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Ike's role in SSE


Smash Journeyman
Nov 18, 2007
Sioux Falls, SD
BK can't be in SSE he's dead, just like petey piranha died in mario sunshine....

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl: The Subspace Emissary, it’s rumored that there will be boss appearances.

This time, I’d like to introduce the first boss you encounter: Petey Piranha!

so what you're saying is BK will be a boss in SSE


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
You know, if they make a humanoid boss with human proportions, such as BK, why not include him as a playable? I think characters such as Mother Brain or O2 (from Kirby) would make good bosses. I didn't very much see Petey as a playable, just my opinion. But back to the subject.

If he must go with an already confirmed character...for some inexplicable reason, I see... Pikachu. Or Pokemon trainer. Okay, yes, I am drawing a blank. GRR.

BK would be a cool character though... In keeping with the hero and arch nemesis and/or rival thing that many people (including myself) would like to happen in Smash.

If other Fire Emblem characters appear, but are not from FE 9 or 10, it's safe to assume that we won't be traveling through Tellius. (or is it?) There is a FE stage, but it's a generic castle thing. If there was going to be another FE world where would it be? I'm trying to think of a battle location I liked in 9 or 10. Hmm.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
You know, if they make a humanoid boss with human proportions, such as BK, why not include him as a playable? I think characters such as Mother Brain or O2 (from Kirby) would make good bosses. I didn't very much see Petey as a playable, just my opinion. But back to the subject.

If he must go with an already confirmed character...for some inexplicable reason, I see... Pikachu. Or Pokemon trainer. Okay, yes, I am drawing a blank. GRR.

BK would be a cool character though... In keeping with the hero and arch nemesis and/or rival thing that many people (including myself) would like to happen in Smash.

If other Fire Emblem characters appear, but are not from FE 9 or 10, it's safe to assume that we won't be traveling through Tellius. (or is it?) There is a FE stage, but it's a generic castle thing. If there was going to be another FE world where would it be? I'm trying to think of a battle location I liked in 9 or 10. Hmm.
How about that temple with all the Laguz?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
Oh, I don't know exactly what temple...but I do remember that there was a place where there was all these laguz, when Muarim was a boss, and it was all surrounded by desert.

Wait a moment, there's no "desert" stage in Brawl. PERFECT! Kinda.

Maybe you'll travel through Daein or Begnion, depending on whether they choose PoR or RD. Probably Daein, as Ike is in his PoR form.


Smash Rookie
Nov 6, 2007
Well, what do you think? Will he be in his own world with his mercenary group when the Primids attack, or might he randomly come to save the day like Fox (who may or may not have had his world already destroyed and escaped via Arwing)?

I'm pretty sure he's going to be in there, as probably every starter character is involved, and I'm pretty as well that he's a starter. Although it would be fun to have ALL characters in there.
I think he'll start out by seeing the halberd and start following it or something


Smash Champion
Jun 21, 2007
i was thinking he could be chasing the black knight while the PT is chasing pikachu and then ike and PT run into each other and team up.
How about Ike is being chased by Snake, Pikachu by PT, then all four form a team.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
I can see BK functioning as a stamina based boss inside Ike's head if the minister does that kinf of stuff.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
High School...Freshman! Chyaa!
Wow, I'm excited to see Ike in full-blown 3-d in those beautiful cutscenes. In RD he seemed 3-d, but there was something about him that didn't seem all the way 3-d...Anyway, I think Ike and Samus would have been a great match up...too bad I think Samus is with Snake.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
You mean because he was somewhat cel-shaded? I liked that style, but Ike looks great in any style. I wanna see him use Aether in a cutscene.

Ooh, a boss inside your brain? Well, Sakurai did say "You’ll see many famous characters persevering under the weight of their personal histories, shouldering their unique burdens..."

Seeing that line makes me even more excited for this game, it's insane.

Uh-oh. I got a fanfic idea.

My idea for the BK fight (whether he be a boss or a playable, if he appears at all) would be that
there's a time limit for it like in PoR. I never beat him, and I ended up with Ena. Sigh.

Somehow I think I should change the name of the thread to indicate possible spoilers as it will probably have much to do with Black Knight.

And can someone point me in the direction of the information that has Sakurai saying that he doesn't want clones? ...I'm just wondering if this is just a misconception, that he ever said that.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
High School...Freshman! Chyaa!
Yep, that's what I meant. I agree, Ike does look great in any style! =P *sigh* I wish he were my older brother............Oh, heh, anyway, I never played PoR, but in RD wasn't the BK a good guy...? He saved Macaiah from Jarod. My friend said he was bad in PoR, though. Someone explain? =P


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Yep, that's what I meant. I agree, Ike does look great in any style! =P *sigh* I wish he were my older brother............Oh, heh, anyway, I never played PoR, but in RD wasn't the BK a good guy...? He saved Macaiah from Jarod. My friend said he was bad in PoR, though. Someone explain? =P
BK killed Ike's Father and was a boss in POR. In RD he is playable twice because he cares about his country, but is still trying to wipe out Tellius. He was there when Greil killed Ike's ma. He also dies.


Smash Ace
Oct 20, 2007
And can someone point me in the direction of the information that has Sakurai saying that he doesn't want clones? ...I'm just wondering if this is just a misconception, that he ever said that.
He said that he was going to look hard at every character and everyone would have changes, it was assumed by that line that the various clones would be less clone-like.

My guess on Black Knight is that he's a Stamina boss, possibly timed. As a playable character he'd have to be made so heavy that he'd need near 250% to even be knocked off his feet. And that'd be unfair. As an unflinching boss, much more likly.

Spoiler holds a playable form Black Knight idea:
Zelgius is the playable character with a Black Knight final smash, so Black Knight retains his untouchable prowess in appearance. Zelgius would be less than movable, but not unmovable.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
He said that he was going to look hard at every character and everyone would have changes, it was assumed by that line that the various clones would be less clone-like.

My guess on Black Knight is that he's a Stamina boss, possibly timed. As a playable character he'd have to be made so heavy that he'd need near 250% to even be knocked off his feet. And that'd be unfair. As an unflinching boss, much more likly.

Spoiler holds a playable form Black Knight idea:
Zelgius is the playable character with a Black Knight final smash, so Black Knight retains his untouchable prowess in appearance. Zelgius would be less than movable, but not unmovable.
No Zelgius. We already have a heavy swordsman.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
Ah...so he's technically not bad, he just has a different point of view than Ike. >_>
That means bad when it comes to stories. The bad guy is the one who has an opposing point of view than the main character or hero of the story.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Ike's story was the same as DK's, except the banana's stolen is Lehran's Medallion (the Fire Emblem) or something like that.

Actually, I could see Ike just coming in the story for the sole purpose of saving the world.
That's kinda Ike's "thing" according to everyone and the ending of FE10: Radiant Dawn. Although he says he does it because he has to, I think he does it because it gives him worth.


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
High School...Freshman! Chyaa!
Yeah in the story, he's the bad guy. In RD he's portrayed as a good guy, at least as far as I've gotten. I think he'll just be trying to save the world. Sakurai wouldn't make him have the same plot as DK...its a storyline clone! =P Heh, Ike is so cool. ^_^


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
Yeah in the story, he's the bad guy. In RD he's portrayed as a good guy, at least as far as I've gotten. I think he'll just be trying to save the world. Sakurai wouldn't make him have the same plot as DK...its a storyline clone! =P Heh, Ike is so cool. ^_^
Erm, how far did you get eh?
The spoilers here are for the end of RD.

Because the Black Knight is the nemesis of Ike, as he killed his father. He is known as Zelgius, serves Daein army, and he in actuality was being used by Sephiran the whole time. Sephiran told him to get the medallion Mist carried, which contained Yune, because of all this stuff about Sephiran and that's a whole other story. Zelgius stayed with Sephiran basically for someone to stick by, as he was a Branded and you know how people think of Branded. Cool man. Except that he killed Greil. ...Maybe he's not so cool.

Hmmm, but yeah, Ike is awesomeness. **** it, Nintendo, will you please to give us an action figure of him?


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
High School...Freshman! Chyaa!
Oh...I've only gotten to the last battle of Part 2, with Elincia. Wait, isn't Yune Macaiah's bird? Hehe, this is confusing. Omg, if they made an Ike action figue, I would sooooooooo buy it!!! ^_^


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2007
It's really hard for me to picture Ike in the SSE, although I did see a 2 sec clip of him in there doing aether......it's really hard for me to imagine him in there.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
i dont see why not at actually i mean it would seem wierd seeing him standing next too kirby b/c ike looks so much cooler


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2007
it would seem wierd seeing him standing next too kirby b/c ike looks so much cooler
Exactly what I mean. I can only picture him next to Link, Snake, Samus or Zelda...you know..characters who are realistic. I think I'm going to go buy Path or Radiance sometime next week or this week....I gotta get that game.(lets not make this a PoR discussion)


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
yeah i no i think im almost tired i've beaten both por and rd fun times

anyways back topic: i see ur point he would look fine of course next to those guys b/c they have a humans height and look somewhat human well samus counts but i guess a kirby guy could say the same thing


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
Well, he does look like he is by himself. I also hope that if he ends up as a partner to someone, it would be a more realistic looking character. Although probably everyone will make one big team in the end.

Hah, imagine a fight in SSE with Ike and Soren vs. Micaiah and the Black Knight. Just imagine it. It's why there should be a Smash Bros. comprised fully of FE characters. Of course they wouldn't put all Tellius characters in though.

Urk, you know, if Sakurai thinks like the people on this board and believes that FE doesn't deserve a lot of rep, and that the rep should be distributed for the entire series, it really makes the personal stories hard for the FE characters to end up in SSE. Like, what would Ike say to Marth? Probably nothing more than he would say to Kirby.

Um, yeah, so the level for FE at first I thought to be a generic castle, but I found out that that's the Daein crest. So perhaps you will travel through Tellius. But what is the bridge in the new SSE vid that Ike is on?

By the way, happy new year, y'all.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
i thought sse will be in one big world when i beat FE RD i though

wow this could roll in perfectly with ssbb

i mean come on no one ever saw ike again he supposedly went to UNMAPPED lands


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
Hey, that's true.

Crap, I need to put "SPOILER WARNING" in the thread title somehow.

And it seems that Soren went with him. Ranulf went on a journey too if you get A support for the two, but it seems he went out on his own.
Of course, I'm just being a fandork to think that Soren or Ranulf would become PC rather than Micaiah... but I can dream, right? Anyway that's off topic.

Yeah, that was too perfect, it's like the writers if FE intended it to overlap with SSBB. :D


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
who knows maybe they did

the other FE characters that would be nice would be stefan he would be awesome in ssbb but too bad hes not a main character actually his role in rd is even smaller than it was in por

the BK i can dream too and marth but if not BK as PC he SHOULD be a boss


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2007
High School...Freshman! Chyaa!
I dunno why, but like I said before, I really want to see him with Lucas...Maybe because it would be a big brother, little brother relationship and that's MY dream...*sigh* Hmph, I'll make it happen someday! ^_^


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
lol...the little bro big bro could work with snake were ikes the little bro or maybe PT ;)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
ALot of people compliment Ike. His brute force vs. Lucas's mind would be interesting.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
The question is, do you know where you are? HMMM?
Oh God, would Sakurai force me to choose between Link or Ike...? D:

Well, I prefer to think he was traveling through a FE place, or perhaps those
unknown lands he was gonna travel to. Just so it would roll with the RD ending.

Maybe he'll meet up with another FE rep, but that would be too well-fitting, it might even be boring. Yeah, prolly someone like Lucas.
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