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Ike's AAA(jab)-combo sucks and here is why...


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
This is a dumb thread lollol.


It's not like you're gonna see Marths jumping out of their shields in the middle of an AAA combo to try and nair...:laugh: Ridiculous Ike haters....and most of the time people run into AAA combos anyway. Whoever is gonna upb to get out of an AAA combo is pretty dam brave....like seriously what if I know you're gonna do it..I'd just jab to shield...you'll upb like a fool...and I'll forward smash upon your predictable landing.

*_* This "discovery" is not as groundbreaking as it seems...

Oh and guys did you know...if you block Ike's first jab...you can *GASP* grab before his 2nd jab comes out?! *_*

So tell me...what's the point of risking a mistime and trying a nair when you can just shieldgrab. I mean if you've already blocked one hit you might as well roll or sidestep or do something else.

/thread :ohwell:

Dark Sonic

Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2006
Orlando Florida
This is a dumb thread lollol.


It's not like you're gonna see Marths jumping out of their shields in the middle of an AAA combo to try and nair...:laugh:
And why not? Nair is a powerful move and is very safe. And there's nothing you can really do about it. I'm already up Bing people out of it myself. It's not that hard.
Ridiculous Ike haters....and most of the time people run into AAA combos anyway.
Then they're dumb for getting into his Jab range. All of Ike's other moves are pretty slow on startup (except for Bair and Downsmash), so really all you have to do is stay far enough away to not get jabbed.
Whoever is gonna upb to get out of an AAA combo is pretty dam brave....like seriously what if I know you're gonna do it..I'd just jab to shield
Or, I could not be stupid, you know. It's pretty easy to press Up B after the second hit of the jab has started. I'm invincible during it remeber. If you don't start the second Jab, I don't up B. Simple as that.
*_* This "discovery" is not as groundbreaking as it seems...
It still makes the AAA combo unsafe. A single jab, that's pretty safe. Anything more and I could up B on reaction to you continuing the jab combo.
Oh and guys did you know...if you block Ike's first jab...you can *GASP* grab before his 2nd jab comes out?! *_*
Grab, no big deal. Grabs suck.
Nair? Very big deal. Powershield to Downsmash (yes, this works). Very big deal.
So tell me...what's the point of risking a mistime and trying a nair when you can just shieldgrab.
Because grabs suck while Nairs don't? Because Nair is one of Marth's strongest aerials and easily sets up an edgeguard? It's not a risk if you practice it.
I mean if you've already blocked one hit you might as well roll or sidestep or do something else.[/b] Why would you want to roll or sidestep? That would make you miss your chance to punish Ike. This isn't about getting away from the Jab combo, this is about taking advantage of the fact that you can use it to get a free hit (and a powerful one at that. Marth's up B is not exactly a weak move).

You're right that it's not a big deal, if Ikes only do the first jab. But if you continue the jab combo, some characters will still have the ability to punish on reaction (Marth, Bowser, Samus, and maybe a few others.)
Single Jab=safe
AAA=not that safe.

That is all


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
we can use a smash after the first hit if I remember right yah but what your saying we can get around


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
I played with my friend yesterday and had him mash out up B constantly as I was jab comboing him. Up B never came out.

This was online though, maybe it is possible offline. We'll try it son.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2002
somewhere sunny
^ win.

But seriously, unsafe on block or not...

Ike's jab is still good for a lot of things. It's unsafe on block, but I don't think this move is used just as an attack on its own. It's used to punish people from shields, etc.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
LOL DAM this nigg wrote an essay to hate on Ike more. QUIT LIFE :laugh:

...and for the record I did not read all of that HAHAAH! :p
that "nigg" also plays a good ike, and will prolly give your ike a run for your money. He had a sick marth in melee, and now plays a nasty marth/ike in brawl.
the kid knows his frames, and is always doing his homework.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
that "nigg" also plays a good ike, and will prolly give your ike a run for your money. He had a sick marth in melee, and now plays a nasty marth/ike in brawl.
the kid knows his frames, and is always doing his homework.
True. I know from Ike dittos and the fact that I fought my Pit with his Marth (And won! :)). Also, I failed at Up-Bing out of Ike's AAA combo when I was fighting EPF. Up-Bing doesn't work so well online, especially with a red connection against a guy you're fighting against. At least I made an epic comeback and won! :)
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