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I need some MAJOR training with pit :(


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
ok, i'm kinda in a slump, it seems that I just can't progress with him any farther, for starters, admiral pit, someone who I face frequently, when I first played him, me and his arrow skills, were a bit even, he was still definatly better at it, but I could at least keep up with him somewhat, now, anytime I face him, his arrows terrify me, I don't know where they are coming from, he doesn't move around with any predictable patterns, and they almost always hit!

I wanna learn how on earth he has learned to control em this amazingly(I DO know about the custom stage training) he's able to still control em perfectly while doing a number of attacks, that keep me from guessing where the arrows are gonna come from, and seeing as one of the things I was most famous for at another forum, was my arrow control( I had the best arrow control outta the people THERE, I knew I definatly didn't have the best) I definatly wanna improve it and make it as amazing as him.

but its not just that, I can't seem to get ANY of pits other advanced techs down, i've tried, but keep failing badley:psycho:, I think I need someone to help me with em, because it seems the vids aren't doing me much good, maybe if someone saw me in an actual match, and I saw them perform em, It might help me better...

anyone who would be willing to help me, here is my FC 2707-3382-7303


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
that was my old fc, I had to delete all my data, so the one I posted is the one i HAVE now.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
and once again.....I get slaughtered...rogue....what the heck am I doing wrong X_X;

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
Good games dude your pit is epic decent i like how we loop and both our arrow connect same time. But your pit is one of the best ive faced. The reason i won all except one is because i adapted to your style and im use to playin wifi i guess. You became predictable somewhat, not alot but enough, also you need more Ats up your wings. Learn angelic step, dive bomb, (super fast fall in wings) also you really *shouldnt* use run attack. Also the gliding, i always shield grabbed your glide attack, but when i did it, i angled above you so you couldnt shield grab. But nice pit, i want to play you more. But can you tell me what site ur from with more pits?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Good games dude your pit is epic decent i like how we loop and both our arrow connect same time. But your pit is one of the best ive faced. The reason i won all except one is because i adapted to your style and im use to playin wifi i guess. You became predictable somewhat, not alot but enough, also you need more Ats up your wings. Learn angelic step, dive bomb, (super fast fall in wings) also you really *shouldnt* use run attack. Also the gliding, i always shield grabbed your glide attack, but when i did it, i angled above you so you couldnt shield grab. But nice pit, i want to play you more. But can you tell me what site ur from with more pits?
well...at least it makes me glad to know that you think my pit is good, and....I keep trying and trying..but I can't seem to fix my predictablity :urg: I know why I have it, I just can't fix it...every smash bros before brawl, all I had to face were the cpus, my friends were all sony fanboys, would never touch a nintendo system, so I got into the habit, of using the tactc that worked most of the time, ALL the time, becasue the cpus ALWAYS fell for them, it kinda went into brawl now as well, if I find a strat the works most of the time, i end up using it ALL the time, even when it fails me, I just keep trying to use it over and oever and over, in hopes of it working,

as for the advanced techs....I can't seem to perform alot of em..and even more I'm sure I don't even know about.....I knew all about the angel ring rush...but I just can't seem to ever get teh timeing down..., and others liek wings of renewal....I just can't ever seem to make em work....

if there is a guide here with all the ATs for pit, and then the just general ATs( I know there are some, but I just don't know what they are) could you post a link to them? also...like I said previously..my arrows were my pits most famous tradmark at the old forums I went to( they're aren't alot of good pit users there, and most of the ones there can't use arrow looping well, mine were considered the "best" there, and as you saw in the matches Rogue, mine really aren't that impressive, it seems the only one of mine that people like, is the U-turn of mine, I shoot it up, and it comes back from the sides, which I STILL can't perform correctly consistantly.) anyway, I definatly need alot of training still, mostly my arrow control.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
Im on my wii internet so ill give you a link tomorrow, or if someone esle would be so kind. But the U was nice the one where i shoot in air than loop around is similar. But yea you gotta change things up if you ever wanna move past your current level. But ATs isnt everything theyre just a window to more options. I recommend just gettin the timing of wing push down. Just jump, up b on the ground than dair cancel. I use c stick. And practice renewel, u just need to touch the ground in WoI. Also just practice with adm p. And others from furom, im sure you could beat a couple. And join corrupted fate tourney.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
Wifi is a bit different from offline so many people john bout wifi because they cant adapt, if its minor lag, all i have to do is see how fast my pit moves than how fast arrows move and i circle controller accordingly its not hard so people who complain bout minor lag, stop johnin


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
In your Shadow
I wanna help but I also suck, so we should suck and get better together, when are you on?

I gotz aim and MSN if you need to contact me

FC = 2234-6891-3832


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
What I want to know is how he can control them so amazingly in WiFi? o.O
maybe admiral is like me, and Rogue, ALL I do is play wifi, I don't go to any "real" tourneys, because for one thing, I don't have the time, or the money to, alot of the ones I DO hear about, are waaaaaay to far from where I live, it'd be a waste of gas for me, not only that, but then to go there, get slaughtered, and humilated, no thank you, I don't want that, so all I play is wifi, and other then the ocasional "spike" of lag I get, I don't have much problem controling my arrows, basicly, how good I can control em in wifi, is completely the same as I do offline, so my accuracy sucks either way:( and thats the main thing I wanna get better at.....admirals...his....they mess with you more then any other pit player I face, I have NO idea where his arrow is gonna come from when he shoots it, and when its shot, I know that the second it hits....he already has a nasty combo waiting for me after the arrow connects, and I wanna learn to be able to do things like that with my arrows, but at the same time, also be able to improve my pit overall, with the arrows just being my main trait....

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
maybe admiral is like me, and Rogue, ALL I do is play wifi, I don't go to any "real" tourneys, because for one thing, I don't have the time, or the money to, alot of the ones I DO hear about, are waaaaaay to far from where I live, it'd be a waste of gas for me, not only that, but then to go there, get slaughtered, and humilated, no thank you, I don't want that, so all I play is wifi, and other then the ocasional "spike" of lag I get, I don't have much problem controling my arrows, basicly, how good I can control em in wifi, is completely the same as I do offline, so my accuracy sucks either way:( and thats the main thing I wanna get better at.....admirals...his....they mess with you more then any other pit player I face, I have NO idea where his arrow is gonna come from when he shoots it, and when its shot, I know that the second it hits....he already has a nasty combo waiting for me after the arrow connects, and I wanna learn to be able to do things like that with my arrows, but at the same time, also be able to improve my pit overall, with the arrows just being my main trait....

Do u have any tips on arrow control??
Im just starting to main Pit, and Im terrible with arrow looping:(
I practice on a custom stage and i see no results.
How did u master the arrows?


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Do u have any tips on arrow control??
Im just starting to main Pit, and Im terrible with arrow looping:(
I practice on a custom stage and i see no results.
How did u master the arrows?
What i did/do (I still don't have great or even good control yet, but i'm seeing relatively fast results, so i'll share it with you)

Go to final destination in training mode and just practice looping the arrows(or doing whatever you might be trying to do with them, i assumed arrow looping). Try to "see" them off screen in your mind, and just guide them around. For me, most my progress after I focused on the timing of each arrow, and what mucked it up if i missed. Also, try to do it in friendlies, it's extra practice that will also help you know when to use them once you get the control down. Other than that; practice, practice, practice.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2008
Do u have any tips on arrow control??
Im just starting to main Pit, and Im terrible with arrow looping:(
I practice on a custom stage and i see no results.
How did u master the arrows?
it takes a lot of practice. first practice in training mode...but don't expect to master it there...cuz you won't. its like an art form. I played for hours tonight and finally got it down. Its an epic mind game. Its not even so much hitting as it is messing with your opponents mind.

Just know that doing an arrow loop quick is impossible...you have to rotate kinda slowly, but not too slowly. just shoot let it go straight for bit. then slowly rotate back on the control pad in a circle pattern, and when you think its heading back hold down. it will just hit the ground next to you, but this is how i knew i was successfully looping. once you know how to successfully loop then work on getting the right angles to perform a full circle and actually hit your opponent. puts a lot of pressure on them in the air.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
The only way your going to get good is by losing. With that being said dont be afraid to shoot arrows and attempt to loop them. SO you get punished at least your going to eventually hit them with somethign they wont expect.
Note: only play to learn when nothing is on the line.
and its jsut practice.

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
it takes a lot of practice. first practice in training mode...but don't expect to master it there...cuz you won't. its like an art form. I played for hours tonight and finally got it down. Its an epic mind game. Its not even so much hitting as it is messing with your opponents mind.

Just know that doing an arrow loop quick is impossible...you have to rotate kinda slowly, but not too slowly. just shoot let it go straight for bit. then slowly rotate back on the control pad in a circle pattern, and when you think its heading back hold down. it will just hit the ground next to you, but this is how i knew i was successfully looping. once you know how to successfully loop then work on getting the right angles to perform a full circle and actually hit your opponent. puts a lot of pressure on them in the air.
What i did/do (I still don't have great or even good control yet, but i'm seeing relatively fast results, so i'll share it with you)

Go to final destination in training mode and just practice looping the arrows(or doing whatever you might be trying to do with them, i assumed arrow looping). Try to "see" them off screen in your mind, and just guide them around. For me, most my progress after I focused on the timing of each arrow, and what mucked it up if i missed. Also, try to do it in friendlies, it's extra practice that will also help you know when to use them once you get the control down. Other than that; practice, practice, practice.

Thanks for the advice:)
I will practice more
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