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Icy's Monthly #4 -- The Battlegrounds - Results


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Brawl Singles:

1: TeeVee (MK/Diddy/ROB?)
2: IcyLight (Olimar)
3: Regdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK)
4: Bizkit (Snake)
5: Patt g (Lucario/ZSS)
5: Green Ace (Yoshi)
7: Copacetic (Toon Link)
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox)
9: Rylix (Ike)
9: Fragnum (G&W)
9: Prawn (ICs)
9: SS (MK/Link)
13: Xaoz
13: Chii
13: Meek

Bracket Image:

Brawl Doubles:

1: TeeVee & Green Ace
2: Riot & Peachkid
3: Bizkit & PatG
4: IcyLight & Moondoggie
5: Bloodcross & SS
5: Easy & Prince Zodi
7: Meek & Chii

Bracket Image:

Low Tier Draft Crews:

1st: Icy's Crew: Icy, Riot, Patg, Bizkit, SS, Peachkid, Xaoz
2nd: TeeVee's Crew: TeeVee, Green Ace, Rylix, Bloodcross, Nacho, GamesAndGoodies, Emmy

Rage rant: Wtf was with doubles seeding. It looked like 0 effort in seeding, 3 out of the 4 top teams all in the top part, only one top team in the bottom part. What kind of fail is that?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2009
Reduced Salt Area
Meh. Kinda pissed with the low turnout after having to drive 2 hours. Also, I had a really poor performance and singles and crews. I guess I'll have to make up for it at Mass Madness next weekend.

Bizkit, I honestly think none of the smash players had a hand in the seeding, since I know I didn't for sure, and Icy wouldn't seed himself against you first round...

Now for the shoutouts.

1: TeeVee (MK/Diddy/ROB?)- Nice job winning again, Amazing teaming in doubles. We did great.
2: IcyLight (Olimar)- 2nd? Looks like you're back in the right mindset again. Way to beast with mario in crews lol
3: Regdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK)- Major improvement.
4: Bizkit (Snake)- GGs, but next time I'm winning (as long as Icy isn't hosting it and the loser takes 5th)
5: Patt g (Lucario/ZSS)- GGs, but you have to admit you had some really BS luck there. I can assure you next time it won't happen again. On another note, yes you will be considered for PRs, but we won't know for sure until the end of next month or so.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi)- Good in dubz, failed in singles and crews.
7: Copacetic (Toon Link)- Looks like you're doing pretty well. Good stuff.
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox)- GGs we had. Keep beasting with fawks.
9: Rylix (Ike)- It was nice seeing you, but I don't think today was your day. Imo you could've done better in both singles and crews.
9: Fragnum (G&W)- First tournament in like 6 months and you did alright, considering it was a small and fairly tough crowd.
9: Prawn (ICs)- Nice seeing you around. Idk if it's me but you look a bit different...
9: SS (MK/Link)- Idk why you went link on me, but I definitely admire it. Good stuff man, especially with the shield break in crews.
13: Xaoz- Sucks you had to play me first but it was a small crowd.

Riot- grr ya got me in crews. It won't be so easy next time. Sucks we couldn't do low tier dubz, cuz I want to try that out sometime. Either way, good stuff today. Enter singles more.

Peachkid- You are freakin hilarious. You're too good in doubles with Riot too. Enter singles more.

End note: I'm now convinced Icy has cursed me to place 5th in singles every time I attend one of his tournaments. It doesn't matter who/how many are there. I want him to host a national to see if I still take 5th. I probably would. :laugh:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2009
Reduced Salt Area
Also, please don't post that last match of me in crews up on youtube. I already have enough horrible and outdated footage up there and don't need anyone getting any more wrong ideas.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 24, 2008
Worcester, MA
umm... I didn't enter doubles, shouldn't be up there at all. Thanks for the consideration though

Shoutouts later when I'm back in Worcester. Fun Tourney


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
1: TeeVee (MK/Diddy/ROB?) - should have entered as fatal lol
2: IcyLight (Olimar) - everytime you host tournies at BG it ends up like this XD, good job ****** me in crews.
3: Regdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK) - you never gave me any oreos :[
4: Bizkit (Snake) - yay, i didnt have to face you in singles for once. good doubles set
5: Patt g (Lucario/ZSS) - mah ******...YOU GOT THE MOST INSANE KILL ON ME GOOD ****
5: Green Ace (Yoshi) - it was very nice teaming with you. it took us a while to get some chemistry but once we did, we played very well.
7: Copacetic (Toon Link) - beast tl, i didnt play you but it was fun watching you.
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox) - your fox is too good ( made me bring out the robot) and was that your gf? shes hot lol good ****.
9: Rylix (Ike) - dont let this tourny get to your head, you're very good man. thanks for the ride.
9: Fragnum (G&W) - fun friendlies lol
9: Prawn (ICs) - we didnt get to play :[
9: SS (MK/Link) - SS COMBO TOO GOOD lol thanks for bringing me
13: Xaoz - beast
13: Chii - were you the girl i faced first round? if so ggs lol
13: Meek - i dont think i played you.


peachkid - you are so ****ing funny i love you. good doubles set too, you and riot are too good

i wish more people came but, oh well.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Alright well if Copacetic didn't enter doubles, who was the last team? And still waiting for a confirmation on if the bracket is right from BC/SS/Peachkid/Riot.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Tbh I was planning on acting like a d!ck the entire day... but I can't, because the atmosphere is too good. I can't act like a ***** anymore after that tournament. Seriously too fun.

BigM: Yes
Kevin: Yes, literally no doubles seeding whatsoever. And yes you got our dubs placing right. OH KEVIN. WE BEAT CHII AND MEEK R2 IN LOSERS AFTER LOSING TO RIOT AND PCHKID.

Complaints: Low attendance = less money. And that mother ****er spelled "Rehdogg" wrong. I told him the spelling 3 ****ing times lol. Kevin mind adding "Rehdogg" for me?

1: TeeVee (MK/Diddy/ROB) - Everybody just snatched Oreos from me, but you're too naive FOOL <3. mk ditto... I play the ditto aggressively btw. I wanted to play you today.
2: IcyLight (Olimar) - ... I can't ever beat you. I'm learning the MK vs Olimar matchup (besides Dair camp) and try that out instead of Falco.
3: Rehdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK) - I'm the snack tank
4: Bizkit (Snake) - Falco is gay... gotta learn MK vs Snake too. GG's in doubles.
5: Patt g (Lucario/ZSS) - Insane Lucario and Zamus. Falco is gay. GG's in dubs.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi) - FSKT 5=-G;LSDF=O-T45BTLMBKR3Q=VT4VT5IMSDFD.
7: Copacetic (Toon Link) - You've gotten a lot better too. GG's man (Brinstar gay)
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox) - I thought you beat Green Ace when you gimped him... but apparently that was Game 2 =/
9: Rylix (Ike) - Falco is gay. Another story I love seeing you and your brother.
9: Prawn (ICs) - You're getting better. Keep at it son
9: SS (MK/Link) - I didn't think your MK would get so good. Link shield breaking too good. We make a sick team.
13: Meek - GGs

Emmy - Fun low tier **** lol
Riot: I stalk u... we should have destroyed you fools in dubs SON
Pchkid: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Smash Master
Apr 27, 2009
sucked up a storm at this tournament.

shoutouts later.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
TeeVee: Congratz and good job! I really thought me and PK had you in dubz too!
IcyLight: Thanks for the tournament and good placing. Your Mario looks great now btw.
Regdogg: Why the new name? I notice you stalking me btw... its freaky. Good placing!
Bizkit: Playing on your wii is my favorite! Nice seeing you.
Green Ace: I can't believe you and TeeVee took us out after all that! Too bad about Low Tier Doubles... Someday we'll make everyone rage quit all at once! ^_^
Rylix: Nice Ike, didn't get to play you but I saw some matches!
Fragnum: Your getting there, keep up the progress.
Prawn: You have gotten so much better since SNES!
SS: Best Link I have ever seen no doubt.
Xaoz: Happy Birthday! Keep improving and no more silly mistakes!

Alright well if Copacetic didn't enter doubles, who was the last team? And still waiting for a confirmation on if the bracket is right from BC/SS/Peachkid/Riot.
That looks right to me...


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Thx guys, bracket is set then. Will upload to aib in a few. Next time we should have someone bring their own laptop instead of using ****ing Battleground's PCs. They don't let you touch them, so I can see how doubles were not seeded. It's kinda Icy's fault for not checking the seeding for his own tourney, but is still lame.


1: TeeVee - Sooooo lucky I didn't get to play you in singles this time. Oh and don't forget you haven't won ALL of Icy's tournies at TBG, I won the one he never got the results for. xd I think it was Icy's #2 or something.
2: IcyLight (Olimar) - </3 Olimar.
3: Regdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK) </3 Falco. But your attitude improved a little. Except in Crews >.>.
5: Patt g (Lucario/ZSS) - Gud stuff, keep going to tournies and you'll get better you have nice potential with that Lucario.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi) - Good stuff in doubles. Nice seeing you as usual. Thx for making sure the singles bracket was seeded.
7: Copacetic (Toon Link) - Ggs in singles. I believe it's the first time we've played.
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox) - Ggs in doubles, you two almost beat us first set.
9: Rylix (Ike) - Bad day, you'll do better next time. You should have reminded me about the randmo char MM I forgot about it xd.
9: Fragnum (G&W) - Nice meeting you mysterious person who knows everyone ever.
9: Prawn (ICs) - Fun friendlies, you're getting better at the CGs, but fix that playstyle flaw I told you about and you'll do much better, especially against people like Fatal and I that predict it.
9: SS (MK/Link) - Fun friendlies, your Link is still tougher than your MK for me. I don't think MK suits you, should go for Snake or Marth >.>. Then we can ditto foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr.
13: Xaoz - Fun friendlies, keep practicing. Also forgot it was your birthday, so happy late birthday.

5: Easy & Prince Zodi - wat happened to taking top 3 in one event? Or entering singles even? xd

Nacho - Stop not entering events and hiding in the corner playing Brawl+ all day. Thx for showing me how silly Brawl+ is though luzl.

Riot - Good stuff in crews you definitely beasted, glad you like my Wii xd.

Peachkid - Your Peach is getting pretty scary. Not to mention Riot and you are a scary team and have amazing teamwork.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2009
Tourney was mad fun, and I enjoy the NE vibe. You guys are cool. I'm happy i did better than last tourney, but I could have done better overall.

1: TeeVee (MK/Diddy/ROB?)- I've always seen you as a beast, nothing new here.
2: IcyLight (Olimar)- Those ledge techs with tap jump on are amazing.
3: Regdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK)- Very good and hard opponent, I've gotten used to your style.
4: Bizkit (Snake)- Great teammate, and very nice snake. I'm glad I didn't have to play you in singles.
5: Green Ace- As far as the set went, I feel you underrestimated me first game, then beat me 2nd, and I i got a bit lucky game 3. However if I'm at 149, and I kill you with an fsmash at 80, that's just lucario to you. Best yoshi. by far.
7: Copacetic (Toon Link)- Heard great things about you
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox)- Beast fox, you ***** in doubles, but get lazer locked moar lol.
9: Rylix (Ike)- Thanks for being so cool, lke your brother. Tharnks for giving me some money, I owe you bro.
9: Fragnum (G&W)- I think i saw your set with moondoggie, and you looked tough.
9: Prawn (ICs)- if you master ics, it's over for all.
9: SS (MK/Link)- the mk got substancially better, and your link is pro. <3
13: Xaoz- keep at it man, nice ike and lucario.

All in all i've only done better in both events, then at icy's 3.

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
Thx guys, bracket is set then. Will upload to aib in a few. Next time we should have someone bring their own laptop instead of using ****ing Battleground's PCs. They don't let you touch them, so I can see how doubles were not seeded. It's kinda Icy's fault for not checking the seeding for his own tourney, but is still lame.


1: TeeVee - Sooooo lucky I didn't get to play you in singles this time. Oh and don't forget you haven't won ALL of Icy's tournies at TBG, I won the one he never got the results for. xd I think it was Icy's #2 or something.
2: IcyLight (Olimar) - </3 Olimar.
3: Regdogg (Bloodcross) (Falco/MK) </3 Falco. But your attitude improved a little. Except in Crews >.>.
5: Patt g (Lucario/ZSS) - Gud stuff, keep going to tournies and you'll get better you have nice potential with that Lucario.
5: Green Ace (Yoshi) - Good stuff in doubles. Nice seeing you as usual. Thx for making sure the singles bracket was seeded.
7: Copacetic (Toon Link) - Ggs in singles. I believe it's the first time we've played.
7: Moon-Doggie (Fox) - Ggs in doubles, you two almost beat us first set.
9: Rylix (Ike) - Bad day, you'll do better next time. You should have reminded me about the randmo char MM I forgot about it xd.
9: Fragnum (G&W) - Nice meeting you mysterious person who knows everyone ever.
9: Prawn (ICs) - Fun friendlies, you're getting better at the CGs, but fix that playstyle flaw I told you about and you'll do much better, especially against people like Fatal and I that predict it.
9: SS (MK/Link) - Fun friendlies, your Link is still tougher than your MK for me. I don't think MK suits you, should go for Snake or Marth >.>. Then we can ditto foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr.
13: Xaoz - Fun friendlies, keep practicing. Also forgot it was your birthday, so happy late birthday.

5: Easy & Prince Zodi - wat happened to taking top 3 in one event? Or entering singles even? xd

Nacho - Stop not entering events and hiding in the corner playing Brawl+ all day. Thx for showing me how silly Brawl+ is though luzl.

Riot - Good stuff in crews you definitely beasted, glad you like my Wii xd.

Peachkid - Your Peach is getting pretty scary. Not to mention Riot and you are a scary team and have amazing teamwork.
I also won 1 also.. =)


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
Riot needs to start entering singles again. Seriously.
I've started a trend that I rather enjoy! I call it "Don't lose money"

Its working so far ^_^

But I promise to enter singles at SMB4. And whatever the extra event is as well.

Actually practicing here I come. Or maybe I won't and I'll see what happens...
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