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Ike's How tos


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2008
Gulf Shores, AL
there are a few tricks that help me with Ike:
1.(Most important) SIDESTEP: Imagine your opponent is an autolance (common subspace enemy). As you know, the problem with Ike is his speed, so cheap attacks (ex: holding a with metaknight, pits arrows, etc.) are very damaging.
Back on the subject of autolances. we've all had to fight them, and it's really annoying until you learn to sidestep, atack, sidestep, attack and so on. you're going to have to do that with most fast opponents.

2. FORWARD+B: you may seem like a n00b, because of it, but you need to use this attack often. It takes some skill to master this, though.
I usually get to the edge of the course as soon as the game begins and charge it up. the only defenses against this are: grapping the edge and pressing b or squeezing in behind Ike. Luckily, with your attack charged, you can escape these defenses if you can see them coming.

This is also a good defense for cheap attacks. most people block with their sheild, but with Ike, it's not always best. block with this attack if needed. it can be very helpful. For example: say pit is attacking with his bow and arrows. hit pit's arrow after he fires it. sidestep behind him and charge a smash attack (forward+A is my fav). this type of thing happens often, using the forward+B to block an attack, then sidestepping to attack your opponent.

3. ATTACKING AFTER GETTING LAUNCHED: happens to me all the time. someone launches me and continues to do it. the two moves that are good for this: eruption and aether.

Eruption: after getting lauched, if launched high, charge eruption (standard b). when you're above your opponent, with a little space inbetween you, let go. As ike plunges his sword downwards, you're enemy's only defense is to sidestep, which usually does no good because as soon as they're vulnarable again, the shockwave of fire gets them. if they sidestep twice,they're far enough away to grab some items or hit them with your forward+b attack.

Aether: use this when you're launched short heights.
of course you could just down+a or use sheild, but sometimes those aren't effective.

4. DOWN+B: we all know Ike's slow, but this is attck that can combat any other attack, if you can see it coming.

5. CLOSE RANGE: as i told you before, sidestepping is key. but so is dodging. if you can do bothe of these well, then stay in close range, because his attacks are short ranged, but strong.

6. EXPECTING THE EXPECTED: contradictory to nuber five, another technique is to wait for opponents to come for you, and charge your attacks. with skillful opponents, it isn't always good, but every now-and-then, it helps.

7. STAY ON THE GROUND: i am not fond of his arials, so i suggest to stay on the ground.

8: PRACTICE: last step. train, practice, try. it takes a short while to master ike.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Ridgewood,Queens NYC
1.(Most important) SIDESTEP: Imagine your opponent is an autolance (common subspace enemy). As you know, the problem with Ike is his speed, so cheap attacks (ex: holding a with metaknight, pits arrows, etc.) are very damaging.
Back on the subject of autolances. we've all had to fight them, and it's really annoying until you learn to sidestep, atack, sidestep, attack and so on. you're going to have to do that with most fast opponents.
Sidesteps do have their moments, but not always the best since some characters with consecutive moves also attack from behind (ie: Pit's infinite or Metaknight's A hold) so sidestepping behind the opponent wouldn't always be effective. It is probably best to move back and return with a retreating F-Air.

2. FORWARD+B: you may seem like a n00b, because of it, but you need to use this attack often. It takes some skill to master this, though.
I usually get to the edge of the course as soon as the game begins and charge it up. the only defenses against this are: grapping the edge and pressing b or squeezing in behind Ike. Luckily, with your attack charged, you can escape these defenses if you can see them coming.
Problem is it may tend to somewhat predictable if used often. And if the player messes up, they well be subject to the post lag of the move and get punished (even more severley if it's against a quick character).

This is also a good defense for cheap attacks. most people block with their sheild, but with Ike, it's not always best. block with this attack if needed. it can be very helpful. For example: say pit is attacking with his bow and arrows. hit pit's arrow after he fires it. sidestep behind him and charge a smash attack (forward+A is my fav). this type of thing happens often, using the forward+B to block an attack, then sidestepping to attack your opponent.
An even worse idea (well, at least to me). It's a bad idea to block an incoming attack with QD since most attacks out prioritize QD, therefore leaving you open to an attack. Also, projectiles prevents QD approaches anyway. Sure you can try it, but like you said earlier, it's something to be worked on.

4. DOWN+B: we all know Ike's slow, but this is attck that can combat any other attack, if you can see it coming.
Effective sometimes, but can't get too dependent on it. And the start up takes a short while. In my opinion, it's best to use sparingly.

7. STAY ON THE GROUND: i am not fond of his arials, so i suggest to stay on the ground.
At times, Ike's aerials are a must since they're best for approaching at times, and even easier to pull off than some of his ground moves.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2008
I suppose a lot of this sort of thing is opinion, but there are a couple points that I don't feel hold much weight at all. This isn't so much criticism as just my own experiences.

After getting lauched, if launched high, charge eruption (standard b). [snip]
Use this strategy myself, sometimes, but it is best if used very sparingly. It doesn't take that long for people to get wise to the SAF on this move and punish you for it - and who knows, maybe next time you'll get launched just that bit too far. It's a nice trick to be able to pull out on a less experienced player though, and Eruption has plenty other uses.

Aether: use this when you're launched short heights.
of course you could just down+a or use sheild, but sometimes those aren't effective.
I don't know about this. Mostly because it's never occurred to me to do it. But aethering on ground is probably pretty punishable due to quite some lag.

7. STAY ON THE GROUND: i am not fond of his arials, so i suggest to stay on the ground.
Ike's aerials are pretty good to say the least. If you're not using them, or staying on the ground a lot, you're pretty much cramping your play with him and making it far easier for your opponent to know what is coming if you're limiting your moveset to just ground moves. With Ike's slowness, being out-predicted is a big problem, but I think it holds true to not neglect the aerials of any character.

Don't get me wrong though, #5 about minding your spacing, using Counter if you know what' coming and just plain practicing are good points.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
there are a few tricks that help me with Ike:
Do tell!

1.(Most important) SIDESTEP
Who knew dodging harmful attacks could be useful!

5. CLOSE RANGE: as i told you before, sidestepping is key. but so is dodging.
Immaculate pearls of infinite wisdom!

If you expect the expected aren't you doing something you're already doing?

7. STAY ON THE GROUND: i am not fond of his arials, so i suggest to stay on the ground.
I'm not fond of your spelling capabilities, so I suggest downloading Firefox. It comes with a fun spell checker.
His aerials are possibly one of the sexiest things about him and his neutral air into a jab combo or grab is immaculate.

8: PRACTICE: last step. train, practice, try. it takes a short while to master ike.
Who knew practicing is what made you good at things? I thought it was exploding racist fairies all this time. Guess I can stop looking for them.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
well its his 2nd post his 1st one was the exact same thing but in the sticky. also idk if anyone mentioned this but the guy uses items so if anyone thinks that what he is saying might work it probably wont.


Smash Cadet
Mar 2, 2008
Orlando (UCF area)
I wish the OP was sarcastic... Can we vote for worst threads ever? I wish that was an option.


This thread was just made twice as bad by looking at the post that started it. This guy told a guy who gave solid advice that he was "WRONG" and then proceeded to give crappy advice. Here's a quote and a link:

I figure you're good at brawl, and i know you took time writing that but...

there are a few tricks that help me with Ike:
1.(Most important) SIDESTEP: Imagine your opponent is an autolance (common subspace enemy)....
Actual post (same as this thread's opening post) -http://smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=4733914&postcount=65
Page and thread posted (including the guy he responded to and evidence of having ample time to type out such a long response) - http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=170241&page=5


I sincerely hope this thread, and others like it, get closed.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
^Will never get old. Along with this board and how I can appease endless days of boredom by watching the noobs and trolls run wild. :) go Ike boards.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
do you have to say that every time you come in here? Its people who have given up on Ike that make this place so bad.
I apologize. I guess you're right about people like me who gave up on Ike and just return for lulz do make these boards bad. But not a lot of people do that in fact they probably don't even return to these boards.

I would like to help with advancing Ike but then again that Ike thread called: Scrub-proof the competitive Ike thread or what not ever since that went down it doesn't seem like there really was an "advancing" thread, you know what I mean?

Kirk and Empy's guide is just really summarizing Ike and if there is a discussion going on there then tell me so, because I really am not going to take the time to look through another guide to tell me about a character I know fairly well.

Well I'm not trying to make excuses, but if there is a thread that is actually advancing Ike I won't put up **** like I just did, and I'll help to the best of my knowledge. Really though point me to the right thread if there is one.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 12, 2007
Seriously ... there isn't that much to his moves as far as technical play. Why does everyone seem to think there's going to be something like waveshining or moronic like that which is going to raise Ike in tiers.

Ike can only really be played smarter. People understand most of the mechanics behind him ... and there is no real way to explain HOW to play more intelligently, more defensively, more understanding of people's moves and lagtime, knowing when to punish or when to grab, or Dsmash out of shield instead of trying to F-tilt ... all these millisecond differences in timing are what makes you win or lose against ANYONE, not just "top tier" characters.

Ike's limit is only up to the point of how good your mindgames are, and how well you read new opponents (assuming tournament play where you don't know most people you play) That's what will dictate things, it's not that "ike's a noobkiller" ... If that's what you assume, then yeah, go play MK or snake, they are a lot easier to play at high levels.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
thats true that there aren't any good threads around I've actually tried but it seems like helpful threads just get ignored except by a few people. http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=174772. also you don't have to read all of Empy's and kirk's guide you could atleast read the match up and post some info on stages those are the most incomplete parts.

and I don't actually think people are waiting for some AT to come and make Ike a high tier I'm perfectly happy with him right now a new AT would be cool but most of the intelligent people who play Ike now just want to get better with him because they like him.
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