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Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
Lubbock, TX 3566-1217-1429 * no items, neutral sta
I have mained Ike since the game was released (being a big Fire Emblem series fan). I have put about 50 hours into him so far but I was wondering if you guys think it is worth investing anymore time into him or if I should switch to a different "higher tier" unit. Basically my question is if both human players were exactly equal what type of odds would Ike have of winning? And if you're wanting to play in tournaments someday could Ike be successful there or is he just too slow?

I would like to be one of the better Brawl players around and I'm just not sure if it's possible with an Ike main...?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
Ike would have a lower chance of winning, b/c of trouble against camping and limited recovery. However, it doesn't mean you can't win with Ike. It just means you will have to employ his tech's more efficiently (I'm not going to say mindgames lol) and abuse his strengths/quicker moves. I personally think deciding a character main should be based on whether or not you like him/her. So if you aren't enjoying Ike then I recommend you switch.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
If you want to be one of the better Brawl players, then you should probably switch; Ike just does not have a solid response against projectile camping. However, if you really enjoy playing as Ike, then that shouldn't matter; he's an extremely fun character to play as, in my opinion, and losing to a projectile camper won't make me switch or pick up a secondary.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2008
i say, dont change, instead, find a secondary character that you like, and that has a different playstyle from ike's , like marth , or lucario, dont ditch ike if you have put that much effort into using him, only ditch him if you see that you arent improving with him


Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
well its either you switch.find a secondary or find a way to deal with campers.imo he is just too slow.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Ridgewood,Queens NYC
If you have fun with Ike, then stick with him. If anything try training against projectile characters to get the timing of the moves and get a better idea of when to dodge. If you feel comforable enough to main Ike at a tourney, then go for it. If not, go with a secondary character and leave Ike for other occassions (with friends, playing against cpu's or any place where you want to desperately win).


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
Lubbock, TX 3566-1217-1429 * no items, neutral sta
I think finding a good secondary with different characteristics than Ike (Falco perhaps?) is the best thing to do - my only problem is finding the time to master two characters. I only have about 1 hour per day of video game time so it can be tricky. Thanks to all for the advice.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
any chance that projectile spaming will get baned in tourneys? i actually dont mind projectile spaming except with pit i cant dodge constantly because he can decided to hold the b button for a bit if you try and jump over it can bend towards you its rly annoying and he can just run away from you if he feels like it. but i say stick with ike for a while longer at least till there actually is a tier list


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey

Projectile spamming will not get banned.

To beat projectile spammers just approach them. It sounds stupid, but it makes perfect sense. Once close, they must fight and that is when Jab, grab, fair and nair come into play.

Ike's recovery is way more of an issue than handling projectiles. Good Ikes can handle projectile's just fine.

Fox is not a hard match up and neither is Wolf. They might slightly favor Fox and Wolf, but not by much. Pit isn't too bad either.

Toon Link and Falco are the hardest. Falco because of the chain grab, the nature of how the laser works, and his forward B which takes him to the other side and allows him to camp all over again. Toon Link's projectiles are just good period, and he can effectively shut you down from the air and ground.

Ike players struggling vs projectiles: work on your approach and be patient. It's not as bad as you think I promise. Once you are semi-close his power, range and priority take over.

Lord Aether

Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Ellicott City, Maryland
Actually Versatile according to the matchup list Ike is advantageous against Fox. I think it's because of the lasers that don't flinch and the spacing advantage Ike has, but I'm not really sure at all.

Black Waltz

Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2007
To beat projectile spammers just approach them. It sounds stupid, but it makes perfect sense. Once close, they must fight and that is when Jab, grab, fair and nair come into play.

Ike players struggling vs projectiles: work on your approach and be patient. It's not as bad as you think I promise. Once you are semi-close his power, range and priority take over.
QFT, i was just playing an arrow spamming Pit today and took like 50% (LOL) just from that. bt once i got close enough i started beating down on him. ended up killing him with an AAA at 144%.


Smash Ace
Nov 10, 2003
New Jersey
Yeah, I believe Ike beats Fox actually. Just didn't want to sound blasphemous to the Ike users who wouldn't believe he can beat someone who can use projectiles lolz.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2007
I have mained Ike since the game was released (being a big Fire Emblem series fan). I have put about 50 hours into him so far but I was wondering if you guys think it is worth investing anymore time into him or if I should switch to a different "higher tier" unit. Basically my question is if both human players were exactly equal what type of odds would Ike have of winning? And if you're wanting to play in tournaments someday could Ike be successful there or is he just too slow?

I would like to be one of the better Brawl players around and I'm just not sure if it's possible with an Ike main...?
How could you even question Ike's ability. You say you're a Fire emblem fan. I laugh at that statement; let me guess you mained marth in melee, but his little toothpick sword isn't a cheap as it used to be. Then you switched to Ike because he kills noobs. Now that the noobs are diminishing, you want to switch "MAINS" How dair you question Ike's "tier." Even if there were such a thing right now as a concrete tier list, Ike could kill it with fsmash at like 50%! Play with who you want to play with and stop crying about 50 hours of work, otherwise you'll just end up another meta-knight player.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
How could you even question Ike's ability. You say you're a Fire emblem fan. I laugh at that statement; let me guess you mained marth in melee, but his little toothpick sword isn't a cheap as it used to be. Then you switched to Ike because he kills noobs. Now that the noobs are diminishing, you want to switch "MAINS" How dair you question Ike's "tier." Even if there were such a thing right now as a concrete tier list, Ike could kill it with fsmash at like 50%! Play with who you want to play with and stop crying about 50 hours of work, otherwise you'll just end up another meta-knight player.
Dude don't be that harsh. You might be the reason why he might stop playing Ike :(.

Lord Aether

Smash Apprentice
May 2, 2008
Ellicott City, Maryland
How could you even question Ike's ability. You say you're a Fire emblem fan. I laugh at that statement; let me guess you mained marth in melee, but his little toothpick sword isn't a cheap as it used to be. Then you switched to Ike because he kills noobs. Now that the noobs are diminishing, you want to switch "MAINS" How dair you question Ike's "tier." Even if there were such a thing right now as a concrete tier list, Ike could kill it with fsmash at like 50%! Play with who you want to play with and stop crying about 50 hours of work, otherwise you'll just end up another meta-knight player.
lol shut up

Ike is average at the very best, and that's coming from someone who's played FE9 8 or 9 times and beaten it, and FE10 beaten around 7 times in two months. And Ike was my favorite character in each. I still main him, but I keep two seconds because I also find them fun to use (even if Marth is a little gay).

Saying Ike is bad in Brawl != disliking Ike/Fire Emblem.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 4, 2007
Dude don't be that harsh. You might be the reason why he might stop playing Ike :(.
Agh, he's not gonna stop maining Ike. I think he just needed a good tough love slap in the face. Don't worry McRick, I used to main Roy in Melee and I think I came in dead last in my first Tourny. So when I started talking about picking up Marth, not even as a main, I got labeled a Tr8r in my group. Don't worry, it gets better. The question isn't whether or not Ike gets better, it's whether or not YOU get better at using him. Just keeping trying to progress, play smart, know your weaknesses, and don't give up hope. And enough of the switch mains because thet're low "tier" talk. Just play with who you like, otherwise you'll end up like melee where 99% of people played with a freakin space animal!


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2008
... I don't think this is about loyalty to a character. I don't think anyone will take me more seriously because I say I've beaten FE9 nineteen times (and I have!). This is about Brawl, and Ike as a fighter in Brawl. So, you know, before this dissolves into one of those silly OMG I HAVE LOST ALL RESPECT FOR IKE BCUZ HE IS GAY threads....

Anyway! Any discussion of tiering thus far has lead to the conclusion of, "It's too early to say for SURE, but here's what it looks like so far." The Video Review by Youko and SamuraiPanda back in April put Ike at a higher point (though to be fair... they put more characters in higher than lower, I think). The discussion elsewhere on this board suggested that Ike might drop, but seems to have been refuted.

If you're a serious tourneygoer, it will be a definite edge to pick a character that performs even slightly better. But if you love a character, use them. They all stand a chance in the end with enough compensating skill. (Gimpyfish?) Though, when you meet someone at the same skill level and they're using someone better than Ike... you might have a few problems then.


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2008
How could you even question Ike's ability. You say you're a Fire emblem fan. I laugh at that statement; let me guess you mained marth in melee, but his little toothpick sword isn't a cheap as it used to be. Then you switched to Ike because he kills noobs. Now that the noobs are diminishing, you want to switch "MAINS" How dair you question Ike's "tier." Even if there were such a thing right now as a concrete tier list, Ike could kill it with fsmash at like 50%! Play with who you want to play with and stop crying about 50 hours of work, otherwise you'll just end up another meta-knight player.
lol hell yea man lol tell him lol just quit playing with ike lol go pick up m.k lol


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Erm, I hate to burst your bubbles, but Ike's oh-so-easily-gimped recovery is more than enough to belittle any advantages found by the advanced players in the search of an accurate tier list.

Don't get me wrong.

Tier lists are not even close to being finalized. However, Ike's glaring weakness isn't going to get any better. He'll stay where he is, unless some amazing new developments occur with him. I doubt they will. :(


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
stay with ike and find a few other chars that you like too. i main pika, marth and zelda(though pika is my best). i also like wolf and snake. thats 5 charc that i use. i would only use my top three in tourneys though. zelda is at a lower tier but i use her in tournaments, and i do fairly well with her because im good with her. if u are good with ike then use him.
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