioning? I might know what it is but I've never heard this term before.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
The Box Tag? U ask?
Its a Tag.. That improves all your stats....Its Really ****!
Lol it look something like this [__] kind sorta


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Lol... Its kinda Of joke..
Story Time
One tournament im in losers bracket.
I have to play dsf in finals
I rember that gimpyfish had made some cool tag earlier
So i decided to use it.
Then I won Two Sets. Winning The Tournament.
I also used it next week and won..
So its like a little Ritual now...
Gotta use box tag.
We joke around and say its because i win..
Or maybe it is because i win?? hmmm

The King

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2005
NOWWWW I get what the hell the Box Tag is!

...Wow @ SoCal's ambiguous nature, LOL. 1000 posts on the Box Tag but never any reference as to what it was, until now. Secret's out!

King Out


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
WOOT King Has Posted in My thread!!
Hay king need help on Your Jiggs?
ROFL !!! JK! !!!

Prince Out?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2007
I have probs against a Luigi in my dizzorm. Any advice for against Luigi in general? This luigi wavedashes. Often wavedashes into downb but I've avoided that.. yah general luigi advice!


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Finally Some One Ask For HElp.. LOl
Agaisnt Luigi... Since THey Like To DO Alot OF wavedashing..
Just Neutral and thell run into it..
Hit Them WIth A backair, Then fall with Up air. <works On floaties like a charm>
While hes in the air up air or back air him off the stage.. Which Should Me death!!
For luigi and his horrible Recovery
Also U might Wanna Back Air Spam Just a bit.. Just a tiny bit


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
yay mango!!! made a thread.... lol i remember seeing u at kens bi weekly a long time ago ur tag was M.GO
and i thought u were like AMAZINGLY good and i went up to my freinds i was like dude!! this guy MAGOO is **** lmfao.... ne way
SHEIK ***** me..... i have such a tough time with her.... this guy plays just like drephen.....dsmash, grab, and the occasional tilt.... i try and hit him he CC to Dsmash.... and im not patient.....


Smash Lord
Dec 2, 2005
Minot, ND
Woot, Hi mango!

Need some help on Samus and sheik (other than resting samus out of a grab and CC resting sheik out of a dash attack)

Jiggly Puffz

Smash Cadet
Oct 4, 2007
Behind You.
I have a statment, always use jiggly puff with the green headband or you will die easily...

Cuz its pimpi'n!!!

And I need help to kill falco/fox

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
I have a statment, always use jiggly puff with the green headband or you will die easily...

Cuz its pimpi'n!!!

And I need help to kill falco/fox
Phhhff :p

The King and Mango,Prince, wear crowns. They own. I wear nothing on my head b/c I prefer nothing to touch it!

BTW Like Mango and King would probably say, Approach with the N-air or Bair, I would say F-air probably and also try and get them into an Up Tilt and that usually leads to a rest.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
WaterTails - Lol SAMUS IS SO EASY!!!
Look at this..
F smash Ur shield = Rest
D smash ur shield = Rest
Dash Attack= Rest
Grab Obviously=Rest
Anything that pretty much hits ur shield = REST!!!
So Just sit in ur shield!!

Sheik Is kinda hard. But ur best friend is NAIR!!!!!!!! Also Aproach With Bairs.But mostlys Nairs..
IF they camp.. Just take the needles like a man.. Walk through them!!!!!!! THey aint nothing!
Also dont get greedy With nair up tilt.. Pull it out the bag once in a while..
If that doest work .. Tell me ..

Space Animals can be a doozy.. Espically camping ones.....
For fox.... Honestly Just try to rest..
Because Lasers... LAsers...Lasers... LAsers... Up throw is gay!!!
So NAir of course...... If he trys to run away with lasers just follow with nairs...
Falco Is kinda more easiers.. He cant do much to u... If He lasers.. TAKE THEM LIKE A MAN!!! Walk through them!!! Stay in the air.. So he cant laser u.... Once hes off the stage... HES DEAD!!!. ****!!

Lol thats right Our Crown!!!


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2005
SF Bay Area, CA
Well the most trouble I have is against foxes. You suggested to follow with nairs against foxes who camp with lasers. How about foxes that put on a lot of pressure with aerial to shines and have near flawless tech skill?

How do you play against falcon and what do you do after he grabs you (knowing you'll most likely get knee'd in the face)?

How would you approach a marth that plays extremely defensive and loves to use up tilt and fair?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2007
how do you beat peach?
i try to aim my attacks high to avoid dsmash, but when she charges, up and down smash look the same and i end up f-airing right into the up smash. any help?


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Well the most trouble I have is against foxes. You suggested to follow with nairs against foxes who camp with lasers. How about foxes that put on a lot of pressure with aerial to shines and have near flawless tech skill?

How do you play against falcon and what do you do after he grabs you (knowing you'll most likely get knee'd in the face)?

How would you approach a marth that plays extremely defensive and loves to use up tilt and fair?
A fox that likes to be in your face can be hard..But no one is perfect..
You can obviously upthrow rest..
WHen hes in your face... Jump out of shield With Nair.. PRIORTY!
DO Fair Spam instead Of Bair Spam.. For some reason it works better.
LEdge Camp THose kinds of fox.Thell get impatient and u can cheap kill.
Also U wanna puff .. THere dumb they run into it :cool:

Falcon is kinda hard..... But remeber one thing!!!!!! NAIR!!
Way more priorty then anything falcon has...Aproach with nair then back off.
U also wanna puff alot because they like to run around so theyll run into it.
Also when they grab u..Change ur di.... Try and trick them...

Marth is kinda eh...
I call this match Double Dutch....
U just wait for the split second to go in and ATTACK!!!!
Go crazy when u pentrate that wall.. Pretend U have 5 seconds to live and gotta do as much damge as you can...
Also Ur best friend vs marth......Up air? to rest? Bair? whatever u want...
Also Nair To Fsmash work terrific...:laugh:

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
Well the most trouble I have is against foxes. You suggested to follow with nairs against foxes who camp with lasers. How about foxes that put on a lot of pressure with aerial to shines and have near flawless tech skill?

How do you play against falcon and what do you do after he grabs you (knowing you'll most likely get knee'd in the face)?

How would you approach a marth that plays extremely defensive and loves to use up tilt and fair?
I'm not Mango but I like to share what experience and knowledge I have, if that is okay.

IF a Fox is beating the N-airs out of you in the sky with Shines fake jumps. Jump, Air Dodge to the ground backwards. They already gave you one of their jumps to take away from them. Not to mention they have to worry about the U-air -> Rest. And of course just being F-air'd off the stage. And if they have great teching abilities just keep them from the edges and off the ground. Sounds hard but with some patience and a lot of F smashes you will see how to beat the shiny animal.

With C.Falcon if he is giving you trouble on platforms I say try using a bunch of Edge Canceled N-airs. They work wonders and also, EC N-air -> Rest from a Platform works. If you are under 30% you can rest a Falcon from them Down throwing you and them trying to get a knee. Ok, I know Magus disagrees with me on this one point but he says that a Falcon has to preform it flawlessly and right on time, if I'm correct, and then you have no chance of resting. If I'm quoting the frames correctly, Jigglypuff is invincible during the first 26 frames, that's under half a sec but barely.

Even against a defensive Marth a jump and then a Backwards or forward Air Dodge would skew his attacks and give you the opening you need. We have all been there but your best bet is to fake them out. Fake the approach and when they Wiff attack. Even if it doesn't let you combo just hit them and get behind them. D-air is my favorite option here and N-air and B-air aren't far behind.


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Go ahead ..
Were all in this tread to help each other out ...
SO go for it


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2007
thanks guys. i appreciate the help.
also, how often should i try resting?
i usually do it1-2 times in a 4 stock match, but is that too little?


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Depends....If u want to be called gay.. Do it 4 times...
But in my eyes...
Jiggly needs to rest..
SHe dies as such BS Percentages....
So rest .. But DOnt MIss!!!!!!!
Wait nobodys perfect.....

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
thanks guys. i appreciate the help.
also, how often should i try resting?
i usually do it1-2 times in a 4 stock match, but is that too little?
I sometimes don't rest at all in a match. I usual just end things with an F smash or WoP. But I guess getting on Rest in is a good choice because it makes the opponent mess up or just completely not know what to expect. I mean once you get rested you have a different mindset. Even if you are careful to hide it you might still play more cautious than before.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Speaking rests that just happen...
Mango, you've stunned the world with how quickly you've become so good; what's the craziest rest you think you've ever done? (both from a combo and/or random "lol you fell on the landmine" type deal)


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
lol with ive done my fair share of rest....
I think the one i did on m2k in our 7 min match..
It was Great.
Just the fact that i couldnt rest him the whole match then bam ..
LAst stock i get him.
PRetty cool


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
mango you aren't supposed to tell them about the box tags secrets, i know not everything has been revealed but still this is just grossly innapropriate
Jun 27, 2005
the west
mango you aren't supposed to tell them about the box tags secrets, i know not everything has been revealed but still this is just grossly innapropriate
History of the Box Tag:

The Box tag was made by Silent Wolf in 1989 and stolen by Gimpyfish in early 2007. He stole it for the soul purpose of being able to be team "Box of dots" with his "friend" "silv".
Now that players are catching onto it's power, he claims that he made it.
Gimpyfish is also known to take people's signatures, and remove wolves from them for his own pleasure.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
i know about the box tag and how to create such a monstrosity... it increased my game at least 10 fold.

may i let it loose on the world?
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