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If this thread gets over 100,000 replies...

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Aqua Rock X

Smash Ace
Oct 29, 2007
0.o Megaman is quickly losing his lead!!! I must say, I'm surprised Mewtwo is putting up this kind of competition. He's the very character that I thought wasn't going to be a problem.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Never underestimate him/it.

Current Standings:

Division 14

1st - Megaman [19 votes]

2nd - Mewtwo [16 votes]

3rd - Captain Falcon [11 votes]

4th - Kirby [8 votes] (with Palmietto's vote)


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
I'm not going to go back to other mafia threads to see how you acted, Common. This is the game we are currently in and this game is what I'm going to base my case on. This should address your "Go check X thread," points.

Commonyoshi said:
I cant really remember the "just kidding" context, but I'll look into it after I get back from school.
As for the "oopsie daisies" post, was there any need for me to explain it? I believe that was the time when we all noticed his double votes didn't show up. Any "explaination" would have been redundant dribble.
In fact it wasn't during that time. Those 2 quotes were just a double post by you. You really did bandwagon(5th vote) onto Dark_Ermac and literally asked to be attacked for it.

Commonyoshi said:
I decided to vote against Defjam because while I was suspicious of Frozen, I was bloody freakin' sure she was mafia. Plus, it was the easier kill to end the day rather than attack Frozen. And who knew, perhaps he would be dead by the morning and I would be mistaken.
Really? You seemed pretty convinced that Frozen was scum, and saying "I agree with everything said about Defjam," then voting Defjam doesn't look good on your part.

Commonyoshi said:
Actually, to get things going, at least support your "the mafia must have voted on both Ermac and Defjam on Day 1" theory. As the vote count can show, it's horribly flawed as one is a confirmed, dead townie, the other is you, one is someone you "know" is town, and the last one is me.
I never said that. On day one when I posted my case on Defjam, I said there was most likely a mafia on both Dark_Ermac bandwagons. You and Defjam were the only ones who fit that description. I know that isn't much but we don't have much to go on, now do we?

Commonyoshi said:
In fact, I just noticed a little bit of hypocrisy in your arguement against me. You claim I attacked Frozen, whom I had been suspicious of since Day 1, as effort to somehow protect the useless lump Tails would have been to me. Now, instead of defending Frozen, you're attacking me instead. Yeah, good stuff there. Your accusations are riddled with hkoles, and CAPS LOCK. AAAAAAARGGHGHGHGHGHHGHGH. YOU MUST BE JOKING!
Except Tails was mafia, and you think Frozen is independent. No matter if I was mafia or town I wouldn't know this, so you can't apply that to this situation. You would have a reason to attack someone to protect Tails. Attacking someone to protect the SK? Makes no sense.

Commonyoshi said:
Oh, I just saw this part. Did you not read my post? I made a remark at how Frozen might have attacked a weak player (no offense) for an easy lynch. What really bothered me was that after Ermac was revealed to be town, he abandoned all his reasoning for his attack about being a "loose cannon" when Frozen's reasons were still completely as valid as they had always been.
How ironic is that, though. Here we are close to the end game and Dark_Ermac is still throwing his vote around like a "loose cannon." Frozenflame should have stuck with his reasoning, eh?

You're insisting that Frozen is the SK, when the SK is a lot harder to find than mafia. Your points against Frozen can easily apply to a townie as well. The SK has no reason to go out of their way to attack people, any smart SK will lay low. The SK is extremely dangerous to the mafia, and you're so adamant about Frozen being the SK, it just really sticks out to me, and is what I'm referring to tipping me off.

If we don't lynch any mafia we only have a day or two left. Lynching mafia is going to be a lot easier than finding the SK, who has a decent chance of night killing a mafia for us, anyway.

FlyinG ShoosteR

Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Current Standings:

Division 14

1st - Megaman [19 votes]

2nd - Mewtwo [16 votes]

3rd - Captain Falcon [12 votes]

4th - Kirby [9 votes]

hurry up! less than half an hour remaining!

FlyinG ShoosteR

Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2007
Syracuse, NY

Division 14

characters advancing to Round 2:

1st - Megaman [19 votes]

2nd - Mewtwo [18 votes]

Characters eliminated from tournament:

3rd - Captain Falcon [12 votes]

4th - Kirby [9 votes]

FlyinG ShoosteR

Smash Apprentice
Oct 30, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Division 15 [NOW OPEN!]

- Link

- Captain Olimar

- Jigglypuff

- King K. Rool

wow, we're on the second to last division in Round 1! I'm going to vote for Link, obviously. you may now vote for this division. :)


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
You either didn't read my posts clearly or you misunderstood the whole point of them :(
I'm not going to go back to other mafia threads to see how you acted, Common. This is the game we are currently in and this game is what I'm going to base my case on. This should address your "Go check X thread," points.
Yeah, great way to pass up every single one of my points. I really shouldn't have to go into the flawed thinking behind this. Example time!

Say someone was holding in charge of large machinery at a construction site. This man has also been known to have episodes of random seizures. Now one day, as he is working at the construction site, he has one of these seizures and ultimately ends up killing a co-worker. Now would you honestly convict him for murder when he has had a history of this problem? Because that's all this case is, and you know what? I'll probably bandwagon on someone the next game if I get bored as well.

Your whole "let's ignore your personal record and your past" way of thinking is severely flawed.
In fact it wasn't during that time. Those 2 quotes were just a double post by you. You really did bandwagon(5th vote) onto Dark_Ermac and literally asked to be attacked for it.
Um... so? I've already admitted throwing away some of my logic because I was bored. That's why I decided to go along with Frozen and Ronike's plans. I've already made a post about this a long time ago. Would you perhaps like for me to find it?
Really? You seemed pretty convinced that Frozen was scum, and saying "I agree with everything said about Defjam," then voting Defjam doesn't look good on your part.
I'm not seeing your point here. Am I only allowed to suspect one person at a single given time? I thought Frozen was mafia/independant, but seeing as how he's freaking Frozenflame, I didn't want to attack him when I had minor suspicions. The worst thing that could have happened was if we actually did kill him, and he ended up being town. Since then he has secured my suspicions. Defjam, in my eyes, was much more likely to be some sort of scum.
I never said that. On day one when I posted my case on Defjam, I said there was most likely a mafia on both Dark_Ermac bandwagons. You and Defjam were the only ones who fit that description. I know that isn't much but we don't have much to go on, now do we?
We dont have much to go on? I know this game hasn't been the most active, but we really can do better than this. >_>
Except Tails was mafia, and you think Frozen is independent. No matter if I was mafia or town I wouldn't know this, so you can't apply that to this situation. You would have a reason to attack someone to protect Tails. Attacking someone to protect the SK? Makes no sense.
You've completely twisted my post around and made it seem like I was accusing you and Frozen of being Independant buddies. No, I was pointing out your flawed logic and how your hypocrisy was the exact thing you accused me of. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, hindsight is 20/20.
How ironic is that, though. Here we are close to the end game and Dark_Ermac is still throwing his vote around like a "loose cannon." Frozenflame should have stuck with his reasoning, eh?
How the heck does this make my arguement look bad? If anything, it makes yours look weak. :urg:
You're insisting that Frozen is the SK, when the SK is a lot harder to find than mafia. Your points against Frozen can easily apply to a townie as well. The SK has no reason to go out of their way to attack people, any smart SK will lay low. The SK is extremely dangerous to the mafia, and you're so adamant about Frozen being the SK, it just really sticks out to me, and is what I'm referring to tipping me off.
I challenge you to apply my arguements against Frozen with someone else in this game. Do it with yourself, thank you. Statements without -anything- are just bluffs.

In case you didn't notice the doctor is dead. Assuming I was mafia I chose a pretty stupid time to attack Frozen didn't I? Just something to think about.
Also, your reasoning as to why I am mafia because serial killers are bad for me is horribly flawed. If I suspect a serial killer, should I not do my best to out him? What if you thought I was a serial killer? Would you honestly not do anything about it when I am killing a townie each night because I may or may not randomly hit a mafia?
If we don't lynch any mafia we only have a day or two left. Lynching mafia is going to be a lot easier than finding the SK, who has a decent chance of night killing a mafia for us, anyway.
I do believe your numbers are off.


Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2005
You need to change your location to something that
You either didn't read my posts clearly or you misunderstood the whole point of them :(

Yeah, great way to pass up every single one of my points. I really shouldn't have to go into the flawed thinking behind this. Example time!

Say someone was holding in charge of large machinery at a construction site. This man has also been known to have episodes of random seizures. Now one day, as he is working at the construction site, he has one of these seizures and ultimately ends up killing a co-worker. Now would you honestly convict him for murder when he has had a history of this problem? Because that's all this case is, and you know what? I'll probably bandwagon on someone the next game if I get bored as well.

Your whole "let's ignore your personal record and your past" way of thinking is severely flawed.
I think metagaming is stupid and I'm not going to take the time to research an entirely different game just to find out something that might not even apply. Just because someone has a history of voting without any reasoning doesn't make it not-scummy.

Commonyoshi said:
Um... so? I've already admitted throwing away some of my logic because I was bored. That's why I decided to go along with Frozen and Ronike's plans. I've already made a post about this a long time ago. Would you perhaps like for me to find it?
Yes, throwing out logic and just voting because you're bored looks scummy, even if you admit that's what you did.

Commonyoshi said:
I'm not seeing your point here. Am I only allowed to suspect one person at a single given time? I thought Frozen was mafia/independant, but seeing as how he's freaking Frozenflame, I didn't want to attack him when I had minor suspicions. The worst thing that could have happened was if we actually did kill him, and he ended up being town. Since then he has secured my suspicions. Defjam, in my eyes, was much more likely to be some sort of scum.
No. My point is you were showing suspicions of Frozen for most of Day 1, and none for Defjam. As soon as a bandwagon started on Defjam you jumped right on. This along with your careless votes for Dark_Ermac make you look scummy.

Commonyoshi said:
We dont have much to go on? I know this game hasn't been the most active, but we really can do better than this. >_>
Have you actually went back and looked over the thread? Probably 90% of the posts are worthless content-wise.

Commonyoshi said:
You've completely twisted my post around and made it seem like I was accusing you and Frozen of being Independant buddies. No, I was pointing out your flawed logic and how your hypocrisy was the exact thing you accused me of. Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, hindsight is 20/20.
Er, not at all. My point was you were attacking Frozen to get heat off of Tails. That seems logical, right? Then you say I'm a hypocrite for doing the same thing, yet you think Frozen is the SK. I'm not following you.

Commonyoshi said:
How the heck does this make my arguement look bad? If anything, it makes yours look weak. :urg:
Nothing, I just saw it and thought it was funny. It has nothing to do with any argument.

Commonyoshi said:
I challenge you to apply my arguements against Frozen with someone else in this game. Do it with yourself, thank you. Statements without -anything- are just bluffs.
Your points against Frozen just don't make him look like the SK, why would the SK go out of his way to try and get the double voter killed? It just doesn't make sense to me.

Commonyoshi said:
In case you didn't notice the doctor is dead. Assuming I was mafia I chose a pretty stupid time to attack Frozen didn't I? Just something to think about.
I don't see how that would effect it at all.

Commonyoshi said:
Also, your reasoning as to why I am mafia because serial killers are bad for me is horribly flawed. If I suspect a serial killer, should I not do my best to out him? What if you thought I was a serial killer? Would you honestly not do anything about it when I am killing a townie each night because I may or may not randomly hit a mafia?
I don't see how your reasoning makes Frozen the SK. You seem so certain that Frozen is our SK, but I'm not seeing what makes it so obvious. It appears like you have some outside information that would lead you to believe he is the SK, something the mafia would be able to figure out. Let me ask you this, what has Frozen done that makes you so sure Frozen is the SK?

Commonyoshi said:
I do believe your numbers are off.
Misslynch Today: 9 Left. 2 Night kills: 7 Left. Misslynch tomorrow: 6 left. 2 Night kills: 4 Left, Mafia win. Unlikely, but still possible.
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