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I suck against G&W too much


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
Can't play him online?

I'm just saying 1 guy playing G&W does not necessarily mean that G&W is your problem; he just plays in a fashion that beats yours. I personally had little trouble facing multiple G&W myself and usually force people to go for another character (although G&W does cut down on my fireball spam a lot). If he does a bair try to force your way past the bair (no, don't attack, the range/priority will cut you) and get him on the frontside. That's all I can really give because I suck at this game :)


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
ok guy name advantages you have in this matchup
really i would like to know
and don't say he's light cuz we all know that..
Then we won't say it...of course now you won't get many responses. We don't have any advantages in this matchup.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
I don't know much about matchups because I don't play the game enough to know them (and I don't own a Wii :() so I'll try to wing it here. Although G&W has some nice moves, these are usually how I deal with them:

Dsmash: Use Bair
Fsmash: Stay away if it's already out, you have to hit him when he's about to do it. Anticipate it.
Bair: Beastly move. As I said before, go past him and nail him from the other side (or at least force him to face you).
Dair: If you have incredible timing, use Usmash to intercept. Otherwise, chill on the ground a bit and let him land, and Dsmash. He'll either get hit, shield and get pushed away harmlessly, or sidestep and then you'll have time to react accordingly. Anything else and you were too slow/had bad spacing.

I suggest using Dsmash the most because its startup time will outspeed most of his moves. You can toss in some jabs if you want a grab in.

A tactic I like to use is bait him into a pattern where he likes using his Fsmash. Mario's and G&W's Fsmash have relatively similar range, and similar speed. Try to bait yourself into the ideal range of his Fsmash, but send your Fsmash out first so he'll get sweetspotted on it and die.

I usually use very little fireballs in this matchup. I don't want any buckets to worry about. I might send out a couple to make him send out the bucket more so I can punish him.

Eh, not quite sure what else you're looking for. Looking for 'pros' and 'cons' in a matchup is pretty useless, much better to look at different scenarios and act accordingly.
Jul 13, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Looking for 'pros' and 'cons' in a matchup is pretty useless, much better to look at different scenarios and act accordingly.
very well put. but my bucket trick is also a nice way 2 ko g&w which should make him a lot easier 4 those marios who can damage him but have trouble koing him. also the best way 2 deal with his sh bair is 2 space urself and fsmash him with the fireball. it should work well


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
I don't know much about matchups because I don't play the game enough to know them (and I don't own a Wii :() so I'll try to wing it here. Although G&W has some nice moves, these are usually how I deal with them:

Dsmash: Use Bair
Fsmash: Stay away if it's already out, you have to hit him when he's about to do it. Anticipate it.
Bair: Beastly move. As I said before, go past him and nail him from the other side (or at least force him to face you).
Dair: If you have incredible timing, use Usmash to intercept. Otherwise, chill on the ground a bit and let him land, and Dsmash. He'll either get hit, shield and get pushed away harmlessly, or sidestep and then you'll have time to react accordingly. Anything else and you were too slow/had bad spacing.

I suggest using Dsmash the most because its startup time will outspeed most of his moves. You can toss in some jabs if you want a grab in.

A tactic I like to use is bait him into a pattern where he likes using his Fsmash. Mario's and G&W's Fsmash have relatively similar range, and similar speed. Try to bait yourself into the ideal range of his Fsmash, but send your Fsmash out first so he'll get sweetspotted on it and die.

I usually use very little fireballs in this matchup. I don't want any buckets to worry about. I might send out a couple to make him send out the bucket more so I can punish him.

Eh, not quite sure what else you're looking for. Looking for 'pros' and 'cons' in a matchup is pretty useless, much better to look at different scenarios and act accordingly.
G&W can rush Mario down like a child wanting to watch Dora the Explorer with his quick attacks that have more priority than Mario's. Fair, Bair, nair, and the occasional dair are big problems for Mario. His disjointed hitboxes and his powerful smashes just make it worse. Looking for pros and cons are worth noting because it can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Besides, G&W is a solid Mario counter. Oh, and a good G&W doesn't spam F-smash. Lots of G&W's moves beat out Mario's D-smash. All he has to do is space himself properly. Sure, G&W can be killed at low percents, but because of his attacks, speed, and priority, Mario has a harder time doing so than G&W can. 8-2 G&W.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2008
nashua. nh
This is kinda confusing; there is mario brawler and mario is the greatest brawler and they have the same avatar.

BTW isn't mario the most fun character to use?


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Yes, I find Game and Watch really hard too, it's like...he's a 'better' Mario, in my opinon.

It's like everything you have, he does better at it.

Mario_ 101

Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Mario has zero death combos on Ganondorf? I need vids!
Up air blind (two u airs in a SH) all across the stage, then finish with u air -> double jump f air. There are more combos 0-deaths(i play brawl so much i can come up with complex combos in my head). for another example: d throw, u tilt **** to around 40%, u air to b air in a SH... i could go on. You just have to be creative.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Here is what I discovered against G&W.

You want to be as close as possible to G&W if you're not a mile away from him. It's like the Marth matchup from Melee in a way. Once you find a way inside his wall of range, you have options against him. If you shield one of his Smashes, you can PUNISH it. I've found that it's fairly easy to F-tilt G&W once you get really close to him and start shielding his attacks. It's a lot faster than most of his other attacks so it will usually hit him unless he wants to Jab.


Smash Champion
Jun 12, 2006
Orange County, CA
I rather fight D3 over MetaJew and Gay & Watch :[

D3 is comboable!

I fight a lot of Ganon's, even though I 0-death a few, it's just due to my opponent's poor di/not air dodging.. I think there's no legit 0-death combo of Ganon that will work 100% of the time.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Up air blind (two u airs in a SH) all across the stage, then finish with u air -> double jump f air. There are more combos 0-deaths(i play brawl so much i can come up with complex combos in my head). for another example: d throw, u tilt **** to around 40%, u air to b air in a SH... i could go on. You just have to be creative.
Those aren't 0-death combos. They'd never work on someone paying attention.

MK is harder than G&W.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Thx a lot A2ZOMG.

Matador: Hell no. At least i can bait mk into more things with fireballs unlike our friend G&W.

Mario_ 101

Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
Those aren't 0-death combos. They'd never work on someone paying attention.

MK is harder than G&W.
Well I know there aren't any "true combos" since there is no hitstun. Sometimes you can get your opponent off guard, though. Against a DI'ing foe ganon u could f throw him off, n air, and if he dodges it cape, then keep caping since his aerial mobility sucks and he dies from a caped up b.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Matador: Hell no. At least i can bait mk into more things with fireballs unlike our friend G&W.
I actually started playing G&W the same way I play MK. I spam fireballs and let him bucket them. Once the bucket is filled, approaching becomes so much easier that it's worth it. The bucket is easy to land, but what KO move isn't with G&W? If I can approach, I can rack up enough damage to KO him at 90%. That's just me tho. Also...G&W has lag...punishable lag. MK doesn't even know what lag is.

MK's a lagless character with the best gimping ability in the game. Plenty of KO options, very hard to gimp, excellent grabs, excellent aerials, excellent range/priority, and broken B moves. He's also alot faster than G&W and is a more aggressive character overall. It's just hard to find someone to use his potential instead of what works.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I actually started playing G&W the same way I play MK. I spam fireballs and let him bucket them. Once the bucket is filled, approaching becomes so much easier that it's worth it. The bucket is easy to land, but what KO move isn't with G&W? If I can approach, I can rack up enough damage to KO him at 90%. That's just me tho. Also...G&W has lag...punishable lag. MK doesn't even know what lag is.
One of G&W's problems is actually landing kill moves. His Smashes can all be blocked on reaction. His fastest Smash, the D-smash, comes out frame 15, which is the same as Judgement and Chef, which is actually pretty slow startup. Of course punishing his kill moves is harder since they're safe on block. =P

The way G&W gets around this is by having amazing ledgeguarding and by keeping his F-air or to a lesser extent, his D-air, undiminished.

G&W doesn't really have much punishable lag. His most punishable lag comes from special attacks like Judgement, Chef, and Oil Panic to varying degrees. His F-air is punishable upon landing lag, which he's not going to let happen by fullhopping it. His D-air is semi-laggy, but has a landing hitbox so punishing that is hard. B-air can be punished on block except for the times when it shieldstabs you.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
did i mention that G&W kills you faster? Also a smart G&W player isn't gonna fall for the same thing over and over. mk has limited options to projectiles. Although mk is still very hard. G&W is harder to me.
Jul 13, 2008
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
id rather fight d3 then g&w then mk. mk is 1 tough sob. i dont have problems with g&w but i think its bcus i never faced a good g&w but id b more than happy 2. mayb i dont have problems with him bcus i dont use fireballs only as a shield when recoverin. d3 doesnt seem so hard 2 me bcus hes a fat combo bag. mk is also lagless which can piss u the hell off. and his gimpin ability beats urs. his mach tornado is a nighmare but im gettin the hang of it, i think marios up b beats it. about d3s 0-death 'combo' where can i find vids of him usin it in action?


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
As long as you try your hardest to fireball approach and keep D3 in the air, you have a fair chance of not getting grabbed.


Smash Hero
Jan 7, 2007
where ever I please,im a f***in boss!!
one grab doesnt=death.......they need multiple times.......plus deedeedee really has no killing moves besides u tilt.....Dsmash....and Bair.......this game has basically poisoned people into thinking "OMG once i face a deedeedee,metaknight,GaW......im basically gonna loose....come on you guys..........think positive.....and stay on your toes....we all no these are hard matchups but there not impossiable........if anything id rather fight a GaW then a wario or a good marth or good lucario......but i just head into the match with no worries(cause im mario) and usually win with a close match........have faith....dont fear........

cause in this situation your only opponent is yourself--



Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
one grab doesnt=death.......they need multiple times.......plus deedeedee really has no killing moves besides u tilt.....Dsmash....and Bair.......this game has basically poisoned people into thinking "OMG once i face a deedeedee,metaknight,GaW......im basically gonna loose....come on you guys..........think positive.....and stay on your toes....we all no these are hard matchups but there not impossiable........if anything id rather fight a GaW then a wario or a good marth or good lucario......but i just head into the match with no worries(cause im mario) and usually win with a close match........have faith....dont fear........

cause in this situation your only opponent is yourself--

i'm definitely sigging this.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 29, 2006
Rhode island
Hrm, saw this on the main page, the obvious answer is you find me shells and we'll team up for air superiority.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
one grab doesnt=death.......they need multiple times.......plus deedeedee really has no killing moves besides u tilt.....Dsmash....and Bair.......this game has basically poisoned people into thinking "OMG once i face a deedeedee,metaknight,GaW......im basically gonna loose....come on you guys..........think positive.....and stay on your toes....we all no these are hard matchups but there not impossiable........if anything id rather fight a GaW then a wario or a good marth or good lucario......but i just head into the match with no worries(cause im mario) and usually win with a close match........have faith....dont fear........

cause in this situation your only opponent is yourself--

Sound advice, albeit a bit cheesy because of the neverending ellipses and the fact that you tagged your name in your post :laugh:

I'll try to see if I can get some videos up...
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