This phrase doesn't mean what you think it means.
Putting words in my mouth? How classy.
Some would say that just makes you more biased... Dude, nothing is "going on," the general consensus is it's a pretty pointless "war" that has cost the US billions and helped wreck the economy. Isn't this a democracy? So by default shouldn't we be fighting for the majority? Then why is the majority fitting the bill for a war they never even asked for when they're living paycheck to paycheck?
What are the odds of a terrorist strike happening, and a random person of 300 million dying in it? Here's a fallacy for you: humans think the easier it is to imagine something happening, the more likely it is to be true. Reality check: terrorist strikes aren't commonplace... But I'm sure a bunch of families could use more income.
What in the world makes you think you're cutting back on terrorism? Is this really what they tell you so you think you're making a difference? It's funny because you're actually pissing them off more...
Yes, because loads of conclusive well-established evidence exists that the safety of the American population has been lowered because of this war.
How are they protecting my rights?

If anything they're IMPINGING on those rights in numerous ways (ever heard of the Patriot Act?) under the guise of protecting my rights. The American Dream doesn't exist, dude; this country is run by horrible people only looking out for themselves.