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Ike Guide (please comment)


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
I will update piece by piece and i want you to coment on that part. The reason why I am doing this is because if you want me to change parts I will do that. I hope this will be included in updating the ike forums and making it look like what the melee ones did before the begining of Brawl. decided to add a second part for now.

will make table of contents later i am going to be gone for a week so no updates for awhile


  • Damage:9%
  • Lag: none if auto cancelled
  • Usage: Fairly high gets predictable
  • Silven on Nair: Nair can kill at high percents...I've accidently KO'd people with it a few times. If somehow you find yourself in a position where your opponent miraculously has high damage (NAIR KO's Mario at 165 with NO DI.. on FINAL DESTINATION AT GROUND LEVEL just to give you an idea...)..then see if you can get a Nair while they're in mid-air. It will surely KO them if they DI retardedly which they will since most people never expect an Ike to do NAIR in midair without a ground to cancel it on..
  • ComboKing on Nair: one of my favorite aerials I use it alot good to set up for Jab combos can be auto canceled awesome move.
  • RoK The Reaper on :"Nair, the combo starter. Good for opening combos and is normally followed up with the AAA combo. I say try other things such as the D-tilt and probably the F-Smash if you're close to the edge; you'll either eat up all of their shield or they'll roll inside of you and catch the blade anyway while you're bringing it forward
  • Damage:14%
  • Lag: none if Auto canceled
  • Usage:UnCommon
  • Kirk on Bair: "I use it mainly for people coming back high from the ledge...attempting to mindgame them into an unsuspecting Bair. I also like to autocancel them...it can catch people off guard sometimes if lets say you follow up with a jab or tilt right after. Sometimes I just fall off the ledge, jump back up and Bair if they tend to chase after me."
  • FireWulf on Bair: One use of the Bair that is difficult to pull off.... but oh so fulfilling.... is to fast fall the Bair and land it on tiny characters. If they are medium damage and you can get the hit off... they fly so far and are immediately forced to work on recovering giving you the opportunity to edge gaurd. The problem with this is if you don't do it high enough the hitbox won't come out and you won't hit them. The second down side is if you do it too high you will swing right over their little heads and be easy game for combos. Like i said... risk with high reward. Not necessarily high risk as you will only die from a missed bair on rare occasions.. but you will get severely punished if you do miss."
  • ComboKing on Bair: ''Good fast move if a wolf or marth or Falco or Fox over shoot the ledge this is the move to use it is better if you ledge jump it"



Damage:38 If Fully Charged
Lag: Lot of ending lag
Usage: Rarely used
ROK THE REAPER ON ERUPTION:Eruption I feel; is a very good move that should be used only on key, crucial times. Ideally, I really only use this move for edgeguarding (Against people like... Fox, another Ike, Link) things of that nature. I also use it when my damage is high and I'm falling out the air and I don't want my opponent to get near me (I don't plan to hit, just a bluff) cause of the Super armor frames. Also, I do use it when I'm competing with an opponent because of the SAF frames because of the simple point that I always win. Die noobs.
KIRK ON ERUPTION:uses"--Falling from the air, anticipating your opponent to intercept you with an aerial.
--At the ledge, either aiming before they sweetspot the ledge since eruption has a pretty enormous hitbox to it, or timing the super armor for your opponents ledge attack.
--Tech/Roll chasing. Though less commonly used, as there are a few better options.
--Punishing spot dodges/air dodges or just people coming from above, since the hitbox, again, is so big."
ComboKing on Eruption: Eruption is a good edge guarding move if timed right.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
No offense but all of this is pretty common sense. The strategy section is pretty generic :-\.

And wheres the formatting? I don't wanna read a huge unorganized lump of text :(.

Ike is almost 100% figured out by now...you can pretty much only win with mindgames. DONE

There really isn't much to learn that can give him that "technical" advantage IMO.

Also comboking, do you happen to go to tournaments? ...and by tournaments I mean real tournaments where smashboarders go to, not local gamestore tournaments with 10 year old kids.

Ike's 4th spike may be at the tip of his sword during eruption..Ninjalink said he got it on someone before..I still haven't tried it. Frankly..I'm too lazy lol.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Ike's 4th spike may be at the tip of his sword during eruption..Ninjalink said he got it on someone before..I still haven't tried it. Frankly..I'm too lazy lol.
I trust your source, but I'm still slightly skeptical; in the age of YouTube, coming up with proof isn't too hard.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
it could have been a stage spike..

I'm pretty sure d-air meteors as long as you hit with the sword as soon as it swings, and they're under you, regardless of tip or not.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
it could have been a stage spike..

I'm pretty sure d-air meteors as long as you hit with the sword as soon as it swings, and they're under you, regardless of tip or not.
yah i think so too because when I hit after the sword is pulled out it sends them upwards

I thought you already posted an Ike guide? (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=143163) This stuff looks extremely similar to what you had in the original one; I see no point in posting the same guide (in a less organized format) twice.
yes but this one I want everybody to help with. if they see something that is wrong i wil fix it


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
I want my 5 minutes back. All of this is common knowledge, and pretty much useless.

Also wtf F Smash is a good move if your opponent is a *******.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
yes but this one I want everybody to help with. if they see something that is wrong i wil fix it
You could just bump your original guide and request that people critique it.

You mention that Jab is useful if you jab cancel it, but you don't ever say what it is.

Sans Glutin

Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2008
Considering the terrible format and that all the information you have is a list of pros and cons from smashwiki (crap) and stuff about two aerials, not so much atm.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
I apologize, but I just have to say something.
This is so f*cking incredibly useless.

Not only have you made a guide already, but there have also been numerous guides made by people who include 800 times more information than this. In fact, you've quoted some of them and have even just copied information straight from other websites.

You've been on these boards for nearly five months and have made over a thousands posts and I'm willing to bet not one of them, NOT ONE, was useful in any god****ed way. I appreciate your willingness to be known or respected on this forum, but this is just by far the biggest load of sh*t I have ever seen, and you are just kicking the dead horse that is the Ike boards. F***.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
You have single handedly made me lose hope for this forum. Good Job.
Kirk I love you.

But yeah, I've lost hope for Ike. There is nothing going for him to propel him to an awesome placement. I've yet to see Ike do good in tourneys. I'm just fed up with him period.

Shiro, you had every right to make that post. >.<


Smash Cadet
Mar 2, 2008
Orlando (UCF area)
I hope you guys realize... Comboking is 12 years old...

I mean I was ready to lambast him way back in February until he admitted his age. Something else entirely (Kirk not being stickied) convinced me to finally make a screenname.

Discourage Comboking from posting new threads, sure, but not like this.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Ridgewood,Queens NYC
Point is, we acknowledge your attempt to make an Ike guide and I respect that, but I think instead of making more guides on how to use him, there should just be a single compilation. Or if anything, maybe some other tidbits that other guides forgotten or never finished like a character match-up guide or most recommended stages.
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